人类对象世界,The human's Objective World
1)The human's Objective World人类对象世界
2)objective world对象世界
1.Schiller抯 theory have Kent抯 idea as its bases and believes that people live in the world and manage to grasp and conquer the objective world through aesthetic while Bahtin抯 theo.因此,他们所期许的人和世界的关系是不同的,前者,人生活在对象世界中,试图通过审美最终把握对象,克服对象;而后者,人时时步入一种关系世界,寻求第二个世界,但也不排斥对象的世界,这是一种更符合人性的乌托邦。
3)Human world人类世界
1.Practice is not only the bridge to seperate and unite subjective word and objective world but also the bridge to seperate and unite unrestrained world and human world objective world .世界的二重化首先体现为主观世界与客观世界的分化,实践是主观世界与客观世界分化与统一的基础;在主观世界与客观世界分化与统一的过程中,又同时形成了自在世界和人类世界的分化与统一,实践同样是自在世界和人类世界分化与统一的基础。
2.Retrospection on history of Marxist philosophy reveals that after complecting the change of traditional philosophical themes, Marx focused his study on construction of a philosophic model which centered on the “human world”, with “practice”as the noumenon.研究马克思哲学史我们看到,当马克思在实现了对传统哲学的主题转换后,他的哲学创造活动的全部努力就集中在以 人类世界"为中心、以 实践"为本体,构建一种生存论哲学形态。

1.For the use of man in the Garden of Earth.为人类世界各尽其才。
2.Baal threatens the Worldstone- and through it, the mortal realm, itself.巴尔威胁着世界之石,并通过它威胁着人类世界
3.This note shall become the property of the human world, once it touchs the ground of (arrives in) the human world.由这本笔记丢下人类世界的地上开始便是属于人类世界的物件。
4.Two milleniums ago, there was a war between the human world and the other, the Underworld.两千年以前,在人类世界与堕落的世界(魔界)间爆发了一场战争。
5.For the world of humanity possesses two wings: man and woman.人类世界拥有两翼:男性和女性。
6.They became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man.他们卷入与人类世界无休止的争斗中。
7.Motion is one of the most obvious aspects of man's world.运动是人类世界最明显的特点之一。
8.World Citizens for the Preservation of Humanity世界公民保全人类协会
9.Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights世界人类基因组与人权宣言
10.World Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II世界人类住区会议,人居二
11.Human alliance, is the most important apart in the warcraft world.人类联盟,魔兽世界不可分割的主角。
12.because in exploring the physical universe,原因在于人类探索物理世界时,
13.I have wished to understand the hearts of men.我渴望理解人类的内心世界。
14.Federation mondiale des medecins pour le respect de la vie humaine世界尊重人类生命医生联合会
15.World civilizations are the common wealth of mankind.世界文明是人类的共同财富。
16.Human knowledge belongs to the world人类的知识属于这个世界
17.He said human knowledge belongs to the world他说人类的知识属于这个世界
18.Sustainable Human Settlements in an Urbanized World城市化世界的可持续人类住区

objective world对象世界
1.Schiller抯 theory have Kent抯 idea as its bases and believes that people live in the world and manage to grasp and conquer the objective world through aesthetic while Bahtin抯 theo.因此,他们所期许的人和世界的关系是不同的,前者,人生活在对象世界中,试图通过审美最终把握对象,克服对象;而后者,人时时步入一种关系世界,寻求第二个世界,但也不排斥对象的世界,这是一种更符合人性的乌托邦。
3)Human world人类世界
1.Practice is not only the bridge to seperate and unite subjective word and objective world but also the bridge to seperate and unite unrestrained world and human world objective world .世界的二重化首先体现为主观世界与客观世界的分化,实践是主观世界与客观世界分化与统一的基础;在主观世界与客观世界分化与统一的过程中,又同时形成了自在世界和人类世界的分化与统一,实践同样是自在世界和人类世界分化与统一的基础。
2.Retrospection on history of Marxist philosophy reveals that after complecting the change of traditional philosophical themes, Marx focused his study on construction of a philosophic model which centered on the “human world”, with “practice”as the noumenon.研究马克思哲学史我们看到,当马克思在实现了对传统哲学的主题转换后,他的哲学创造活动的全部努力就集中在以 人类世界"为中心、以 实践"为本体,构建一种生存论哲学形态。
4)the consciousness about world and human being世界人类意识
1.Shen Congwen thought that literature classics must be contain the realistic spirit,the historical volume and the consciousness about world and human being,It will be useful of looking for the reason that was short of literature classics in 20th century and creating the new classics in 21th century.沈从文在长期的艺术实践中,形成了他的现实主义品格、历史审美价值、世界人类意识三者相统一的独特经典观。
5)imagery world意象世界
1.It is at the same time art creative activity of the subject in the imagery world,of rich embodiment and far-reaching influen.同时,"梦游"也是主体在意象世界中的艺术创造活动,在中国古典艺术作品中有着十分丰富的体现和深远的影响。
6)simulation world拟象世界

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。