商业店名,Commercial shop name
1)Commercial shop name商业店名
3)specialty store专业商店
4)Law of Commercial Big Shops商业大店法
1.To Promote Sustainable Development of Urban Commercial Ecological Circle with Legislation——Thoughts on Working out the “Law of Commercial Big Shops”;以立法规范促进城市商业生态圈的可持续发展——关于制定《商业大店法》的思考

1.To Promote Sustainable Development of Urban Commercial Ecological Circle with Legislation--Thoughts on Working out the “Law of Commercial Big Shops”;以立法规范促进城市商业生态圈的可持续发展——关于制定《商业大店法》的思考
2.A large, usually wholesale shop.批发商店大的,常从事批发业务的商店
3.Research on Unity and Coordinating of Stores of Shopping-center with Its Modern Big Shopping-center;试论店中店与现代大商业空间的统一和协调
4.Most of the shops in the city won't be closed to business during the Spring Festival春节期间城里大多数商店照常营业。
5.Most of the business entertainment takes place in restaurants.大多数商业活动都在饭店里举行。
6.Most of American businesses are open five days a week.美国绝大多数商店每周营业五天。
7.The shops are closed tomorrow because it is a bank holiday.明天是法定假日, 商店停止营业.
8.I can't go out to the shop yet, it's still teeming with rain.天一直在下着倾盆大雨,我没法去商店。
9.These are available at the Duty Free Shop which is now open.大家可以到免税商店购买这些东西,免税商店现正在营业。
10.a clearance sale,ie one in which all unwanted stock in a shop is sold at reduced prices(商店)清货大贱卖.
11.Most of the big department stores in this city stay open late in the evenings.这座城市的大部分百货商店晚在营业到很晚。
12.A very large commercial establishment that is a combination of a department store and a supermarket.巨型超级市场由商店和超级市场组合成的巨大的商业建筑
13.confectioner's business or shop糖果糕点业或商店.
14.The shops and warehouses are all closed.商店和货栈都停业了。
15.That store opens only on weekdays.这商店只在工作日营业。
16.The shops open at nine in the morning.商店上午九时开始营业。
17.manage a shop, business, factory, etc管理商店、 企业、 工厂等
18.Goods in our shop are on year-end Bargain sale.本店商品,岁末大减价。

3)specialty store专业商店
4)Law of Commercial Big Shops商业大店法
1.To Promote Sustainable Development of Urban Commercial Ecological Circle with Legislation——Thoughts on Working out the “Law of Commercial Big Shops”;以立法规范促进城市商业生态圈的可持续发展——关于制定《商业大店法》的思考
5)a going business开业的商店
6)shop of the street type商业街式商店

专业商店专业商店  专业商店专门经营某种商品或以经营某种商品为主并兼营其连带性商品,或经营某类商品或专门经营某类特定消费者所需商品的零售商店。专业商店是现代经济生活的产物,是生产日益社会化和专业化所必然导致的流通现象。生产的社会化意味着生产的规模化,要求市场容量相应扩大,这就为专业商店的产生提供了前提。而在生产专业化的条件下,商品量急剧增加,商品的花色、品种、规格等也日趋多元化和标准化,于是出现了市场细分化和建立专业商店的要求。商品经济的发展促使人们对商品实体越来越追求考究,要对同类商品进行比较之后才作出购买决策。为消费者提供充分选择余地的专业商店的产生则适应了这一消费需求。专业商店具有以下特点:①商店规模较小。专业商店因其经营品种少,经营规模比综合商店小,其店堂面积、库房面积一般也比较小,但其具体商品的经营规模往往大于综合商店。②经营商品单一。有经营某种商品的专业商店,如经营鞋、帽、化妆品等的专业商店;有经营某种商品为主并兼营其连带性商品的专业商店,如灯具商店以主营各种照明电灯为主营对象,同时兼营灯泡、电线、接线板、灯罩等;还有主营某类商品的专业商店,如皮革制品店、塑料制品店等。无论哪一种,经营商品品种都是单一的。③有鲜明的特色。专业商店供应的商品不仅在品种、规模、花色等方面十分齐全,而且能够满足特定消费对象的特定消费需求。专业商店多选址于城市中心的商业区,其发展呈稳步上升之势。