MSN会话,MSN talk
1)MSN talkMSN会话
1.AIM: To establish methods for identifying the antetype of Compound Qingkailing(Calculus bovis,Concha margaritifera,Radix isatidis,Cornu bubali) in rat serum by HPLC-MS~n and HPLC-TOF-MS.目的:建立大鼠血清中复方清开灵(牛黄、珍珠母、板蓝根、水牛角、黄芩、栀子、金银花)药物原型成分的HPLC-MSn和HPLC-TOF-MS联用分析方法。
2.Analysis of chemical components in Compound Kushen Injection by HPLC-MS~n;目的:明确复方苦参注射液(苦参白土苓)的化学成分,建立含苦参的复方制剂HPLC-MSn鉴定方法。
1.On Non-observance of Co-operative Principle in Conversation;论会话中“不合作现象”
2.This article analyzes the conversation in a text in College English (Completely New Edition) to illustrate the application of the politeness principle in interaction.会话的礼貌原则是语用学研究的一个重要内容 。

1.Conversation Turn-taking and Relevance─Strategies for Verbal Communication;会话 话轮 关联──会话艺术
2.An Analysis of BBS Conversation from the Perspective of Conversation Structure and Turn-Taking从会话结构和话轮转换析BBS会话
3.What is Bob going to pay for?第二节SectionB会话
4.a conversational tone, manner, etc会话语调、 方式等.
5.Rules of Turn-Taking and Inference of Conversational Implicatures in Dialogues;话轮转换规则与“对话”的会话含意推导
6.There is no user session key for the specified logon session.没有指定登录会话的用户会话密钥。
7.The Study of Conversation Model and Conversation Manager for Web Services;Web服务的会话模型和会话管理器研究
8.Conversational Strategies and Intentions of Different Genders;论会话方略及会话意图上的性别差异
9.Courtroom Discourse Analysis in Light of Gricean Conversational Implicature Theory格莱斯会话含义理论下庭审会话分析
10.Select an agent session and click Session Details to view information about that session.选择代理程序会话并单击“会话细节”以查看有关该会话的信息。
11.Conversational Analysis of Telephone Closings in Chinese;汉语电话谈话结束阶段的会话分析研究
12.Analysis of Turn and Turn-taking of Chatting-room Conversations;网络聊天室会话话轮和话轮转换的语用分析
13.To interact with a computer on-line.对话,会话与在线计算机相互作用
14.A telephone conference/a videoconference电话会议/可视电话会议
15.I speak the Shanghai dialect and the Mandarin.我会讲上海话,普通话。
16.People should speak briefly and to the point.会上讲短话,话不离题。
17.Oh! The fish can talk.噢!这条鱼会说话。
18.Gorillas Have a Word for It会“说话”的大猩猩

1.AIM: To establish methods for identifying the antetype of Compound Qingkailing(Calculus bovis,Concha margaritifera,Radix isatidis,Cornu bubali) in rat serum by HPLC-MS~n and HPLC-TOF-MS.目的:建立大鼠血清中复方清开灵(牛黄、珍珠母、板蓝根、水牛角、黄芩、栀子、金银花)药物原型成分的HPLC-MSn和HPLC-TOF-MS联用分析方法。
2.Analysis of chemical components in Compound Kushen Injection by HPLC-MS~n;目的:明确复方苦参注射液(苦参白土苓)的化学成分,建立含苦参的复方制剂HPLC-MSn鉴定方法。
1.On Non-observance of Co-operative Principle in Conversation;论会话中“不合作现象”
2.This article analyzes the conversation in a text in College English (Completely New Edition) to illustrate the application of the politeness principle in interaction.会话的礼貌原则是语用学研究的一个重要内容 。
1.An improved method for session identification in Web usage mining;Web使用挖掘中的一种改进的会话识别方法
2.Research and Realization of Session Defined in PKCS#11;PKCS#11中有关会话实现改进方案
3.Research of session state implementation in ASP .NET;ASP.NET中会话状态实现研究
5)telephone conversation电话会话
1.A typical aim here is to gain a better understanding of cross-cultural communication through a comparative study of diaphonic repetition in Chinese and American students telephone conversations.本文采用会话分析的方法记录和分析10位中国学生和10位美国学生的电话对话,归纳了回应式重复在电话会话中的五大人际意义:表示倾听,表达赞同,进一步确认,表示肯定,挖苦或嘲讽。
2.The research in this paper is a study of the private telephone conversations of a Chinesewith the variation theory as the theoretical guide and Hymes’ ethnography of speaking theoryas the framework for analysis.本文以 Labov 的变异理论和 Hymes 的话语文化学为理论框架,通过个案研究,探讨汉语电话会话变异,阐释社会变量对语言变量的制约影响,揭示变异规律,旨在深化变异研究。
6)MSN protocolMSN协议
1.A MSN protocol monitoring system based on network sniffer was designed and implemented.针对中小规模企业网(Intranet)对即时通信安全的实际需求,对企业广泛使用的MSN Messenger进行协议分析,然后基于网络嗅探(Sniffer)技术,设计并实现了一个MSN协议监控分析系统——MSNAnalyzer。
