二语谜米,second language as a meme
1)second language as a meme二语谜米
1.The Culture Selection in Memetic Theory and Foreign Language Teaching;从谜米理论看文化的选择性与外语教学
2.Based on the theory of meme, this article takes up analysis on how lettered words emerge, why they turn into a meme, how they are transmitted and so on, with a view to making them accessible to the people in using the通过运用谜米的相关理论,对字母词诞生的方法、成为谜米的原因、传播的途径以及成为谜米的心理因素等方面进行了分析,使人们理解和掌握并熟练地使用字母词。
3.Gene is propagated through heredity, while meme is transmitted by imitation and language is one of its carriers.谜米学是一套崭新的理论体系,在文化学和语言学界刮起了一阵旋风。

1.Memetic Approach to Loanwords in Intercultural Communication Contexts;跨文化交际语境下外来词谜米学研究路径
2.Theoretical Framework of Dynamic Semiotics as Seen from the Rise of Memetics;从谜米学的崛起看动态符号学的理论框架
3.The Culture Selection in Memetic Theory and Foreign Language Teaching;从谜米理论看文化的选择性与外语教学
4.Socio-cultural Pragmatic Implications of “Meme”:Pragmatic Anomaly or Pragmatic Adaptability?;语言“谜米”现象——是语用“偏离”还是语用“顺应”?(英文)
5.Memetic Analysis of Internet Buzzwords Transmission网络流行语传播机制的谜米学理论分析
6.Emily Dickinson:A Riddle -An Enigmatic Character艾米莉·狄金森:一个谜——谜一样的人
7.To Soames she was a puzzle.在索米斯眼中,她可说是个谜。
8.solve [find out, guess] a riddle解谜 [找到谜底,猜谜]
9.This mystery served to keep Amelia's gentle bosom in a perpetual flutter of excitement.这个猜不透的谜使温柔的爱米丽亚激动得老是定不下心。
10.Seclusion:Transcending the Conflicts隐居:二元对立的超越——艾米莉·狄金森隐居之谜研究
11.find the answer to/solve a puzzle找到谜底[解开一个谜]
12.The mystery surrounding former Teamsters union leader Jimmy Hoffa revolves around what happened to his body after he disappeared from a Michigan parking lot in1975.关于“佣工国际工人兄弟会”前领导人吉米-霍法的谜团则集中在他的遗体去向上。
13.related to anagrams or containing or making an anagram.与字谜有关的、包含字谜的或构成字谜的。
14.The true riddle is essentially a comparison between the unstated answer and something else that is described in the question.谜语的要素在于谜底与谜面之间的比较。
15.Answer: A bottle of wine.谜底:一瓶葡萄酒。
16.Uncover the Secret of "a=1.37m/s~2";揭开“a=1.37m/s~2”之谜
17.To solve or explain(a riddle or mystery).解开或解释(一个谜语或谜)
18.Riddle my riddle, what is this?给你猜一个谜,你猜这是什么谜?

1.The Culture Selection in Memetic Theory and Foreign Language Teaching;从谜米理论看文化的选择性与外语教学
2.Based on the theory of meme, this article takes up analysis on how lettered words emerge, why they turn into a meme, how they are transmitted and so on, with a view to making them accessible to the people in using the通过运用谜米的相关理论,对字母词诞生的方法、成为谜米的原因、传播的途径以及成为谜米的心理因素等方面进行了分析,使人们理解和掌握并熟练地使用字母词。
3.Gene is propagated through heredity, while meme is transmitted by imitation and language is one of its carriers.谜米学是一套崭新的理论体系,在文化学和语言学界刮起了一阵旋风。
1.This article discusses the riddle from three aspects,the riddle′s lingual characteristics,the figure of speech in riddle,its development in the new period and so on.谜语是中华民族古老文化的珍宝,具有悠久的历史。
2.The riddles and answers are interrelated with metaphorical cognition,so controlling the relation between the superficial meaning of riddles and answers is the key to riddle designing.谜语是根据人类的认知特点设计的语言游戏。
3.The Castle is a story which Kafka told,or a riddle that Kafka designed delicately,but the answer to which has been lost or there has never been any answer at all.《城堡》其实就是卡夫卡讲述的一个有关“城堡”的故事,或者说是他精心设计的一个有关“城堡”的谜语,而谜语的谜底早已失落,或者说它根本就不存在。
1.It is helpful fora teacher to have a repertoire of techniques, such as using visual aids, context, games and riddles, to achieve an effective teaching.英语教师可以通过英语释义、语境、游戏和谜语等方法和手段教词汇,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,提高英语教学质量。
2.With the development of society, the linguistic arts with a long history change and renew continously, especially the English riddles.谜语是一种大众喜闻乐见的游戏形式,历史悠久,蕴含着精湛的语言艺术,随着社会发展,它不断演变和更新,尤其是英语谜语更耐人寻味。
6)English riddles英语谜语

二语【二语】 (术语)又谓之两舌。即前后相违之语也。大集经十曰:“须弥可说口吹动,不可说佛有二语。”