中央体系,periférique systeme
1)periférique systeme中央体系
2)central mountain system中央山系
1.According to the shifting of Yellow River from the historic recorder of 2603 years and the evolutionary history of Dongping Lake, this paper proposes that the elevation and decline caused by collision and relexation of the eastern sector of the central mountain system in our country are the important factors influencing on the shifting of Yellow River and the evolution of Dongping Lake.根据 2 6 0 3a有史记载以来黄河河道变迁和春秋以来东平湖演变历史 ,本文提出我国中央山系东段碰撞和松弛导致的地势上升和下降是影响黄河河道变迁和东平湖演变的重要因素。
3)central system中央系统
1.the central system and local system,of which the former played the leading role and the latter played a supplementary role.从出巡使臣的职责范围看,南朝较之汉晋有不断扩大的趋向,其职权范围逐步扩大到诸如考课、监察、赈恤、举贤、教化等重要领域;从巡行形式上看,此时的遣使巡行一分为二,正式分张为中央和地方两大系统,逐步形成中央系统主导、地方系统辅助和补充的格局。
2.The central system was divided into two degrees i.中央系统的中正组织依旧分为州郡两级 ,地方系统的中正组织则分为州郡县三级。
4)breast line中央系索
5)central Manchuria中央满系
6)central body中央体

1.CIAA (Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association)大学间中央体育协会
2.CPU architecture中央处理机体系结构
3.the old system of centralized planning economy旧的中央计划经济体制
4.The Sports Channel on CCTV.中央电视台体育频道。
5.Central Bank for Economic Integration经济一体化中央银行
6.A medial line, especially the medial line or plane of the body.中线中央的线,尤指身体的中线或中央的平面
7.On the Harmonization of Central Banking;论中央银行的纵向一体化与基层央行职能
8.The local authorities, for their part, should have in mind the whole, the central authorities and the principle of centralized and unified guidance, subordinating themselves to the central authorities.在地方来讲,则应照顾全体、中央和集中统一,以中央为主体。
9.The Three Generations of the Communist Party s Collective Leadership and China s Industrialization;中共中央三代领导集体与中国工业化
10.The central authorities, the whole and the principle of centralized and unified guidance must play such a role.一定要以中央、全体、集中统一作主导。
11.The Research on the Evolution of the Central Administration in Ancient China;中国古代中央行政管理体制沿革略论
12.Frontier and Central:Unified Diversity of the Chinese Nation;边疆与中央:中华民族从多元走向一体
13.an umbrella organization, group, project作为中央管理机构的组织、 作为中央管理机构的团体、 总项目.
14.Central-local Relationship as Two Classifications under Unitary State System--On developing balance under China s centralized central-local relationship;单一制下中央地方关系体制应作两类划分——我国中央集权式中央地方关系的动态平衡
16.Disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of central nucleus microspore.22.单核中央期小孢子细胞质开始解体。
17.The central leadership can exercise macrocontrol only if its instructions are carried out.宏观管理要体现在中央说话能够算数。
18.Here I am speaking of the Central Committee as a whole.这是讲中央委员会的整体。

central mountain system中央山系
1.According to the shifting of Yellow River from the historic recorder of 2603 years and the evolutionary history of Dongping Lake, this paper proposes that the elevation and decline caused by collision and relexation of the eastern sector of the central mountain system in our country are the important factors influencing on the shifting of Yellow River and the evolution of Dongping Lake.根据 2 6 0 3a有史记载以来黄河河道变迁和春秋以来东平湖演变历史 ,本文提出我国中央山系东段碰撞和松弛导致的地势上升和下降是影响黄河河道变迁和东平湖演变的重要因素。
3)central system中央系统
1.the central system and local system,of which the former played the leading role and the latter played a supplementary role.从出巡使臣的职责范围看,南朝较之汉晋有不断扩大的趋向,其职权范围逐步扩大到诸如考课、监察、赈恤、举贤、教化等重要领域;从巡行形式上看,此时的遣使巡行一分为二,正式分张为中央和地方两大系统,逐步形成中央系统主导、地方系统辅助和补充的格局。
2.The central system was divided into two degrees i.中央系统的中正组织依旧分为州郡两级 ,地方系统的中正组织则分为州郡县三级。
4)breast line中央系索
5)central Manchuria中央满系
6)central body中央体

中央1.四方之中。 2.中间。 3.古指国君。 4.今指国家政权或政治团体的最高领导机构。 5.古代以五方配五行,中央表土,土色黄,故又以中央代表黄色。