英汉比喻,English and Chinese analogy
1)English and Chinese analogy英汉比喻
1.This paper makes a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between English and Chinese analogy through the perspective of contrastive linguistics,cognitive linguistics and cultural background,and then discusses the English and Chinese translation methods.本文从对比语言学、认知语言学和文化背景的角度对比分析英汉比喻的共同之处及差异,并在此基础上探讨了英汉比喻的翻译方法。

1.Vehicle and metaphorical meaning in cultural context of Chinese and English trope;从喻体和喻义看英汉比喻的文化差异
2.The Dissimilarities in the Choice of Vehicles between English and Chinese Figurative Idioms;浅析英汉比喻中喻体选择的文化因素
3.Cultural Difference in Animal Targets of English and Chinese Metaphors;从以动物为喻体的英汉比喻中看文化差异
4.A Comparison Between Chinese biyu and English Metaphor;Metaphor和比喻:英汉比较研究
5.The Contrast and the Translation of English and Chinese Images;英汉习语型比喻中喻体的比较与翻译
6.Metaphorical Sentences:A Contrastive Study in English and Chinese英汉隐喻句对比研究英汉隐喻句对比研究
7.A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Color Words in Metaphors and Metonymies;汉英隐喻、换喻颜色词的比较与研究
8.A Study of Chinese and English Death Metaphors and the Translation of Chinese Death Metaphors into English;汉英“死亡”隐喻对比及汉语“死亡”隐喻的英译
9.Comparison between English and Chinese language and culture in terms of metaphors in"colorful "words;从颜色词的比喻义比较英汉语言文化
10.Comparisons of Figure of Speech in English and Chinese Idioms英语和汉语中习用性比喻的对比分析
11.Metaphor and Metonymy of Face--Based on the Chinese-English Corpus of Face;“脸”的隐喻与转喻——基于“脸”的汉英语料对比研究
12.Consideration of Culture Types of Metaphor and Translation in English Metaphor;对英语比喻辞格中喻体文化类型及汉译的思考
13.Figures Cultural Implication Correspondence Between Chinese and English:A Key To Translating Figurative Expressions;英汉喻体文化内涵对接与比喻性词语的翻译
14.Metaphors Non--equivalence in Chinese--English Translation;从动物设喻看汉英翻译中比喻用语的不对应
15.National characteristics shown in the choice of vehicles in corresponding English and Chinese figurative idioms;英汉对应比喻性习语中喻体选用的民族性
16.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Negative Emotion Metaphors from the Theoretical Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor概念隐喻视角的英汉消极情感隐喻比较研究
17.A Comparative Study of Metaphors of Love in English and Chinese Poems;英汉语诗歌中“爱情”隐喻的对比研究
18.A Contrastive Study of Grammatical Metaphor in English and Chinese News Discourse;英汉新闻语篇中的语法隐喻对比研究

Chinese and English Metaphor汉英比喻
3)A Comparative Study between Chinese and English Metaphors汉英比喻之比较
4)A Study on the Differences between Chinese and English Figurative Word Building汉英比喻造词比较
5)A Comparative Survey on Chinese and English Figures of Speech汉英比喻对比研究
6)differences between Chinese and English metaphor英汉隐喻对比研究
1.Through analyzing the frequent cases of negative transfer in Chinese intermediate and advanced English learners,the differences between Chinese and English metaphor are pointed out to be the prime causes,which further prove the significance of study on differences between Chinese and English metaphor at intermediate and advanced stage of English learning.文章通过分析以汉语为母语的中高级英语学习者在学习过程中常出现的几种负迁移现象,指出英汉间隐喻概念上的差异是导致这类负迁移的主要原因,进而证明英汉隐喻对比研究在英语学习中高级阶段的重要意义。
