在穗农民工,migrant-workers in Guangzhou
1)migrant-workers in Guangzhou在穗农民工
1.The number of migrant-workers in Guangzhou,who come from all over China,is big,which brings significance to an investigation in their language use and attitude.在穗农民工对普通话的态度比较积极,认同感较强。

1.A Survey on Language Use and Language Attitude of Migrant-workers in Guangzhou在穗农民工语言使用与语言态度调查研究
2.The weaver fringed the edge of the scarf.织工在围巾边上装穗
3.This scientist advised farmers to choose the best seed - heads.科学家建议农民选出最好的种子穗。
4.A farmer is a person who works on the farm.农民就是在农场工作的人。
5.They would be willing to work in the country and would not look down on the farmers.他们自愿在农村工作,决不轻视农民。
6.S2: I am a farmer. I work on farm.学生2:我是农民。我在农场工作。
7.An Analysis of Nongovernmental Organizations' Function on Safeguarding Migrant Workers' Rights浅析民间组织在农民工维权中的作用
8.What country girl wouldn't know about gathering wheat stalks!在农村长大的姑娘谁还不知道拣麦穗这回事。
9.See the disappearance that the rural worker educates from "the civilian worker neglects"--Function in citizens transform to talk about education and train the rural worker;从“民工荒”看农民工教育的缺失——兼议教育培训在农民工市民化转化中的作用
10.He can see farmhouses. He can see farmers working in the fields.他能看见农舍。他能看见农民在田野里工作。
11.On the Role of Migrant Workers in the Construction of Spiritual Civilization in Rural Areas;论农民工在新农村精神文明建设中的作用
12.What is the significance of this workers' and peasants' revolution?这场工人农民革命的意义何在?
13.Internally, the workers and the peasants are the basic force.在国内,工人和农民是基本力量。
14.The workers and peasants suffered the most deeply in the old society.工人和农民在旧社会受苦最深。
15.Hence the vital importance of the Party's work among the peasants.因此,党在农民中的工作非常重要。
16.Farmers used to hire themselves out for the summer.农民们过去经常整个夏天在外面打工。
17.Workers and peasants are the exploited classes in the old society.在旧社会工人农民是被剥削的阶级。
18.Research on the Outsourcing of Recruiting Farmer Worker;招聘外包及其在农民工招聘中的应用

rural peasant-laborers在乡农民工
1.As two social groups,rural peasant-laborers and urban peasant-laborers are formed in different social and historical conditions.在乡农民工与进城农民工是在两种不同社会历史条件下形成的社会群体。
3)Beijing Nongmingong在京农民工
1.A Study on Beijing Nongmingong's Language Situation;在京农民工语言状况研究
4)peasant-worker on duty在岗农民工
5)peasant migrant在城农民
6)farmers/ farmer laborers农民/农民工
