认知语言学研究,cognitive linguistics research
1)cognitive linguistics research认知语言学研究
1.During the 30 years since the opening- door and reforming, the linguistics researches in China, cognitive linguistics research included, have made great achievements.开放改革30年,我国语言学研究包括认知语言学研究取得了很大的成绩。

1.Text,Metaphor and Cognize:A Cognitive Linguistical Study on Riddles文本·隐喻·认知:灯谜的认知语言学研究
2.A Cognitive Semantic Analysis of the Chinese Polysemous Word "Li";汉语多义词“立”的认知语言学研究
3.Cognitive Linguistics in China;认知语言学在中国——中国认知语言学研究十年调查与分析
4.A Cognitive Approach to the Incongruity and Resolution of Verbal Humor;言语幽默乖讹与消解机制的认知语言学研究
5.Cognitive Linguistics Research on Chinese Dishes and Its Translation;中式菜名及其英译的认知语言学研究
6.Recent Studies of Cognitive Linguistics and Its Applications to English Language Teaching;认知语言学研究现状及其在外语教学中的应用
7.Noun to Verb Shift in Contemporary English: From the Perspectives of Systemic Functional Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics;现代英语名转动的系统功能及认知语言学研究
8.A Study of the Characteristics of Tourism English from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;旅游英语特征研究的认知语言学视角
9.Linguistic Study and Cognitive Anthropology--Cognitive Science at the Turn of the Century;语言研究和认知人类学——世纪之交的认知科学(一)
10.Keywords] Cognitive Linguistics; Research areas; ICLC; Statistic analysis.[关键词]认知语言学;研究热点;认知语言学国际会议;统计分析。
11.Comparative Study Between Chomsky′s Linguistic Theories and Cognitive Linguistics;乔姆斯基语言理论和认知语言学对比研究
12.The Place and Role of Cognitive Linguistics in Language Study;认知语言学在语言研究中的地位和作用
13.A Review of Teacher Cognition and Language Education:Research and Practice教师认知视角下的语言教学——评《教师认知与语言教育——研究与实践》
14.On English Translation of Antique Names from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;认知语言学视角下文物名称英译研究
15.A Study of Translator s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;认知语言学视阈下的译者主体性研究
16.Current Situation and Forecast of Cognitive Linguistics Research in China;认知语言学在中国的研究现状和展望
17.Review of the Chinese Empirical Studies on Meta-cognition;中国语言学习中元认知实证研究述评
18.Overview the Psycholinguistic Research of the Cognitive Differences etween Nouns and Verbs;名、动词认知差异的心理语言学研究

Cognitive Studies of Language语言的认知研究
3)cognitive linguistics认知语言学
1.Integration of Cognitive Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis;试论认知语言学与批评话语分析的融合
2.The Recontextualization of Cognitive Linguistics and its Implication for FLT;认知语言学的回归语境化及其对外语教学的启示
3.Embodied Conceptualization:A New Semantic View of Cognitive Linguistics;认知语言学的意义新观:体验性概念化——十三论语言体验性
4)A Cognitive Study of Military Terms军语的认知研究
5)A Cognitive-pragmatic Approach认知语用研究
6)linguistic studies语言学研究
1.It’s common for coexist of different epistemology, methodology and different dimensions in linguistic studies.语言学研究的不同认识论、方法论及不同的研究维度的存在是必然的,多个语言学理论并存、理论间的平等对话与理论共性的整合是语言学研究和谐发展的基础。

认知认知cognition  认知(cognltion)亦译“认识”}现代认知心理学的一个重要概念。从广义上讲,认知指人的认识活动,包括知觉、记忆、思维、想像、学习、语言理解和产生等心理现象。认知过程是一种信息加工过程,可以分为刺激的接收、编码、存储、提取和利用等一系列阶段。从狭义上讲,认知有时等同于记忆或思维。这种理解和某些心理学家研究的重点有关。 (谭立海撰彭瑞龄审)