多源界说,multi-source defi nition
1)multi-source defi nition多源界说
2)mono-source defi nition单源界说
3)polygenesis theory多源说

1.There are three points of view on origins of Hainan Li Nationality. That is Southern Immigrants hypothesis, Northern Immigrants hypothesis, and Bi-immigrants or Multi-immigrants hypothesis.有关海南黎族的族源 ,总的来说有三种意见 ,即南来说、北来说以及两源和多源说
2.There are many stories about how the Lantern Festival started.关于元宵节的起源有多种传说。
3.Aristotle′s Doctrine of Logic:Its Origin and Development亚里士多德逻辑学说的“源”与“流”
4.An Exploration of the Philosophical Reason of Iris Murdoch s Outlook on Novel-writing;艾丽丝·默多克小说观的哲学根源探讨
5.Aristotelian Logical Theory Has a Certain Origin Relation with His Language Study亚里士多德的逻辑学说与语言的渊源关系研究
6.How to strengthen college listening and speaking teaching with the aid of multi-media source;借助多媒体资源,强化大学英语听说教学
7.A Historical Analysis of the Four Propositions about the Origins of Capitalism in a Multipluralism;多棱镜中的历史——四种资本主义起源说评述
8.The Motif of One Becoming More and Buddhist Scriptures明清小说“一以化多”母题的佛经文献来源
9.They say this may have caused Beethoven's many sicknesses.他们说这可能是造成贝多芬一生多疾缠身的根源。
10.To listen more, to read more, and to speak more.多听、多读、多说。
11.When asked about the biggest problem today, many people say that it is the serious energy crisis.当问起世界上现在最大的问题是什么,许多人说是严重的能源危机。
12.For a lot of webmasters affiliate programs are the largest income generated by their website.对于多数网络管理员来说,”会员制营销”是网站收入的最大源泉。
13.Most blind beliefs in heretical ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality.一些同志对歪理邪说和各种忌讳的迷信,大多源于某种宗教心理。
14.She says that much of her self-sufficiency derives from being a latchkey child when she was young.她说她的自给自足的习性大多源自幼小时一段挂钥匙的儿童生活。
15.“ This problem has many culprits,” explains Dr.“这种病有很多罪魁祸首,”罗塞博士解释说,“有时侯它源于环境因素。
16.In other words, the tropics do, indeed, act as cradles of biodiversity.换句话说,热带地区确实起着生物多样性之源的作用。
17.Continuously, people think that Aristotelian logical theory derives from mathematics.一直以来,人们认为亚里士多德的逻辑学说是起源于数学的。
18.College English Teaching for Listening and Speaking Based on Multi-Media and Network;基于多媒体与网络资源整合的大学英语听说教学

mono-source defi nition单源界说
3)polygenesis theory多源说
4)polyphyletic theory多元说;多源说
6)"the hypothesis of "many information source""多种信息源"假说
1.Our investigation can’t support the hypothesis of "many information source", but partially support the hypothesis of "noisy proxy".研究部分支持了Chordia和Shivakumar(2006)所提出的"噪声代理变量"假说,而未支持了Chan等(1996)所提出的"多种信息源"假说。
