超越界说,beyond-the-source defi nition
1)beyond-the-source defi nition超越界说
2)passing novel越界小说
1.They explored the social situation and the psychological bewilderment of the mulattoes, analyzed the various social and ideological roots of passing for white, and exposed the adsurdity of the racial and color discrimination, making the passing novels become the true record of the black racial consciousness and the identity inquiry.在哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的众多文学作品中,描写“冒充白人”现象的越界小说占据突出位置,集中反映了美国黑人的种族意识、身份困惑和认同危机,以及他们为追求自我和种族平等所付出的艰辛努力。
3)theory of surpassing超越说
1.The article puts forward four propositions (moral-academic, superman, integration, leadership) and theory of surpassing on great master: a great master is the one who surpasses his time and place and obtains significant achievement; and the achievement of a great master comprises theoretical, methodological and practical contribution.本文把有关大师的见解总结为四种论说,即双馨说、超人说、会通说和领头说,在此基础上提出了大师的“超越说”,认为大师是在理论与实践领域取得超越时代与区域性重大成就的人,而大师的贡献主要体现为理论贡献、方法贡献与实践贡献。
4)transcending boundaries超越界限

1.Transcending Boundaries and Fashioning Herself - On Elizabeth Jolley s distinguishing artistic features seen in her two novels;超越界限 塑造自我——评当代澳大利亚女作家伊丽莎白·乔利的个性创作
2.The exceeding of due bounds or limits.越界超过正当的界限或限制
3.The point, edge, or line beyond which something cannot or may not proceed.界限不能或不可能超越的点、边、线
4.There are some parliament members who cut across party lines.有一些议员超越了党派的界限。
5.Her manners transgressed the Bounds of good taste她的行为超越了高尚的界限。
6.Persons swimming beyond this point do so at their own risk.游泳者超越此界限若有意外后果自负.
7.Persons swimming beyond this pointdo so at their own risk, ie No one else will take responsibilityfor whatever happens to them.游泳者超越此界限若有意外後果自负.
8.Thinking about the Limit Wittgenstein on the Subject Beyond Empirical Subject;界限之思——维特根斯坦对于经验主体的超越
9.A Condition and Limit of Forgiveness--Consciousness of Misery, Anamnestic Reason , Limited Transcendance;宽恕的条件和界限——苦难意识、记忆理性和有限度的超越性
10.The Abnormal Love beyond Morality--An Exploration of the Tragic Lot of the Hero and Heroine in Lolita;超越道德界限的不伦之恋——《洛丽塔》男女主人公悲剧命运剖析
11.Don't exceed the speed limit.不要超越行车速度限制。
12.has crossed the margin of civilized Behavior.超越了文明行为的限度
13.extension to or beyond the ordinary limit.超越普通极限的扩展。
14.To go beyond the normal or desired limit.超过限度超越正常渴望的限度
15.The tournament is being held on the finest stage in the world, one whose symbolism far transcends the boundaries of sport.本届世界杯将在全世界最好的赛场进行,它的象征意义已经远远超越体育的界限。
16.Preliminary Exploration about the Idea of Space and Time by Si Maqian;有限对无限的超越:司马迁时空观初探
17.advance beyond the usual limit.超出通常的界限行动。
18.Beyond the designated boundaries or limits.出界的超出指定的界限或边界的

passing novel越界小说
1.They explored the social situation and the psychological bewilderment of the mulattoes, analyzed the various social and ideological roots of passing for white, and exposed the adsurdity of the racial and color discrimination, making the passing novels become the true record of the black racial consciousness and the identity inquiry.在哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的众多文学作品中,描写“冒充白人”现象的越界小说占据突出位置,集中反映了美国黑人的种族意识、身份困惑和认同危机,以及他们为追求自我和种族平等所付出的艰辛努力。
3)theory of surpassing超越说
1.The article puts forward four propositions (moral-academic, superman, integration, leadership) and theory of surpassing on great master: a great master is the one who surpasses his time and place and obtains significant achievement; and the achievement of a great master comprises theoretical, methodological and practical contribution.本文把有关大师的见解总结为四种论说,即双馨说、超人说、会通说和领头说,在此基础上提出了大师的“超越说”,认为大师是在理论与实践领域取得超越时代与区域性重大成就的人,而大师的贡献主要体现为理论贡献、方法贡献与实践贡献。
4)transcending boundaries超越界限
5)boundary transcendence超越边界
6)Across Frontiers《超越国界》
