等值对立,equivalent opposition
1)equivalent opposition等值对立
2)equipollent opposition均等对立
3)value confrontation价值对立
4)partly equivalence相对等值

1.A Discussion on the Issue of Equivalent Translation and Relatively Equivalent Translation in Translating Miao s Cultural Idioms into English;论苗族文化俗语的等值英译与相对等值英译
2.On the Phenomenon of the Relative Translation Equivalence in Intercultural Communication;浅析跨文化交际中的“相对等值”现象
3.On Translation Equivalence from Language and Cultural Divergence;从英汉语言文化差异看翻译的相对等值
4.The Great Influence of Cultural Divergence on Equivalence Translation of Cultural Words in A Dream of Red Mansions;从文化差异看翻译的相对等值——《红楼梦》文化词语译谭
5.relative equivalent相对当量,相对等效值
6."Equivalent:Equal, as in value, force, or meaning."相等:在价值上、效果上、意义上相当、对等.
7.Equal, as in value, force, or meaning.相等在价值上、效果上、意义上相当、对等
8.Equality, as in amount, status, or value.相等,等值如在数量、地位或价值上相等
9.Text,Culture,Translator-On the Relativity of Translation Equivalence;文本·文化·译者——浅谈等值翻译的相对性
10.Being the same or identical to in value.等值的价值相同或相等的
11.Use graduated colors to indicate relative values. Graduate evenly between the smallest and largest value.使用分级颜色指示相对数值。在最大值和最小值之间等分。
12.consider carefully the relative value or importance of sth仔细考虑某事物的相对价值或重要性等;
13.On the Relativity of the Theory of Translation Equivalence-From the Perspective of Cultural Differences;从跨文化差异的视角探讨翻译等值论的相对性
14.Numerical study of the dispersion laws of the unmagnetized relativistic plasmons;相对论性非磁化等离激元色散关系的数值解
15.Re-defining"Equivalence":from Equivalence to Correspondence;重释“等值”:从“对等”到“对应”
16.the quality of being similar or corresponding in position or value or structure or function.在性质上相似或在位置、价值、结构、功能等方面相对应。
17.essential equality and interchangeability.价值相等,可以互换。
18.A join that involves matching values in a field from one relation with those in a corresponding field in another relation.一种联接,其中涉及到使一种关系字段中的数值与另一种关系相对应字段中的数值相等的联接。

equipollent opposition均等对立
3)value confrontation价值对立
4)partly equivalence相对等值
5)equivalent counterparts等值对应
6)equality degree of object对象等值度
1.Attribute reduction based on equality degree of objects in incomplete information systems;不完备信息系统中基于对象等值度的属性约简
