语言人类中心说,language human-centered approach
1)language human-centered approach语言人类中心说
1.The paper,based on the theory of eco-linguistics,is intended to make analysis of interrelatinship between language and human beings,animals and plants in terms of three forms of the language human-centered approach.本文以生态语言学理论为基础,从语言人类中心说的3种表现形式入手,分析了语言和人类、动植物之间的相互作用关系,促使人们思考如何通过人类自身的语言行为使人类和周围各生物群体更好地和谐共生、协同进化。

1.A Study on the Language Human-Centered Approach in Light of Eco-linguistics试析生态语言学视角下的语言人类中心说
2.Isabella Moore of Cilt said: "The UK needs linguists and people who can speak a language as an adjunct to other skills.国家语言中心的伊莎贝拉·摩尔说:“英国需要语言学家和会说外语的各类人才。”
3.On Non-spoken Language Expressing Figure s Psychology in LU Xun s Novels;鲁迅小说中承载人物心理活动的无声语言
4.From Language to Mind:the Theoretic Progress of Cognitive Anthropology;从语言到心智:认知人类学的理论进展
5.The Tungusic language of the Manchu.满语满族人的通古斯语族中心语言
6.Noun is one of the basic word classes in human languages.名词是人类语言中的基本词类之一。
7.Some people said they found the use of drugs in the film more worrying than the bad language.一些人说,电影中使用毒品比不良语言更使人担心。
8.The Missing Links in Human Evolution and the Origin of Language;人类进化中的“缺失环节”和语言的起源
9.Aesthetic Characteristics of Oral Language Used by Characters in Chinese Novels;中国小说人物语言的审美特色——中国小说语言美学系列之六
10.High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements utilizing words and syntax from human language.高级语言是利用人类语言中的词和句法的一套相对复杂的语句。
11.Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in the use of language.委婉语是人类语言使用过程中的一种常见的语言现象。
12.Language is learned by echoing the words of others.语言就在模仿别人的说话中学得。
13.The Overtness and Covertness in Translating the Characters Language of Mini-fictions;微型小说中人物语言翻译的“显”和“隐”
14.Regarding human beings as the central element of the universe.人类中心说的把人类看成宇宙的核心元素的
15.The Humanism of Lang wage--The Function of Language in Society;语言的人文性——试论语言在人类社会中的重要作用
16.On Context and Genre--A Comparative Study Between Farewell Speeches and Obtuaries;语境在语类中的语言体现——告别演说和讣告的对比研究
17.The Role of Markedness and Psychotypology in Language Transfer;标记性和心理类型在语言迁移中的作用
18.Either or both of the two languages of the Aleut.阿留申语阿留申人所说的两种语言或其中之一语言

3)Hypothesis on Oneness into which All Human Languages Will Merge人类语言归一假说
4)oral language used by characters in Chinese novels中国小说人物语言
5)human language人类语言
1.Based on the characteristics of human language, a language dynamic system with Z_n-symmetry is proposed in this paper.结合人类语言本身的特点,该文提出了一类具有Zn对称性的语言动力系统,并用定性的方法分析了该模型的性质,所得结果较好地反映了人类语言进化的特点。
6)the central language中心语言
1.Paul Benedict, an American linguist, regarded the Jingpo language as the central language but did not give it a systematic analysis in his Sino - Tibetan: A Conspectus.美国语言学家白保罗先生在《汉藏语概论》一书中提出了景颇语是藏缅语“中心语言”的观点,但对于什么是“中心语言”,以及景颇语为什么是藏缅语的中心语言,并没有系统论述过。

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。