后双言制社区,post-diglossia speech community
1)post-diglossia speech community后双言制社区
2)two-way transfer treatment system in community社区双向转诊制
3)speech community言语社区
1.A study on vogue vocabulary used by college student speech community;大学生言语社区流行语述评
2.The studies of language variation can address the issue of "uniformity" of speech community.社会语言学近期的发展显示了语言变异研究与言语社区理论相结合的趋势,但是对言语社区内部的"一致性"问题还存在着争议。
3.The theory of speech community is a very important theory in sociolinguistics.言语社区理论是社会语言学中一个重要的理论,该理论的构建还不够成熟,亟待发展。

1.A Preliminary Study of the Language Attitudes of Pinghua Dialect Community in the Process of Urbanization城镇化进程中平话言语社区语言态度初探
2.The Features of Constitutional Essentials in Spoken Language Community and Their Dialectical Relationship;言语社区构成要素的特点与辩证关系
3.A Study of Gender Differences in Compliments--from the Perspective of a Village Speech Community称赞语中的性别差异:中国乡村言语社区视角
4.Linguistic Variability and the Uniformity of Speech Community:A Quantitative Analysis of Nasal Variation in Mandarin Chinese;语言的变异性与言语社区的一致性——北方话鼻韵尾变异的定量分析
5.New Thinking on the Theory of Speech Community“言语社区”理论的新思考——以在京农民工言语共同体为例
6.Interrelationship of the Fundamental Elements of a Speech Community and their Roles言语社区基本要素的关系和作用——以合肥科学岛社区为例
7.a bilingual community通用两种语言的社区.
8.Building for Community The Graphic Language towards Scenario Community社区营造 迈向情景社区的图像语言
9.The Study of the Chinese Language Socialization of the Senior School Students of the Dong in Northern Area;侗族北部方言区高中生汉语言社会化问题研究
10.Nonverbal Communication Arts in Community Sports in Building a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会下社区体育中非语言艺术的探究
11.A Survey on Mongolian Language Used by Mongolian Community in Beijing;北京市典型蒙语社区蒙古族语言使用情况调查
12.The noises such as cries and whimpers of the new born in all language communities sound the same.无论哪个语言社区的新生儿都发出同样的声音。
13.The Evolution and Characteristics Types of Minority Language Communities in Beijing;北京少数民族语言社区的历史沿革及类型特征
14.The Mirror of Culture: An Analysis into the Linguistic Status in a Tujia Community;文化的镜子——一个土家族社区的语言现状分析
15.Language of Hui Nationality and Mosque Surrounding Areas and Kindergartens in Hui Nationality Communities;回族语言、回族教坊与回族社区幼儿教育
16.The Distinction between Language and Speech (Langue et Parole) and the Standardization of Language and Words;语言和言语的区分与语言文字规范化
17.Social Linguistic Research and Analysis on the Validity of Noncommercial Slogans of Shanghai;上海市区户外非商业性标语口号有效性的社会语言学调查和分析
18.A Sociolinguistic Study of Bilingual Public Signs in the City of Beijing:Theory and Methodology;北京地区双语公共标识的社会语言学调查——理论方法篇

two-way transfer treatment system in community社区双向转诊制
3)speech community言语社区
1.A study on vogue vocabulary used by college student speech community;大学生言语社区流行语述评
2.The studies of language variation can address the issue of "uniformity" of speech community.社会语言学近期的发展显示了语言变异研究与言语社区理论相结合的趋势,但是对言语社区内部的"一致性"问题还存在着争议。
3.The theory of speech community is a very important theory in sociolinguistics.言语社区理论是社会语言学中一个重要的理论,该理论的构建还不够成熟,亟待发展。
4)community language社区语言
5)the speech community言语社区
1.On the background which Nongmingong and their children attract attention of all people, this paper is written according to the theory of the speech community of sociolinguistics and microscopically language investigation theory, and its analytic ways are the means of spot checking and quantitative analysis combination with the statistical means of Microsoft office and spss13.在外来农民工和外来民工子女越来越受到政府和社会各界关注的背景下,我们根据社会语言学的言语社区理论和宏观语言调查理论,采用社会语言学的抽样调查、定量分析的方法,使用Microsoftoffice软件和spss13。
2.Last,three characteristics of the Speech Community are put forward about the immigrant workers\' Offspring:Open and dummy,extensive and relaxative,flowing and heterogeneous.本文首先探讨了社会学中的社区理论和语言学中的言语社区理论的关系,并进一步讨论了言语社区的主要构成要素和主要的认定标准——"主观认同性"。
6)post-disaster community灾后社区
