疑问话语/疑问句,interrogative discourse/ interrogative sentence
1)interrogative discourse/ interrogative sentence疑问话语/疑问句
1.In view of the fact that most domestic researches on women\'s interrogative discourses are based on research data from abroad,this paper chooses COLSEC,inspects Chinese women learners\' use of interrogatives in spoken English and analyses the pragmatic functions each interrogative type performs as they are located in different positions in a turn.鉴于国内关于女性疑问话语的研究多基于国外的研究数据,通过对大学学习者英语口语语料库COLSEC的研究,考察了中国女性英语学习者在口语中使用疑问句的情况,并分析了疑问句分处话轮不同位置时所具有的语用功能。

1.The Inferences of the Indirect Intention of Interrogative Discourses--The serial research of philosophy of language(11)疑问话语间接意向的推断——语言哲学系列探索(11)
2.Pragmatic Analyses of Female English Learners'Interrogatives A Spoken Corpus Based Study女性英语学习者疑问话语语用分析——一项基于口语语料库的研究
3.Restriction of the Modern Chinese Interrogative Sentence to the Conversation Structure Shape;现代汉语疑问句对会话结构的结构形态制约
4.The semantic and syntactic roles of the interrogative particle va(口伐) in the Shanghai dialect;上海话疑问成分“(口伐)”的语义及句法地位
5.A Probe into the Mechanism of Interrogative Sentences and Their Principal Derivatives form Contexts;疑问及疑问衰变──谈英语疑问句语法化问题
6.The Topic-in Question and Proposition-in Question in the Interrogative System of Shanghai Dialect;上海方言的话题疑问句与命题疑问句
7.Pragmatic Functions of Tag Questions in Chinese Doctor-Patient Interaction: A Case Study;中国医患对话中附加疑问句语用功能的个案研究
8.Is the Chinese Particle “Ne” a Question Operator in Wh-questions?;语气词“呢”在疑问句中是疑问算子吗?
9.an interrogative look, glance, remark, etc疑问的神情、 目光、 言语等
10.The indirect question below has a rising intonation.间接疑问句用上升语调。
11.indirect questionph.1. 【语】间接疑问句
12.Any comments or questions?有任何评语或疑问吗?
13.Differences and Similarities between Shuiyan Dialect Interrogatime Sentence and Mandarian Interrogative Sentence;绥阳方言的疑问句与普通话疑问句的异同
14.Textual Research On Some Words Contained In Dictionary Of Chinese Language;《汉语大词典》之《金瓶梅词话》词语疑诂
15.A discussion of Subject Deletion in Tag-question;小议英语反意疑问句中主语省略问题
16.An Investigation into the Non-interrogative Usage of Chinese Interrogative Words from a Set Concept Perspective;基于集合概念的汉语疑问代词非疑问用法研究
17.Questionless Questions--reclassification of questions as pragmatic entities;无疑而问——语用视角下疑问句的分类管窥
18.The Incredulity Toward Metanarratives in Pynchon s Vineland;论品钦《葡萄园》中对元话语的怀疑

1.In view of the fact that most domestic researches on women\'s interrogative discourses are based on research data from abroad,this paper chooses COLSEC,inspects Chinese women learners\' use of interrogatives in spoken English and analyses the pragmatic functions each interrogative type performs as they are located in different positions in a turn.鉴于国内关于女性疑问话语的研究多基于国外的研究数据,通过对大学学习者英语口语语料库COLSEC的研究,考察了中国女性英语学习者在口语中使用疑问句的情况,并分析了疑问句分处话轮不同位置时所具有的语用功能。
3)topic-in question话题疑问句
1.This paper proposes that there exist topic-in questions and proposition-in questions in the interrogative system of Shanghai dialect.研究发现:上海方言疑问句系统里存在着"话题疑问句"与"命题疑问句"。
4)Chinese interrogation汉语疑问句
1.Through an analysis of the acquisition process of Chinese interrogations by English native speakers with the help of the cognitive and SLA theories,this paper compares their use with the actual use of Chinese interrogations and describes the relevant process and puts forward some suggestions.本文在对英语母语者学习汉语疑问句的习得情况进行调查的基础上,结合认知理论以及第二语言习得理论对调查结果进行分析,并与现代汉语实际的交际语言进行比较,描述了以英语为母语的学习者习得汉语疑问句式的过程,并提出了相应的对外汉语疑问句教学建议。
5)Japanese interrogative sentence日语疑问句
1.This research investigates the intonation characteristics of the Japanese interrogative sentences used by Japanese learners in yue dialect areas.在考察粤方言区日语学习者的日语疑问句语调特征时发现:当谓语为“平板型”词调时,学习者的语句音高走势大体接近母语发音人;当谓语词调为非“平板型”时,学习者和母语发音人的语调之间有明显差异。
6)English interrogative英语疑问句
1.The present thesis tries to analyze grammaticalization in English interrogatives from a pragmatic perspective, with a view to exploring its motivations, paths and mechanism.本文旨在从语用学的角度对英语疑问句的语法化现象进行研究,试图揭示英语疑问句语法化的动机、途径和机制。
