提问言语行为,interrogative speech act
1)interrogative speech act提问言语行为
1.However,the two intentions are the same in some interrogative speech acts,but different in the others.不过,一些提问言语行为的两种意向相同,另一些提问言语行为的两种意向却不同。
2)questioning language提问语言
1.This paper aims at pointing out the existing disadvantages of questioning language in Chinese teaching class and puts forward concrete requirements and skills of questioning language so as to explore Chinese teaching methods in this new period with persons of the same profession and promote the teaching of our mother tongue.课堂提问语言是教学语言的重要组成部分。

1.A Functional Analysis of the Questioning Language of the Therapist--A Case Study of Psychotherapeutic Discourse;对治疗师提问语言的功能主义分析——心理治疗话语的案例研究
2.A Study of Questioning Strategies in Second Language Teaching;第二语言课堂教学中提问策略的研究
3.The Effects of Teachers Questions On Intermediate-level and Elementary-level Classes;教师提问在不同语言水平课堂的效果
4.Thinking Activation: the Essence of Speech Act in Classroom Questions;激活思维:课堂提问的言语行为的本质
5.Job Interview Questioning as a Dynamic Process of Linguistic Adaptation to Context;招聘面试提问:一个语言顺应语境的动态过程
6.Design and Implementation of a Natural Language Question-Answering System;支持自然语言提问的答疑系统的设计与实现
7.Discussion on how to improve the quality of language rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children;提高聋儿语言康复质量不容忽视的几个问题
8.Design of Auto-answer System Based on Natural-Language Query;基于自然语言提问的自动答疑系统设计
9.Thoughts about the efficiency of proposing questions in poem simulation at kindergarten's language activities幼儿园语言活动仿编诗歌中提问有效性的思考
10.Application of NLP in Improving Questioning Techniques of Sales Talk运用神经语言程序学提高销售谈话中的提问技巧
11.Unplanned Questions and Their Effect on Language Learning-The Case of High School English Language Classrooms;中学英语课堂中的动态生成性提问及其对语言学习者的影响
12.The Extension and Promotion of Research Realm in the Nature of Language:A Review of Wang Xi-jie s Idea of the Nature of Language;语言本质问题研究境界的拓展与提升——王希杰先生的语言本质观述评
13.I'm trying to improve my grammar.我在努力提高语言能力.
14.We will raise the standard of language training;提高中英语言教学水平;
15.An Analysis of the Verbal Action Involving Objectivity of News Language;新闻语言客观性问题的言语行为分析
16.A Fair Linguistic Environment Under Linguistic Extravagance;从言语奢化现象看语言环境公平问题
17.Traditional phrases and sentences make up the area of folk proverbs and proverbial sayings, while traditional questions are folk riddles.其内容包括:由传统的短语和句子形成的谚语和格言; 由传统的提问而来的民间谜语。
18.Use Corpora to Improve the Non-major English Learners Language Awareness;利用语料库提高非专业语言学习者的语言意识

questioning language提问语言
1.This paper aims at pointing out the existing disadvantages of questioning language in Chinese teaching class and puts forward concrete requirements and skills of questioning language so as to explore Chinese teaching methods in this new period with persons of the same profession and promote the teaching of our mother tongue.课堂提问语言是教学语言的重要组成部分。
3)questioning behaviors提问行为
4)Courtship Request问婚请求性言语行为
1.Courtship Requests in the Lahu Xi Dialect: A Pragmatic Approach;拉祜西问婚请求性言语行为的语用学研究
5)speech act言语行为
1.On the speech act of criticism under the Chinese context;汉语语境下批评言语行为研究
2.Research on cultural implication of polite speech act;礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究
3.A critical analysis of the responses to the speech act of apology in Chinese;论汉语道歉言语行为的回应
6)speech acts言语行为
1.A New Way to Understand Speech Acts: "Do Things with Words" in Virtual Reality;言语行为新解——试析在虚拟现实中“用语言做事”
2.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略
3.A Contrastive Analysis of the Speech Acts of Complimenting in American English and Chinese;中英恭维言语行为对比分析

提问1.传讯审问。 2.提出问题要求回答。