语言资源意识,national consciousness of language resources
1)national consciousness of language resources语言资源意识
2)Language Consciousness语言意识
1.During the last twenty years of the 20th century, the new trends of Chinese poetry is the awakening of language consciousness propelled by the awakening of individual life consciousness due to the indifference of ideology.20世纪后20年中国诗歌的新变,表现为由意识形态的淡化所引起的个体生命意识的觉醒所推动的语言意识的觉醒。
2.Since 1980s,poets awakening of language consciousness has become the cut-in point of contemporary poetry.从上个世纪80年代以来,当代诗人对“语言意识”的觉醒与自觉构成了当代诗歌写作的理论切入点。
3.In English teaching, it is the key to improve teaching to form language consciousness for learners.在英语教学中,使学习者形成自觉的语言意识是提高教学的关键,教师应更新观念,精心设计课堂教学,实现学习者母语与目的语间的最佳关联。

1.Language Awareness and Critical Language Awareness:Rethinking of Foreign Language Teaching;语言意识与批评语言意识:外语教学的再思考
2.Pragmalinguistic Awareness and Pragmalinguistic Competence: A Survey of EFL Learners Request Speech Acts;从“请求”言语行为看二语语用语言意识与语用语言能力
3.Use Corpora to Improve the Non-major English Learners Language Awareness;利用语料库提高非专业语言学习者的语言意识
4.On the Accessibility of Universal Grammar;普遍语法的可及性——语言直觉与语言意识之关系
5.Two Important Approaches in Language and Culture Teaching--Language Awareness and Culture Awareness;外语教育的两个重要模式——语言意识与文化意识
6.On Fostering Two Kinds of Language Awareness in English Teaching;浅谈英语教学中两种语言意识的培养
7.English Teachers Language Awareness:Investigation and Implications;英语教师的语言意识水平:调查与启示
8.The Impact of Teacher Language Awareness upon Pedagogical Practice浅析外语教师语言意识的构成和作用
9."Language Conscious" Shout--Comments on the language awareness in the creation of Li Rui“语言自觉”的呐喊——评李锐创作中的语言意识
10.Corpus and the Cultivation of Language Awareness in Adult English Language Learners;英语教学中语料库与成人学生语言意识的培养
11.Language Awareness Enhancement in English Grammar Activities语言意识培养在大学英语语法练习中的实现
12.An Appoarch of Developing Learners Language Awaerness;促进学习者语言意识发展的对策(英文)
13.The Idea of Linguistics in the The German Ideology;《德意志意识形态》中的语言学思想
14.Linguistic Aesthetical Awareness of Ancient Chinese Reflected in Shuowen-Jiezi from the Perspective of Original Linguistic Meaning;从《说文》语言本义看中国先民的语言审美意识
15.Strengthening Math Language Teaching and Increasing Its Application Awareness;加强数学语言教学 增强数学语言应用意识
16.Text Linguistics and its Using in Translating;语篇语言学及语篇意识在翻译中的体现
17.However, body language can be unconscious as well.不过,肢体语言也可能是无意识的。
18.Not all body language is conscious.并不是所有的身体语言都是有意识的。

Language Consciousness语言意识
1.During the last twenty years of the 20th century, the new trends of Chinese poetry is the awakening of language consciousness propelled by the awakening of individual life consciousness due to the indifference of ideology.20世纪后20年中国诗歌的新变,表现为由意识形态的淡化所引起的个体生命意识的觉醒所推动的语言意识的觉醒。
2.Since 1980s,poets awakening of language consciousness has become the cut-in point of contemporary poetry.从上个世纪80年代以来,当代诗人对“语言意识”的觉醒与自觉构成了当代诗歌写作的理论切入点。
3.In English teaching, it is the key to improve teaching to form language consciousness for learners.在英语教学中,使学习者形成自觉的语言意识是提高教学的关键,教师应更新观念,精心设计课堂教学,实现学习者母语与目的语间的最佳关联。
3)language awareness语言意识
1.Use Corpora to Improve the Non-major English Learners Language Awareness;利用语料库提高非专业语言学习者的语言意识
2.Towards a Language Awareness Approach to the Teaching of College English Writing;语言意识教学法在大学英语写作教学中的运用
3.Form the angle of language awareness,this paper compares and analyzes some unique metaphors in Russian and Chinese and points out that this should be paid much attention in language teaching and translation research.文章从语言意识的角度对比分析了俄、汉语言中一些独特的隐喻现象,认为在外语教学与翻译研究中应予以注意。
4)consciousness resources意识资源
1.Chinese consciousness resources are a very rich gold ore.华夏意识是人类意识中的常住意识,是能够常住的宇宙意识,华夏意识资源是一座很富有的"金矿"。
5)consciousness of resources资源意识
1.The investigation group has made a practical survey in aspects of Beijing inhabitants consciousness of resources and environment,behavior of frugality,resources recycling and so on,in order to fully understand the situation of the effective utilization of resources in Beijing.为了充分的了解和把握北京市居民对资源的有效利用的情况,从北京市居民的资源意识、环境意识、节约行为、资源循环利用等多角度进行实际调查,并建立了北京市居民资源节约意识的指标体系。
6)language resources语言资源
1.The corpus is abundant language resources.语料库给语言学研究提供了无比丰富的语言资源,它有优点,也有不足。
2.The establishment of this databank is related to the solution of language problems,the protection of language resources and language rights as well as the uniform criteria and platforms and the integration of language resources.多语言知识库是中国语言资源数据库建设的重要组成部分。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。