语言学资源,resources of linguistics
1)resources of linguistics语言学资源
2)language resources语言资源
1.The corpus is abundant language resources.语料库给语言学研究提供了无比丰富的语言资源,它有优点,也有不足。
2.The establishment of this databank is related to the solution of language problems,the protection of language resources and language rights as well as the uniform criteria and platforms and the integration of language resources.多语言知识库是中国语言资源数据库建设的重要组成部分。

1.A Study on the Relevant Technology of the Construction of Mongolian Language Resource Bases;蒙古语语言资源库建设相关技术研究
2.On the Value of Language Resources:A Case Study of the Language in Use in Yiwu语言资源的价值——以浙江义乌的语言生活为例
3.The Protection and Utilization of Minority Language Resource of Guizhou Province;贵州少数民族语言资源的保护与利用
4.The Development of Non-common Language Resources and Agreement of Urban Culture;非通用语言资源开发和城市文化认同
5.The Cultural Perspectives Through Language Implication;语言引领下的文化透视──张承志创作中的语言资源
6."Unable to load language resources. Try reinstalling the application."无法加载语言资源。请试着重新安装应用程序。
7.Development and Application of Software Tools for Monitoring Language Resource of Print Media;平面媒体语言资源监测软件包开发及应用
8.On Folklore Language Resources in Three Gorges Area and Its Protection三峡区域民俗语言资源的现状与保护对策
9.ALGOL-like source language类ALGOL源语言
10.A framework for constructing languages for describing web resources.用于描述网络资源的语言构建框架。
11.Research of Maxscript in the Teaching Resource;MAXScript语言在教学资源中的应用
12.A Contrastive Analysis of Appraisal Resources in Chinese and English Book Reviews in Linguistics英汉语言学类书评评价资源对比分析
13.A Contrastive Study of Engagement Resources in English and Chinese Linguistics Book Reviews中英文语言学书评介入资源对比研究
14.Through Java Language to Realize Use URL to Access Network Resource通过JAVA语言实现使用URL访问网络资源
15.The Importance of English Proverbs as Teaching Resources from the Pespective of Corpus Linguistics;从语料库语言学看英谚教学资源的重要性
16.FROM LANGUAGE TO SPEECH--Sources and Changes of Artistic Language;从语言到言语——艺术语言的源流和变迁
17.The specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file.找不到映像文件中指定的资源语言标识。
18.The main assembly does not contain the resource information for the neutral culture.主程序集不包含非特定语言区域性的资源信息。

language resources语言资源
1.The corpus is abundant language resources.语料库给语言学研究提供了无比丰富的语言资源,它有优点,也有不足。
2.The establishment of this databank is related to the solution of language problems,the protection of language resources and language rights as well as the uniform criteria and platforms and the integration of language resources.多语言知识库是中国语言资源数据库建设的重要组成部分。
3)language resource语言资源
1.Analyzed in this paper is the microplanner in the ACNLG, a multilingual nature language generation system, and the concept “sentence optimizer based on language resource pre mapping” is put forward.分析了多语种自然语言生成系统 ACNL G中的微观规划器 ,提出了“基于语言资源预映射的句子优化器”,它不仅对句子进行优化 ,而且负责将语种无关的文章内容映射到具体语种的表达方式中 。
2.New conceptions are to be acknowledged,such as "cherishing Chinese language resources" and "serving the community",describing the actual language s.本文从汉字、词语、网络语言、汉语作为第二语言教材、年度流行语和年度新词语等方面,介绍了国家语言文字工作委员会已经发布的2005、2006两个年度《中国语言生活状况报告》的基本架构、主要数据,并对数据作了初步解读,提出了作者对考察研究工作的一些思考和认识:考察研究需要树立"珍爱中华语言资源"和"服务社会"的全新理念;坚持客观、真实地反映语言生活的实态;促进信息技术手段的不断改进;兼顾语言生活的动态和稳态;处理好数据发布、初步解读与后续追踪研究的关系;考察结果对应用语言学学科建设、语言规划、语言战略研究的价值。
3.This paper mainly discussed the important issues involved in the designing of the Mongolian corpus language resource management platform.设计了蒙古语语料库语言资源管理平台,介绍了语料库资源管理平台的总体框架结构及各个功能模块的设计与实现方法。
4)linguistic resources语言资源
1.Different types of texts draw on diverse linguistic resources to realize their dialogism.虽然对话性因语篇类型的不同而有异,但它却是语篇的一个根本特性;语篇类型不同,对话性所赖以实现的语言资源势必有所不同。
5)Resource of English language and literature英语语言文学资源
6)glottogonic linguistics语源语言学

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。