批评与质疑,criticisms and attacks
1)criticisms and attacks批评与质疑
2)questioning and criticizing质疑与批判
3)critical thinking questioned批判质疑
4)comment on questions评论质疑
5)critical oppugn批判性质疑

1.Critical questioning on "formalistic logic" of sports conception--Philosophical inspiration of modern categorical theory;对“形式逻辑”体育观的批判性质疑——现代范畴理论的哲学启示
2.Practising Criticism or Criticizing Practice;是实践批判还是批判实践?——“自我批判的实践”质疑
3.Criticizing the Main Body and Questioning the Rationality:Analyzing the Postmodern Social Theory;理性的质疑和主体的批判——后现代社会理论解析
4.Questioning "Kindness" and "Humanity" --on the Theme of Oka Shyohei s Furyoki;“善良”与“人性”的质疑——大冈升平的《俘虏记》主题批判
5.Criticism and Query: Entrance of Post-Modernist Law into China;批判与质疑:后现代主义法学进入中国
6.Questioning and reflection are the essence of critical consciousness.质疑和反思体现的是批判意识的本质特征。
7.H.Marcuse s Theories of Ideoligical Criticism and the Queries;马尔库塞的意识形态批判理论及其质疑
8.Critique on theories of minimum dependency and extreme dependency--query on the theory of minimum dependency advocated by WANG Zhao-wu;最小从属性说与极端从属性说批判——兼质疑王昭武先生倡导的最小从属性说
9.According to a recent public-opinion poll, the support rate for Junichiro Koizumi's cabinet marked an amazing record,87%.然而,批判田中真纪子的也大有人在,他们质疑她掌管此要职的能力。
10.Academic Criticism Differs from Moral Condemnation:A Comment on "Between Science and Art--On a Theory of International Relations;学术批判不同于道义谴责——评《在科学与艺术之间——质疑国际关系理论》
11.Critique on the First Proposition --the Realistic Question on Literature Theology Theory;文学“第一命题”批判——对文学神学论理论的现实质疑
12.Cultural Interpretation of Jin Yong s Hero Myths;文化依恋、文化质疑到文化批判——金庸英雄神话的文化阐释
14.Suspicion,Criticism and Elimination--On Popper's solution of Hume's Problem and Criminal Reflections质疑 批判 消解——“休谟问题”的波普尔方案及哲学反思
15.The Theoretical Criticism of the Traditional Political Order by the Gentlemen during the Ming and the Qing Dynasty--Questioning and correcting明清之际士人对传统政治秩序的理论批判——质疑和救治
16.Study on the Critical Characteristic of Theory of Human Rights of Marxism;马克思主义人权观的批判性特质探讨
17.From the Perspective of Substance Rationality: the Criticism and Anti-criticism of Webster s Attitude on Law;对韦伯法律观的批判与反批判——以实质理性为视角
18.A critical comment or judgment.批判批判性的评论或判断

questioning and criticizing质疑与批判
3)critical thinking questioned批判质疑
4)comment on questions评论质疑
5)critical oppugn批判性质疑
6)criticism and self-criticism批评与自我批评
1.On Mao Ze-dong s Criticism and Self-Criticism;论毛泽东的批评与自我批评思想
2.CCP’s criticism and self-criticism Style developed on the basis of the general law on the proletariat party s developmant of Maxism and Lenism.批评与自我批评是以毛泽东为首的中国共产党人在马列主义关于无产阶级政党理论基础上总结中国中国共产党在革命建设中的实践经验的基础上形成和发展起来的。
3.To carry out criticism and self-criticism correctly,principles must be followed,objective way and .批评与自我批评是马克思主义创始人的鲜明品质,是中国共产党性质和宗旨的必然反映,也是党章对党员素质的基本要求。
