语言和性别,language and sex
1)language and sex语言和性别
2)language and gender research语言和性别研究
3)gender language性别语言
1.This article makes a summary on the purpose, the theoretical source and the main contents of gender language studies and on the studies of Chinese.语言是文化中的重要组成部分,中国性别语言在近期取得了长足的进步,取得了不少成果,并在最初几年里掀起了新的研究热潮。
2.Linguists have made research on gender language for a long time.性别语言是语言学家们长期关注的课题。

1.On Gender-Related Differences in Daily Communication of English;英语日常交际中体现的性别语言差异
2.A Study of Gender Variants in Russian and Their Origin;俄语中的性别语言变体及其成因探微
3.Linguistic-Pragmatic Perspective on Gender Differences in Verbal Communication;从语言语用角度看言语交际中的性别差异
4.Gender Differences in Cross-sex Conversations in English Language Within Public Contexts;英语语言中公共场合下言语交谈的性别差异
5.The Unrealisticness of Linguistic Gender Equality from the Perspective of Sexism in English;从语言性别歧视看英语中性别平等的非现实性
6.Gender Differences in Chinese Perceived from the Speech Act of Request;从请求言语行为看汉语中的性别差异
7.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略
8.Gender Differences in Performing Invitation in Chinese;汉语“邀请”言语行为的性别差异研究
9.How to Avoid the Use of Sexist Language in English;如何避免使用英语中的性别歧视语言
10.Study on how to avoid sexual discrimination in English language;关于如何避免英语语言中的“性别歧视”
11.Racial and Sexual Discrimination in English Language;谈英语语言中的性别歧视和种族歧视
12.Language and gender:the new direction in Russian linguistics;语言与社会性别——俄语研究的新方向
13.A Retrospective in the English Language;性别歧视在英语言语中的反映(英文)
14.The Sex Discrimination and Its Culture Connotations in English英语语言中的性别歧视及其文化内涵
15.An Analysis of Linguistic Sexism in English Learning英语学习中的语言性别歧视现象探析
16.A study of the Gender Differences and Causes in the English Language英语语言中的性别差异及其成因研究
17.On Causes of Sexism in English Language论英语语言中性别歧视的原因(英文)
18.On Sexism in English Language from the Perspective of Context and Discourse;从语境语篇角度分析英语语言中的性别歧视

language and gender research语言和性别研究
3)gender language性别语言
1.This article makes a summary on the purpose, the theoretical source and the main contents of gender language studies and on the studies of Chinese.语言是文化中的重要组成部分,中国性别语言在近期取得了长足的进步,取得了不少成果,并在最初几年里掀起了新的研究热潮。
2.Linguists have made research on gender language for a long time.性别语言是语言学家们长期关注的课题。
4)language and gender语言与性别
1.A multidimensional perspective on language and gender study;多维视野中的语言与性别研究
2.This paper aims to review the main research methods in language and gender studies.本文旨在介绍语言与性别研究各个发展阶段的研究方法,并评价各种方法的主要贡献和不足。
3.There exist disputes over binary thinking and pluralistic thinking on the study of language and gender today.目前语言与性别差异研究存在着两元论和多元论之争。
5)Gender and Language性别与语言
6)discourse and gender语篇和性别
1.Recently the focus of study on language and gender has been shifted to that concerning the relationship between discourse and gender.国外研究者们从多学科的角度对语篇和性别两者关系的内在规律、受制条件和互动模式进行了深入的探讨。

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。