象辞,Image and Word
1)Image and Word象辞
2)rhetoric image辞象
3)rhetoric phenomena修辞语象
1.A Brief review on the rhetoric phenomena and aesthetic cultural implication of "Hua(flower)" in Chinese;汉语“花”的修辞语象及其审美文化指象述略

1.A Brief review on the rhetoric phenomena and aesthetic cultural implication of "Hua(flower)" in Chinese;汉语“花”的修辞语象及其审美文化指象述略
2.The Ambiguity In English And Its Rhetoric Effect;英语语言中的歧义现象及其修辞艺术
3.The Phenomena of Using Multiple Figures of Speech in the Contemporary Chinese Rhetoric Word-Making;当代汉语修辞造词中的多辞格并用现象
4.Rhetoric illusion is the bridge linking the world and the languages.修辞幻象是连接世界和语言的桥梁。
5.Revolution Discourse and the Rhetorical Fantasy of "Hero" in Model Play;革命话语和“样板戏”中的“英雄”修辞幻象
6.Figure of Speech Formed by "Polysemant" Phenomenon in Chinese;汉语中“一形多义”现象形成的修辞格
7.“Polysemant” Phenomenon in Chinese and Its Rhetorical Functions;汉语中的“一形多义”现象及其修辞艺术
8.Figures of Speech in College English (Intensive Reading);《大学英语(精读教程)》中的修辞现象
9.Complying with Grammar and Violating Rhetoric:Image Presentation of Modern Chinese Poems论新诗遵语法反修辞规范的意象呈示
10.Contemplation on Redundancy in Light of Rhetoric and Pragmatics;浅析英语冗余现象的修辞学和语用学依据
11.A Study of the Figure Parallelism;英语Parallelism修辞格
12.Comparison between A Talk on Grammatical Rhetoric and Chinese Rhetoric in rhetoric view《语法修辞讲话》和《汉语修辞学》修辞观的比较
13.News Headlines Rhetoric in High School English Teaching;高中英语教学中新闻标题修辞现象浅谈
14.To Change the World and the Languages--The Structure-Building Right in the Rhetoric Illusion;改变世界和改变语言——修辞幻象中的建构权
15.Redundancy in Speeches and Its Pragmaticand Rhetoric Functions;演说中的冗余现象及其语用修辞功能分析
16.On the Psychological Bases and Rhetoric effects of the Method of Image Language;语言形象化手段的心理基础及修辞效用
17.On Allusion: Its Performance Connotation, Narrative Inference and Fantasy Theme;典故的话语表演内涵、叙述推理与修辞想象主题
18.Frame - Structure, Frame - Breaking and Its Rhetoric Effect in German;德语的框架结构与破框现象及其修辞效果

rhetoric image辞象
3)rhetoric phenomena修辞语象
1.A Brief review on the rhetoric phenomena and aesthetic cultural implication of "Hua(flower)" in Chinese;汉语“花”的修辞语象及其审美文化指象述略
4)rhetoric phenomenon修辞现象
1.The revision of legal text is not only a rhetoric phenomenon, but also a speech act.法典修改是一种修辞现象,又是一种言语行为,更是一种语用修辞活动。
2.Now Chinese rhetoric phenomenon inherits the traditional rhetoric standard,the partial rhetoric standard appeared the phenomenon of innovation or deviation,and appeared some fashionable rhetoric methods influenced by the social environment,the rhetoric phenomenon present the tendency of entertainment and vulgarization.当今汉语修辞现象在继承传统修辞规范的基础上,部分辞格出现了创新或偏离现象,还出现了少数时兴的修辞方式方法。
5)rhetoric mirage修辞幻象
1.Narrative process under the construction of rhetoric mirage;修辞幻象建构下的叙事进程——析《命若琴弦》的修辞叙事魅力
2.Rhetoric Mirage and Symbols Brand Value;分别从产品形态、使用价值与符号价值之间关系的角度,阐释了品牌的产品∕符号的异质同构性,使用价值∕符号价值的价值复合性;从符号表征、修辞幻象的角度,分析品牌意义的生成与作用方式,修辞幻象与品牌幻象的关系,品牌想象、品牌认知与价值认同、情感体验的内在同一性;并从符号产品的传播、接受(消费)特征,揭示广告在品牌幻象构成中的作用:通过品牌幻象的生产,制造受众的共同幻想,使受众获得一种情感体验和价值认同。
6)rhetorical phenomena修辞现象
1.The tasks of rhetoric history research are to look into,describe,deal with the development and change of rhetorical phenomena and sum up the laws of their gradual progress.修辞史的研究任务,就是考察、描述、阐释修辞现象的发展变化,总结出演进的规律。
