就职演讲,inaugural address
1)inaugural address就职演讲
1.This paper,based on the interpersonal function of functional grammar,analyzes the inaugural address of Obama from four aspects:mood,modality,person system and evaluation,in order to explain the relationship between the choice of words and the achievement of interpersonal meaning,so that we can understand better about the deep meaning of the words in an inaugural address.文章以系统功能语法中的人际功能理论为基础,从语气、情态、人称和评价四个方面对奥巴马的就职演讲进行人际意义的分析,旨在说明语言的选择和人际意义的实现这两者之间的关系,以便我们更深刻的理解就职演讲这种特殊演讲题材下语言选择的深层含义。
2.The inaugural address is a special form of communication,the contextual elements of which directly determines the language style of its speaker,the new president.华彩而得体的文风使其成为美国总统就职演讲的经典之作。

1.Critical Discourse Analysis of Obama's Oath奥巴马总统就职演讲的批评语篇分析
2.Critical Discourse Analysis of President Bush s Second Inaugural Address;对布什总统连任就职演讲的批评话语分析
3.The Persuasive Power of the Metaphorical Mechanism in American Presidential Inaugural Speeches;美国总统就职演讲辞中隐喻机制的劝谏性功能
4.Corpus-based Stylistic Analysis on Obama's Inauguration Speech奥巴马就职演讲的语料库检索文体分析
5.an inaugural speech, lecture, meeting, etc就职演说、 首次讲课、 开幕典礼.
6.That speech has come to be known as the Gettysburg Address.这篇演讲也就是著名的「盖茨堡演讲」。
7.A speech given by a person being formally inducted into office.就职演说某人正式任职时的就职演说
8.It is difficult to understand his books, much more his lectures.他的讲演就更难懂了。
9.I got away without having to make a speech.我没有演讲就溜开了。
10.One who delivers lectures, especially professionally.讲演者发表演说的人,尤指职业的
11.his initiation into the club; he was ordered to report for induction into the arm.总统在就职典礼上讲话。
12.The speaker took a short cut to his subject by omitting all the preliminaries to his lecture.演讲人没有讲开场白,就直截了当地讲他的题目。
13.Speech on Prospects of Workplace English《职业英语的前景展望》演讲
14.Presentation of Workplace English Benchmarking Project and BULATS Testing Service《职业英语基准项目及博思考试》演讲
15.At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion for an extended address than at the first.在第二次宣誓就职总统的时候,我不必像第一次那样作长篇大论的演讲。
16.Inaugural address, 20 January, 1981--1981年1月20日就职演说
17.The audience began to trail off when the speaker continued for over an hour.当讲演者讲了1个多小时后,听众就开始闲谈。
18.The speaker held forth on the same theme for at least two hours.讲演者就同一论题大发议论,至少讲了两个小时。

presidential inaugural speeches总统就职演讲辞
3)Obama's inauguration speech奥巴马就职演讲
4)inaugural address就职演说
1.As a political speech,the objective of the inaugural address is to explain,convince and persuade the audience that what the speaker is saying and planning to do best represent their interests with the aim to win their support.作为一种政治演讲,就职演说的目的在于通过解释、说服,使公众确信演说者正在说的和将要实施的代表着公众的最根本利益,以期最大限度的赢得听众。
2.It is a unique American institution for the new president to deliver an inaugural address on Inauguration Day.作为一种政治演讲,就职演说的目的在于通过解释、说服,使公众确信演说者正在说的和将要实施的代表着公众的最根本利益,以期最大限度地赢得听众。
3.By analyzing discourse markers in 54 inaugural addresses from the Ist president George Washington to the present one George W.分析自美国第一任总统华盛顿到现任总统布什的54篇就职演说中的话语标记语,旨在验证作为表层语篇衔接重要手段的话语标记语是语篇生成过程中元语用意识在策略上的反映。
5)inaugural speech就职演说
1.American Presidents declare their governing policies through inaugural speeches which aim to obtain the acceptance and support from the public,bearing obvious intentionality.指出美国总统借助于就职演说宣布自己的施政纲领,劝说公众接受并支持这个纲领,具有明显的意图性;奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论阐释了人们如何运用语言表达言外之力,从而在表达语义的同时实现某一意图和目的,这从理论上说明了美国总统就职演说辞的言外之力;成功的就职演说要运用多种语言方法,如衔接手段、修辞格等挖掘语篇的言外之力,以保证演说意图的实现。
2.The paper is a qualitative and contrastive study with data proof of inaugural speeches and nineteen public speeches of Presidents of the United States from 1933 to 2005.以1933年至2005年美国总统就职演说和19篇公众演讲组成的语料库为基础,采用韩礼德功能语法理论,以数据统计为支持,从词汇特征、句法/语法特征、修辞三方面对美国总统就职演说进行定性对比研究。
3.The selection of the language used in inaugural speech and its features are influenced by social cultural context and situational context,and serve for the effect of speech and the realization of the function of speech.就职演说的语言选择和语言特征受社会文化语境和情景语境因素的影响,是为达到演讲的效果和实现演讲功能服务的。
6)inaugural addresses就职演说
1.imitated the style of the Bible in their inaugural addresses.文章用大量的实例和数据论述美国八位总统在就职演说中对《圣经》风格的种种仿效。

“五卅”演讲厅位于伯先公园内,北靠云台山,西临荷花池。为重檐歇山式顶,四檐角飞出上翘,全长 28 米 ,宽 19 米 ,屋脊两端置吻兽,两山墙有雕花图案,为两层砖木结构,四面墙壁有玻璃窗,底层四面有环廊,廊柱高 3.7 米 ,廊宽 2.2 米 ,室内东端为讲台,楼上四周有楼座,整个建筑古朴庄重、幽雅大方。该厅于 1925 年 8 月奠基, 1926 年落成,墙基南北两面各有白石题刻一方,题有相同的字样:“中华民国十四年八月镇江各界纪念五卅惨案建筑此厅永志不忘。”厅内设有镇江“五卅”运动文物资料陈列馆。1925 年 5 月 20 日 始,镇江城西仁章、新华、光新绸厂、荧昌火柴厂、人力车夫、驳船码头工人先后举行罢工,抗议上海日本纱厂杀害顾正红。 5 月 30 日 ,五卅惨案在上海发生,各地民众在中国共产党的领导下掀起了反帝爱国高潮。 6 月 2 日 开始,镇江各界罢工罢课并成立了“镇江外交后援会”,于 5 日举行了规模宏大的游行示威。 6 月下旬,镇江各界掀起了抵制日货的活动,组织清查队销毁日货,对藏有日货的奸商处以罚金数万元。经各界会商,用罚款建造“五卅”演讲厅,以纪念镇江人民的爱国壮举。“五卅”演讲厅于 1982 年被列为省级文保单位。