气声,aspiration sound
1)aspiration sound气声
1.The application of aspiration sound in popular vocalization is a characteristic breathing application."气声"的运用是通俗唱法中呼吸运用的一大特点,从"气声"训练前的准备、"气声"训练过程中的要求这两个方面,对如何进行"气声"训练的问题作了比较细致的阐述和探讨。

1.A short, loud puff, as of steam from an engine.喷气声短促而声音大的喷气声,如发动机喷蒸气的声音
2.an utterance made by exhaling audibly.出声呼气发出的声音。
3.an unpleasant tinny voice.一个尖声尖气的声音。
4.A high tinny voice.一个尖声尖气的声音
5.silencer-filter type air intake消声滤气器型空气进口
6.To swallow air audibly, as in nervousness.出声地吸气出声地吸气,如在恐惧中
7.They were talking loudly. I got very angry.他们大声说话. 我很生气。
8.He is liable to shout when angry.他一生气就高声叫喊。
9.blow hard and loudly.使劲地、大声地呼气。
10.He asked in loud auger.他气哼哼地大声嚷着。
11.He snapped out in angry reply.他气呼呼地厉声作答。
12.hypersonic aerodynamics特超声速空气动力学
13.cried the Mouse, sharply and very angrily.老鼠非常生气地厉声说。
14.Atmospheric Acoustics,Optics,Electricity & Upper Atmospheric Physics声光电及高层大气物理
15.make a sound as if blown.发出喘气一样的声音。
16.a convulsive gasp made while weeping.抽搐着、喘气地大声哭。
17.a sound wave that is transmitted via air.通过空气传播的声波。
18.Job turned up the whites of his eyes and groaned.乔布翻着白眼,唉声叹气。

airborne noise空气声<声>
4)airborne sound insulation空气声隔声
1.Airborne sound insulation is separation capability of air-borne sound, and the performance of airborne sound insulation between rooms is an important criterion of privacy.空气声隔声是对空气传播声音的隔绝,房间之间空气声隔绝的性能是评价室内环境私密性的重要指标。
5)atmospherio acoustics大气声学<声>
6)air-borne sound空气载声<声>
