演讲与口才,speech and eloquence
1)speech and eloquence演讲与口才
1.This thesis has a rough study on the students active participation in speech and eloquence course by analyzing how to design a teaching scene,create a friendly atmosphere,plan the teaching procedure and stimulate the students.本文从创设教学情境、营造和谐氛围、设计教学环节、实施激励教学等方面入手,对《演讲与口才》课程主体性教学进行了初步探索。

1.The Reform Practice and Probe of the Course of Speaking and Eloquence;《演讲与口才》课程教学改革实践与探索
2.A Tentative Research into the Application of Activity-Centered Teaching Method in Speech and Eloquence Course;《演讲与口才》课程主体性教学初探
3.Study on the Effect of Lecture and Eloquence Training in Promoting the Self-confidence of College Students演讲与口才训练在提升大学生自信中的作用研究
4.The speaker had great powers of utterance.那个演讲人很有口才.
5.A recitation delivered as an exercise in rhetoric or elocution.朗诵为练习演讲或口才的朗诵
6.To deliver a formal recitation, especially as an exercise in rhetoric or elocution.朗诵正式地朗诵,尤指为练习口才或演讲
7.A speaker who honed her delivery by long practice.一个演讲者通过长期练习来磨练提高她的口才
8.The Exploration on Public Speech and the Improvement of the Oral English Proficiency of College Students;课堂演讲与提高大学生口语能力的探析
9.The orator has a copia verborum.这位演讲人口齿伶俐。
10.A new oral course for advanced-level English majors - English public speaking course英语专业口语教学新课型——公众演讲课的探索与实践
11.An Inqury into Five-minute speech;课前五分钟演讲法的探索与实践——训练大学生英语口语的一种方法
12.Oral Interpretation and Public Speaking Skill--Analyzing Their Relationship from the Perspective of the Theory of Sense公众演讲技能与口译——从释意理论的视角探讨两者的关系
13.The speaker waited until the laughter had died down.演讲者等到笑声停了下来时才继续讲下去。
14.The lecture won't start until every last person is seated.直到每一个人就座以后,演讲才开始。
15.Delegate A: I must say, that last speech was a long-winded one.我得说,刚才的演讲实在是够冗长的了。
16.The lecture hall is detached from the main building.讲演厅与主楼分开。
17.Speeches: Literary & Social关于文学与社会的演讲
18.His stammer prohibited him from becoming a good speaker.口吃使他不能成为一个好的演讲者。

the Course of Speaking and Eloquence演讲与口才课程
3)An articulate speaker.口才好的演讲者
4)Interpretation and Public Speaking口译与演讲艺术
5)oratorical speech口头讲演语
1.New studies have focused on daily life speech including colloquialisms, sayings, local dialects and jargons, as well as on oratorical speech including colloquial usage in scientific speech and media talk.目前的俄语口语研究包括日常口语和口头讲演语。
6)interpreting for presentations with PowerPoint slidesPPT演讲口译
