语汇储备,store the lexicon
1)store the lexicon语汇储备
2)foreign exchange reserve外汇储备
1.Brief analysis high quota foreign exchange reserve to Shandong textile profession import-export trade influence——Regression analysis,related analytic method;外汇储备对山东纺织品行业进出口贸易的影响——回归分析、相关分析法
2.Analysis and thought of our substantive foreign exchange reserve;对我国巨额外汇储备的分析与思考
3.Stability analysis of the supply system of foreign exchange reserve in China;我国外汇储备供给系统的稳定性分析

1.changes in gold and foreign exchange reserves黄金及外汇储备增减
2.Grain and foreign exchange reserves continued to grow.国家粮食储备和外汇储备日益雄厚。
3.The Impact Analysis of the Foreign Exchange Reserves,M_2 to the Real Exchange Rate;外汇储备、M_2与实际汇率的影响分析
4.Foreign Exchange Reserves,the RMB Exchange Rate and Domestic Employment外汇储备、人民币汇率与国内就业率
5.Empirical Analysis of Foreign Reserve and ExternalTrade in China;中国外汇储备与对外贸易的实证分析
6.On Foreign Currency Stock and Coordination between the Policies of Domestic and Foreign Currencies;论外汇储备与本外币政策之间的协调
7.The Calculation Model of Moderate Quantity of Foreign Exchange Reserve;我国外汇储备适度储备量测算模式的选择
8.China's Gold Reserve with Presence of Huge Foreign Exchange Reserve in Post-Crisis Era巨额外汇储备下我国黄金储备问题研究
9.By the end of July 2001, China's national foreign exchange reserve amounted to 184.4 billion US dollars.7月末,国家外汇储备余额1844亿美元。
10.By September 15, the country's foreign exchange reserves had amounted to US$193.5 billion.国家外汇储备9月15日达到1935亿美元。
11.By the end of last year, the country's foreign exchange reserves had reached US$212.2 billion.到去年年底,外汇储备达到2122亿美元;
12.China's foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably.国家外汇储备大幅度增加。
13.We have the third largest foreign exchange reserve in the world.香港拥有的外汇储备,全球位列第三。
14.Meanwhile, Japan's foreign currency reserves rose by$201 bn.同时,日本的外汇储备增加了2010亿美元。
15.Even though, China's foreign exchange reserves still have soared.尽管这样,中国外汇储备仍在继续上升。
16.Reserves would return to their original level.如此,外汇储备又恢复到原来的水平。
17.A Study on the Choice and Adjustment of Currency Composition of China Foreign Exchange Reserves;我国外汇储备币种结构的选择与调整
18.Research on the Impact of Foreign Exchange Reserve on the Monetary Policy in China;我国外汇储备对货币政策的影响研究

foreign exchange reserve外汇储备
1.Brief analysis high quota foreign exchange reserve to Shandong textile profession import-export trade influence——Regression analysis,related analytic method;外汇储备对山东纺织品行业进出口贸易的影响——回归分析、相关分析法
2.Analysis and thought of our substantive foreign exchange reserve;对我国巨额外汇储备的分析与思考
3.Stability analysis of the supply system of foreign exchange reserve in China;我国外汇储备供给系统的稳定性分析
3)foreign exchange reserves外汇储备
1.Grey incidence analysis and prediction of the foreign exchange reserves in China;我国外汇储备的灰色关联分析与趋势预测
2.Analysis of proper scale of foreign exchange reserves:theoretical methods and Chinese practice;对外汇储备适度规模的分析:理论方法与中国实证
3.Positive management of foreign exchange reserves in Singapore;新加坡外汇储备积极管理的启示
4)foreign reserve外汇储备
1.Cointegration technique is employed to investigate the effects between foreign reserve and external trade in China.本文利用现代统计分析方法分析了我国外贸体制改革以来外汇储备和进出口贸易的相互影响关系,得到一些统计结果。
2.This paper analysises China s optimal scale of foreign reserve during 1985~2004 with single ratio and synthesis ratio.本文对中国1985-2004年间的外汇储备适度规模进行了单一比率分析和综合比率分析。
3.The quantitative factors which influence the scale of China s foreign reserve include import trends,foreign trade dependence rate,and foreign debt scale.进口倾向、外汇储备持有的机会成本和国际收支的波动性(变动率)始终是影响外汇储备规模的三个重要因素。
5)foreign currency reserve外汇储备
1.China s foreign currency reserve is increasing exorbitantly,so much so that,in the context of the rise of Renminbi,this reserve,in the form of US Dollars,will inevitably cause a loss and thus brings about some negative effects on the Chinese economy.近年来,我国外汇储备大幅增长,已超出了最优规模。
2.This has ignored the analysis on the situation of change of capital circulation and the research in increase of the foreign currency reserve.这其中往往忽视了对资本流动变动情况的分析以及对外汇储备增长的研究。
6)foreign exchange外汇储备
1.Discussing the foreign exchange reserve scale of China;我国的外汇储备规模探析
2.The rapid growth of foreign exchange reserve has been improving China s comprehensive power.我国外汇储备的快速增长增强了我国的综合国力,提高了我国的国际地位,加速了我国国民经济的发展,同时可以增强中央银行干预外汇市场、支持本币的能力,并可能最终实现人民币的可自由兑换;但外汇储备高速增长给人民币升值和通货膨胀带来压力,同时增加了储备资产管理的难度和风险。
