CoMP理论,CoMP theory
1)CoMP theoryCoMP理论
1.The paper introduces a new development in the study of markedness within OT framework — CoMP theory.本文主要介绍OT(优选论Optimality Theory的简称)标记性概念研究的最新进展:CoMP理论

1.The New Development of the Study of Markedness within OT Framework:CoMP TheoryOT标记性概念*研究的新进展——CoMP理论
2.D-COMP possesses both evaluative and statistical functions.D—COMP具有测评和统计双重功能。
3.Performance comparison of multi-user partnership schemes for CoMP-MU-MIMOCoMP-MU-MIMO上行用户配对方案性能比较
4.COMP:An Automatic Opinion Mining System of Chinese Network InformationCOMP:一个中文网络评价信息挖掘系统
5.Mutation of the Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein Gene in Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia;多发性骨骺发育不良患者COMP基因突变的研究
6.Measurement and Clinical Significance of Cartilage Oligomeric Protein (COMP) in the Serum of the Patients with the Knees Injuried;血清中人类软骨寡聚蛋白(COMP)检测及临床意义
7.population theory总体理论,全域理论
8.dispersion theory色散理论,弥散理论
9.B.E.T. adsorption theoryB·E·T·吸附理论
10.rational theoretical model推理理论模式推理理论模式
11.Theories and History of Psychology心理学理论与心理学史
12.Agency Theory and Stewardship Theory’s Integration: On Corporate Governance Practice代理理论和乘务员理论的整合:论公司治理实践
13.On Theory on Reception and Zhiyin of Ancient China;简论中国古代“接受”理论和“知音”理论
14.Discussion on the Background and Theoretical Evidence in Sports Input Theory;论体育投入理论提出背景及理论依据
15.Simplified Theoretical Teaching of Mechanic Theory;略论理论力学中的力系简化理论教学
16.The Development of Relevance Theory on Grice s Conversational Implicature Theory;试论关联理论对会话含意理论的发展
17.Briefly Considering the Theoretical System of "Three Advanced Models" & its Theoretical Blazing New Trails;简论“三个代表”的理论体系和理论创新
18.Theory, Experience and Practice: Reassessing the Significance of Translation Theory;理论、经验、实践——再论翻译理论研究

3)split ComP hypothesissplit Comp假说
1.Research prosress in technique and theory of spray forming technology;喷射成形工艺与理论研究进展
2.Analysis on the Theory and Practice of Biodiversity;浅析生物多样性的理论与实践
1.the soft soil foundation handles theories is apply in establishment engineering construction plan;软土地基处理理论在编制工程施工计划中的应用
2.Calculation Formulas on Consistency Degrees of Theories in Fuzzy Logic Systems Luk and L~*;模糊逻辑系统Luk和L~*中理论相容度的计算公式(Ⅲ)
3.Calculation Formulas on the Lower Truth Degree and Consistency Degrees of Theories in Propositional Fuzzy Logic systems Π and Gd (Ⅱ);命题模糊逻辑系统Π和Gd中理论的相容度与下真度的计算公式(Ⅱ)
1.Discussion on the Theoretic Qualified Points in Soccer League;关于足球联赛的理论保级分数探讨
2.Some basic theoretics such as the development,classification,mechanism,description methods and the investigation means of microemulsion(ME) are introduced in the paper.本文介绍了关于微乳状液研究的发展历程、体系类型、形成机理、表征方法以及研究手段等一系列基础理论。
3.This article discusses and expounds the theoretic premises, outside enviroment and debit and credit relationship of the new type Bank-enterprise relationship.主要是围绕新型银企关系的理论前提、外部环境和银企双方借贷关系展开探讨和阐述。
