理辨,Rational Debate
1)Rational Debate理辨
2)theory and methods of identifying and treating diseases辨治理法
3)Principle of identification辨别原理
4)Argue of Truth and Desire理欲之辨

1.It is bent fieal to review" debate concerning justice and gain "and" debate concering reason and desire" when we analyse the relations between market economy and mroals.在分析市场经济与道德的关系时,温习一下“义利之辨”和“理欲之辨”,是有益的。
2.Logical Evolution of Nature s Law and Desire Proposition from the Public and Private Discrimination;“公”“私”之辨与“理”“欲”演变的内在逻辑
3.Differentiation and Analysis of "Humane" and "Desire" Made by the Confucian School in the Pre-Qin Period--a dispute with Mr Zhou Deqing;先秦儒家“性”“欲”之辨——兼与周德清先生商榷
4.Universal ethics: Never impose upon others what you dislike yourself. Mind if others like what you like.普世伦理:己所不欲,勿施于人;己之所欲,观需施人。
5."This is my private office. As we are going to have a good talk, how can you remain standing all the time?""此系私室,既欲长谈,岂有不坐之理?"
6.A brief analysis of Cao Qiqiao--The distorted soul in the competition between desires and ethics;解析曹七巧——欲理之争下的病态灵魂
7.On Debate between Heavely Principle and Human Desire and Its Contemporary Value;中国传统“理欲之争”及其当代价值
8.He was blinded by the lust of lucre .利欲使他不辨是非。
9.On the Historical Reasonability and Modern Enlightenment of Pre-Qin Confucian Dispute over Rationality and Desire;先秦儒家理欲之论的历史理性及现代启益
10.An Analysis of SHANG Bing-he s Thought of Yi-ology;尚秉和之“阴阳相须”易理思想辨析
11.Comparison with the Main Points between the Western Constitutionalist Theory and Fajia s Doctrine of the Pre-Qin Dynasty;西宪理论与法家学说基本论点之辨析
12.Practice of “Man as the Foundation” in Enterprise Management;企业管理中“以人为本”实践之辨误
13.A Debate on the Rational Evolution vs. Rational Construction--Concurrently on Rationalism and Empiricism;应然与实然之辨——理性主义和经验主义
14.A Tentative Study on the "Distinction between Word and Meaning" and Its Import to China s Art Philosophy in Ancient Times;简论“言意之辨”与中国古代文艺理论
15.The Modern Ethical Significance of the Confucian Contention of "Ren and Yi are Inner or Outer"儒家“仁义内外之辨”的现代伦理意义
16.Desire For Love·Ethic--comparative researches on《Romeo and Juliet》 and《Liang Shan-bo and Zhu Ying-tai》爱欲·伦理——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《梁祝》之比较
17.Desire Narration:The Turning of Narrative Ethic in Recent Years;欲望叙事:世纪之交以来叙事伦理的转型
18.Desire, Degradation and Rescue--On Yu Da-fu s Ethical Mental State;欲望、沉沦与救赎——郁达夫伦理心态研究之一

theory and methods of identifying and treating diseases辨治理法
3)Principle of identification辨别原理
4)Argue of Truth and Desire理欲之辨
5)theoretical analysis理论辨析
6)Speculative Reason思辨理性
1.Speculative reason aufhebeng the understanding, while reflection theory is the key to understand Hegel s dialectics and speculative reason.思辨理性是扬弃了知性思维的更高一层的理性,反思学说是理解黑格尔辩证法及思辨理性的关键。
2.In Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant proposed the qu estion of “infinite condition,”which remains in particular in the sphere of ep istemology, and peculiarities the inherent speculative reason.它最能凸现思辨理性哲学的本质特性。
