竞赛式辩论,Competition-style Debate
1)Competition-style Debate竞赛式辩论
1.On the Nature of Competition-style Debate from the Angle of the Purpose从竞赛式辩论的目的看辩题的可辩性

1.On the Nature of Competition-style Debate from the Angle of the Purpose从竞赛式辩论的目的看辩题的可辩性
2.A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.辩论比赛在正式的辩论竞赛中,两个对立的队就一给定的命题进行辩论
3.defeat sb decisively in an argument,a competition,etc(在辩论、竞赛等中)把某人打得一败涂地.
4.Exploration of the Teaching Model of Debate for Business Specialty;经贸类专业课“辩论赛”教学模式探讨
5.The Applicafion of the Singapore-styled Debate in University Classroom;新加坡式辩论赛在大学课堂教学中的运用
6.Hold a debate among college students举行一场大学生辩论赛
7.The forms of activities include visits, debates, seminars, surveys, competitions, exhibitions and training camps.活动形式包括参观、辩论、研讨、调查、比赛、展览和训练营等。
8.The Theoretical Research on the Operational Mode of Our Country s Sports Dance s Athletic Market;我国体育舞蹈竞赛市场化运作模式的理论研究
9.Cooperative Principles and Polite Principles in the Free Debate of Argumentation;论辩论赛自由辩论中的合作原则与礼貌原则
10.An academic exercise consisting of a formal debate or an oral defense of a thesis.辩论练习学术上的辩论练习,包括正式辩论或对一论点的口头辩论
11."Mencius" Debate Skills in the Contemporary Debate on the Use of Race《孟子》的论辩技巧在当代辩论赛中的运用
12.Relation between strength and potential, competition and training;竞技指导中实力与潜力、比赛与训练的辩证关系
13.Discuss on the Dialectic Relation of Competitive Rules and Athletic Technology s Development;浅谈竞赛规则与运动技战术发展的辩证关系
14.participate in a competition, discussion, meeting参加竞赛、 讨论、 会议
15.Being such that formal argument or discussion is possible.可争辩的可导致正式争辩的或讨论的
16.vituperative debate,criticism, etc辱骂式的辩论、批评等.
17.The Lord arises to contend, And stands to judge the people.赛3:13耶和华起来辩论、著审判众民。
18.Now I wasn't to make just a few remarks in closing this debating contest.现在结束这彭辩论比赛,我想讲几句话。

Singapore-styled debate新加坡式辩论赛
1.Based on the new talent cultivation requirement of the present society,the idea of quality education,and the limitations of the traditional teaching model,this paper probes into the introduction of an innovative teaching model of debate for business specialty.根据当今社会对人才培养的新要求和素质教育思想,针对专业课程教学中传统教学模式的不足,探讨在经贸类专业课教学中导入“辩论赛”机制的创新教学模式,认为该教学模式体现了学生主体性和素质教育的原则,符合新时代对广大大学生的要求,具有较好的实践效果。
2.College debate has great positive effect on developing college students quality.高校辩论赛对于培养大学生的良好素质具有许多积极的意义。
4)election debate竞选辩论
5)Tournament Theory竞赛理论
1.Top Management Team Coordination Needs,Compensation Dispersion and Firm Performance:A Perspective of Tournament Theory;高层管理团队协作需要、薪酬差距和企业绩效:竞赛理论的视角
6)theory of rivalry竞赛论
1.An Interpretation to "Theory of Rivalry" and "Theory of Advantage;翻译"竞赛论"和"优势论"解读
2.Xu Yuanchong put forward the theory of advantage & theory of rivalry in early 1980s, there have arisen a host of controversies thereon, punctuated with heated debates.自20世纪80年代初许渊冲先生提出“发挥译语的优势”和“翻译是两种语言文化的竞赛”(两者合称“优势竞赛论”)以来,赞赏者有之,反对者有之,争论之波起伏不断,时起高潮。
3.Song Xuezhi on the theory of rivalry and the principle of faithfulness, this paper makes clear the author s opinion in these respects.有感于许渊冲和宋学智两先生关于“竞赛论”和翻译忠实标准的讨论。

竞赛竞赛emulation  竞赛(e mulation)人际关系的一种形式。指个人或团体在某项社会活动中相互之间力求超过对方的心理和行为。竞赛是一种社会现象,其内容与社会的需要有关,它的社会意义越大,就越有价值。竞赛条件下表现出人与人之间、群体与群体之间、个人与群体之间、群体与个人之间的复杂关系。它们只是短期行为,并不改变长期己经形成的人与人之间关系的性质。在竞赛条件下团体内气氛改变,个人的自尊和自我实现需要表现得更加强烈,对于活动产生更大的兴趣,使一个人的体力、智力都得到发挥。社会心理学的研究表明,在不同条件下,竞赛具有不同的社会心理效果。竞赛与竞争不同,其目的仅在于情绪调动,相互感染,而没有对抗倾向。 (林乘赞撰沈称灿审)