十戒原则,ten commandments
1)ten commandments十戒原则
2)Disciplinary Principle惩戒原则
3)principle of reprimand惩戒的原则
4)disclosure and abstention principle公开或戒绝原则
5)the ten prohibitions十戒

1.What is the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the laws indicated in this Chapter?十戒和本章所列的典章有什么关系?
2.Shi Jie Jing Chuan Shou Meng Wen collected in Gansu Provincial Museum;甘肃省博物馆藏道教《十戒经传授盟文》
3.a Latin cross with a ring surrounding the intersection.在交叉点有一个戒指的十字架。
4.Talk about boy-friends always puts her on the defensive.一谈到男朋友, 她总是戒心十足.
5.He simply reeks of the Ten Commandments.他浑身都是十大戒律的气味。
6.For forty days and nights he fasted, and at the end of them he was famished.他四十昼夜斋戒禁食,感到饥饿难耐。
7.A fundamental set of rules having authoritative weight.十条戒律有权威性的一套基本规则
8.God called Moses up Mount Sinai and gave him the Ten Commandments.上帝召摩西上西奈山并给他十条戒律.
9.Article 15 During the period of martial law, the martial-law-executing organ may decide to impose a curfew in the area under martial law.第十五条戒严期间,戒严实施机关可以决定在戒严地区采取宵禁措施。
10.If I had used this chewing gum when I was giving up smoking ten years ago,“如果我十年前戒烟的时候就吃这种口香糖的话,
11.So it is necessary to improve the health education of undergraduate.在大学生中尽早、积极地开展戒烟活动十分必要。
12.The centre came into operation on December 16, 1996.该戒毒所已于一九九六年十二月十六日投入服务。
13.Article21 Martial-law-enforcing officers are members of the People's Police, the People's Armed-police and the People's Liberation Army, who are assigned with tasks of enforcing the martial law.第二十一条执行戒严任务的人民警察、民武装警察和人民解放军是戒严执勤人员。
14.Article12 As soon as the state of emergency as cited in Article2 of this Law, for which martial law is enforced, is eliminated, the martial law shall be lifted.第十二条根据本法第二条规定实行戒严的紧急状态消除后,应当及时解除戒严。
15.I always think those people fortunate who are content to stand without question, by the Ten Commandments.我老是想,那些坚定不移地遵守十大戒律的人是幸运儿。
16.Article30 Acts of martial-law-enforcing officers for performing their tasks in accordance with law shall be protected by law.第三十条戒严执勤人员依法执行任务的行为受法律保护。
17.Niggard has nothing to do with ethnicity, but it has to do with a person's value system and how money is spent.解严已经二十年了,但是自我设定在别人身上的戒严还是到处都是。
18.We must use our manpower and material resources with the utmost economy and do everything possible to avoid waste.必须十分节省地使用我们的人力资源和物质资源,力戒浪费。

Disciplinary Principle惩戒原则
3)principle of reprimand惩戒的原则
4)disclosure and abstention principle公开或戒绝原则
5)the ten prohibitions十戒
6)the Fourteen Points十四点原则
1.Chapter one expatiates the practice of the Fourteen Points.本文论述了威尔逊十四点原则的形成、实施和最终失败的整个实践过程,分析了其失败的原因,最后反思了公众舆论在国家对外政策实施过程中的作用。

十戒【十戒】 (术语)一不杀生。二不偷盗。三不淫,四不妄语,五不饮酒,六不著华鬘好香涂身,七不歌舞倡伎,亦不往观听,八不得坐高广大床上,九不得非时食。十不得捉钱金银宝物。