声调误读,tone error
1)tone error声调误读
1.In Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi(PSC),the phenomenon of tone errors made by examinees is very serious,which is related to their weak sense of language standardization and the tonal differences between dialects and Putonghua.在普通话水平测试(PSC)中,应试者的声调误读现象非常严重,这和应试者淡薄的语言规范化意识以及方言与普通话在声调系统上的相异性有关。
2)tonal sandhi声调连读
3)Misadjustmetn Noise误调噪声
4)tonal errors声调偏误

1.General Study of Intonation Errors and Chinese Intonation Teaching as a Foreign Language;声调偏误与对外汉语声调教学研究综述
2.Analysis on Overseas Vietnamese Students Tone Deviance and Countermeasure in Instruction;越南留学生声调偏误分析及教学对策
3.An Experimental Research on Uygur Learners Errors in the Acquisition of Chinese Tones;维吾尔族学生学习汉语声调偏误的实验研究
4.An Analysis of the Two-syllabic Words Phonetic Errors Made by the Korean Students Learning Chinese;韩国留学生学习普通话时二字组及其在语流中的声调偏误分析
5.Experiments and Analysis of Spanish-speaking Learners' Acquisition of Mandarin Tones西班牙语国家留学生习得汉语声调偏误实验分析
6.Analyses of Japanese Students Chinese Tones Acquisition and Error;日本留学生汉语声调习得及偏误分析
7.An Experimental Study on the Errors Made by Korean Students in Learning Chinese Four Tones;韩国留学生汉语声调习得偏误的声学研究
8.A Study of Error in Foreigners Chinese Disyllabic Tonal Pairs;外国人的汉语双音节声调组合偏误研究
9.An Analysis of the Two-syllabic Words Phonetic Errors Made by the Intermediate Students in Reading Aloud and Spoken Chinese中级水平留学生朗读声调与口语表达声调的偏误分析
10.An Experimental Study on the Disyllabic Chinese Tonal Errors of the Junior Thai Students;初级阶段泰国留学生习得汉语双音节声调的偏误分析
11.Intonation Error and Teaching Countermeasure of High-level Foreign Students;高级水平留学生语调偏误及教学对策
12.The Scoring Criteria of "Intonation Tolerance" in Reading Item of PSC Exam;PSC朗读项“语调偏误”判定的依据
13.Analysis on Errors and Adjustment of Sampling Frame in Commercial Statistic Sample Survey;浅析商业抽样调查中抽样框偏误及调整
14.Migration Velocity Error Analysis Based on the Acoustic Wave Equation;基于声学波动方程的偏移速度误差分析
15.An Analysis on Errors in the Third Tone of By-syllable of Mandarin Produced by the Junior Stage Overseas Indonesian Students of Chinese Origin;初级阶段印尼华裔留学生二字组上声偏误分析
16.A Study on the Pronunciation Errors of Chinese Initials by the Junior Thai Students;初级阶段泰国留学生声母发音偏误考察
17.An Analysis of the Deviation of Neutral Tone of Disyllabic Words and its Acquisition by Japanese Students;日本学生双音节词轻声偏误及习得分析
18.Pitch Analysis of Disyllabic Neutral Tone in Standard Chinese Spoken by Foreign Students留学生普通话双音节轻声音高偏误实验

tonal sandhi声调连读
3)Misadjustmetn Noise误调噪声
4)tonal errors声调偏误
5)Tone Error Detection声调错误检测
1."Correct Reading" and "Misreading" in Literary Works;文学作品的“正读”与“误读”
2.On"creative misreading" in literary writing;论文学作品的“创造性误读”
3.On right reading and misreading;谈谈文学作品的正读与误读
