中文危机,written Chinese in crisis
1)written Chinese in crisis中文危机
2)Cultural Crisis文化危机
1.First, the mordern positivism concept of science had contributed to the European cultural crisis, because of it s refusal of corcern about all metaphysics problems.胡塞尔的科学批判主要有三点:①现代实证主义科学观排除一切形而上学问题,导致了欧洲文化危机及自身意义基础的丧失;②现代科学将自然数学化,且远离生活世界,使人们误把数学化的自然当成自然本身,形成封闭的、客观主义的自然观;③结果是物理主义的客观主义成为现代科学的形而上学基础,因此导致了科学的认识论之谜,使得自然科学知识何以可能成为问题。
2.From Hu Xuewen s novels:Journey,Convention inside the Winter Sun and Who to Be Enemy,the author s description and experience on spirit plight of modern native persons due to cultural crisis was stated.从《旅途》《冬日里的套子》《谁是谁的敌人》等胡学文小说文本出发,阐述了作者对现代乡土人物因文化危机而导致的精神困境的体验与描写。

1.The Contemporary Crisis due to the Cultural Conflicts between China and Western Countries;当代中国与西方文化冲突下的文化危机
2.Cultural Crisis Resulted from Cultural Imperialism and Countermeasures;文化帝国主义引发的本土文化危机及其应对
3.On the Consciousness of Cultural Crises in E.L.Doctorow s Fictions;评E.L.多克特罗作品中的文化危机意识
4.Cross-culture management of crisis in enterprise HR under the background of economic globalization;经济全球化背景下企业HR的跨文化危机管理
5.Identity Dilemma of the South: Cultural Crisis Presented in William Faulkner s Works;南方的身份困境:福克纳作品中南方的文化危机
6.Augustine, N.R. et al.(2000/2001). Harvard business review on crisis management.吴佩玲(译)。危机管理。台北市:天下文化。
7.Existence crisis and protection strategies for rural folklore culture;农村民俗文化的生存危机与保护策略
8."Red Classics"Phenomenon and Crisis of the Public s Acceptance of National Culture;“红色经典”现象与大众文化认同危机
9.A Brief Analysis about the Influence of Historical and Cultural Background on the Ecological Crisis in China;历史文化背景对中国生态危机的影响
10.The current crisis and prospects of scientific tendency of literary theory;现代性危机与文学理论科学化的前景
11.The Cultrual Interpretation of the "Modernity" of Faith Crisis and Its Originality;信仰危机的“现代性”根源及其文化解释
12.Historical Crisis and Modern Understanding of Advertising Culture;历史性的危机:广告文化的现代性读解
13.A Cultural Analysis of East Asian Financial Crisis;东亚金融危机——制度、文化层面分析
14.The Crisis of Japan in 1990′s and the Patterns of Japanese Culture;90年代日本危机与日本文化诸模式
15.The New-era Students' Culture-Identification Crisis and Its Reply新生代大学生文化认同危机及其应对
16.A Study of Anti-Recession of the Cultural Industries during the Economic Crisis文化产业在经济危机中的抗衰性研究
17.Cross-cultural Spread and Crisis of Films Cooperated with Foreign Film Companies跨文化传播与当前境外合拍片的危机
18.A study on the development of cultural strategies to deal with the challenges of financial crisis拓展文化战略研究 应对金融危机挑战

Cultural Crisis文化危机
1.First, the mordern positivism concept of science had contributed to the European cultural crisis, because of it s refusal of corcern about all metaphysics problems.胡塞尔的科学批判主要有三点:①现代实证主义科学观排除一切形而上学问题,导致了欧洲文化危机及自身意义基础的丧失;②现代科学将自然数学化,且远离生活世界,使人们误把数学化的自然当成自然本身,形成封闭的、客观主义的自然观;③结果是物理主义的客观主义成为现代科学的形而上学基础,因此导致了科学的认识论之谜,使得自然科学知识何以可能成为问题。
2.From Hu Xuewen s novels:Journey,Convention inside the Winter Sun and Who to Be Enemy,the author s description and experience on spirit plight of modern native persons due to cultural crisis was stated.从《旅途》《冬日里的套子》《谁是谁的敌人》等胡学文小说文本出发,阐述了作者对现代乡土人物因文化危机而导致的精神困境的体验与描写。
3)civilization crisis文明危机
1.This paper aims to reconsider the modernitic crisis from a long term anthropologic point of view and tries to explore its primary source-the civilization crisis.本文从人类学的长时段视野反思现代性危机 ,并还原到更根本的文明危机。
4)literary crisis文学危机
5)literary style crisis文体危机
6)Culture crisis文化危机
1.Value Rationality and Instrumental Rationality ──anot her saying of the modern society crisis and the culture crisis of China;价值合理性与目的工具合理性──关于现代社会与中国文化危机的另一种言说
2.Virtually, it’s a profound culture crisis.当前,人类正在面临着一场生存危机,实质上,这是一场深刻的文化危机。
