《堂吉诃德》,Don Quixote
1)Don Quixote《堂吉诃德》
1.Freely Flying Life in the Air:An Interpretation of Madness in Don Quixote by Cervantes;生命的自由飞扬——《堂吉诃德》的疯癫解读
2.On the Impact of Cervantes Life Expeience on the Creating Career of Don Quixote;塞万提斯的生活经历对《堂吉诃德》创作的影响
3.A Comparative Study of Don Quixote and The Great Gatsby from a Thematic Perspective;道德·死亡·再生——《堂吉诃德》与《了不起的盖茨比》主题探析

1.On Postmodern Features of Don Quixote堂吉诃德:伟大与渺小——兼论《堂吉诃德》中后现代主义小说特征
2.A comparative study of Lu Ding Ji and Don Quixote解构之维——《鹿鼎记》和《堂吉诃德》之比较
3.Humanistic Tendency Revealed in Don Quixote论《堂吉诃德》的人文主义思想倾向
4.A Comparision between "Mo Xu-you" and "Don Quixote《莫须有先生传》与《堂吉诃德》之比较研究
5.DON QUIXOTE is a novel which is worthy of exploration at any time.《堂吉诃德》是一部永远值得探索的小说。
6.A Comparative Study of The Story of Mr.Anonymity(MO Xu-you)and Don Quixote《莫须有先生传》与《堂吉诃德》比较谈
7.A Narrative Pitfall to Narration:A Fresh Inquiry into the Narrative skills of Quixote;叙述的陷阱——《堂吉诃德》叙事技巧新探
8.Freely Flying Life in the Air:An Interpretation of Madness in Don Quixote by Cervantes;生命的自由飞扬——《堂吉诃德》的疯癫解读
9.Don Quixote has done much more than stand the test of time.《堂吉诃德》不只是经得起时间的考验而已。
10.The second part analyzes the main piece of DON QUIXOTE .第二部分是对《堂吉诃德》主干部分的分析。
11.On the Character s Multi-Cultural Identities of Don Quixote;《堂吉诃德》人物形象文化身份的多重性探析
12.On the Impact of Cervantes Life Expeience on the Creating Career of Don Quixote;塞万提斯的生活经历对《堂吉诃德》创作的影响
13.A Comparative Study of Don Quixote and The Great Gatsby from a Thematic Perspective道德·死亡·再生——《堂吉诃德》与《了不起的盖茨比》主题探析
14.At the root of Don Quixote's madness is his idealism.堂吉诃德疯狂的根源是他的理想主义,
15.Recognizing Don Quijote:the Way to Desire of Reader;认识堂吉诃德:作为读者的欲望之路
16.Don Quixote and 20th Century Chinese Literature;《堂·吉诃德》与20世纪中国文学
17.One given to adventurous or quixotic conduct.侠义心肠的人,堂吉诃德式的人物喜欢冒险或作出堂吉诃德式行为的人
18.Often, the people who laugh at Don Quixote end up imitating him.通常那些嘲笑堂吉诃德的人们最后都会模仿他。

Don Quijote堂吉诃德
1.Recognizing Don Quijote:the Way to Desire of Reader;认识堂吉诃德:作为读者的欲望之路
2.《El Ingenioso Hidelgo Don Quijote de la Mancha》and {The True Story of AH Q}) are two great works in world literature.《堂吉诃德》和《阿Q正传》作为世界文学史上的两部伟大的作品,从它们诞生之日起,研究者们对它们的关注与兴趣就从未停止过、减弱过。
4)Don Quixote堂吉诃德
1.The spectacle of idealism in the view of comedy——the analysis on the spirit and image of Don Quixote;喜剧视野下的理想主义奇观——堂吉诃德的精神和形象分析
2.The betrayal of cavalier maniac and love - crazy man——A comparison of images of Don Quixote and Jia Baoyu;骑士狂与情痴的叛逆——堂吉诃德与贾宝玉形象比较
3.The Comedy Aesthetic Characteristics in Don Quixote;《堂吉诃德》的喜剧美学特征
5)Don Quixote堂·吉诃德
1.Two Knights in the Renaissance ——A comparison between the Two Character-Portraits Falstaff and Don Quixote;文艺复兴时期的两位“骑士”——福斯塔夫与堂·吉诃德形象比较
1.A Narrative Pitfall to Narration:A Fresh Inquiry into the Narrative skills of Quixote;叙述的陷阱——《堂吉诃德》叙事技巧新探
