目的-意图原则,goal-intention principle
1)goal-intention principle目的-意图原则
1.Pragmatic Accounting of TV Advertisements In Goal-Intention Principle;目的-意图原则对电视广告的语用解释力

1.Pragmatic Accounting of TV Advertisements In Goal-Intention Principle;目的-意图原则对电视广告的语用解释力
2.The CP Need to Be A Principle and the Goal-Intention Principle;“合作不必是原则”与“目的——意图原则”
3.Goal-Intention Principle and Pragmatic Nihilism:A Discussion of Pragmatic Principles in Response to Lin et al.;目的—意图原则与“语用虚无主义”——与林大津教授等谈“语用原则”
4.Re-evaluating the Goal-Intention Principle: A Response to Chu and Huo;再评“目的意图原则”——兼与褚修伟和霍永寿先生商榷
5.The Principle of Objective Description and Cataloging Work of the Books from Hong Kong and Taiwan客观著录原则与港台图书的编目工作
6.On the Meaning,Purpose,Task and Principles of Health Education;试论健康教育的意义、目的、任务和原则
7.Intention Principle,Cooperation Principle and Polite Principle;谎言与目的原则、合作原则及礼貌原则
8.On Library Objective Orientation and Construction Principles from Vocational Training School to Full University;论“专升本”院校图书馆的目标定位与建设原则
9.Brief Discussion about the Target and Principle of Library Resources Sharing浅议图书馆信息资源共享的目标和原则
10.The Position of Translation Theory in Translation Teaching;任意性原则的图解与翻译文本的语用再现
11.A general or widely held principle, concept, or notion.一般性普遍地或广泛地保持的原则、概念或意图
12.Speaker's words and intention cooperation are that general principle of pragmatics.说话人话语与意图合作是普遍的语用原则。
13.Significance,Principle and Isms of the Market Access of Digital Library Industry数字图书馆产业市场准入的意义、原则和制度
14.User Query Intent Identificat ion Based on Rules and Type Restoration基于规则和类型还原的用户查询意图识别
15.Note: Once items become series items for a list, you cannot change the setting back.注意: 一旦列表的项目更改为系列项目,则不能改回原来的设置。
16.On the Differences and Coordinations between Optimum Principle and Satisfactory Principle;论最优化原则与满意原则的差异协同
17.Don't show your hand too early or else he'll find out what we are really doing here.别过早暴露你的意国图,否则他会觉察出我们来这儿的真实目的。
18.Microsoft’s intentions were good, but it went a little too far in enforcing global style guides.微软的意图是好的,但是在体现整体风格指导原则方面走得太远。

Skopos rule目的原则
1.This paper is a study of the translation of Luck by Mark Twain in the light of the skopos theory from the angle of skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule included in skopos theory.目的论原则包括目的原则、连贯原则和忠实原则,笔者根据目的论这三个原则,讨论了马克·吐温《好运气》的译文。
3)the Principle of Goal-Direction目的原则
1.Discourse Analysis of the Gospels Based on the Principle of Goal-direction;目的原则下的福音书话语分析
4)purpose and principle目的和原则
5)Skopos rule目的性原则
1.Skopos theory holds that translation, essentially an intentional cross-cultural communication, should take the functions the target text is to achieve in the target culture as the primary reference, which is call ed Skopos rule by Vermeer.德国功能派翻译理论 (Skopostheory)认为 ,翻译的实质是有目的的跨文化交际活动 ,翻译的过程应以实现译文在译语文化中的预期功能为首要原则 ,也即翻译的目的性原则。
2.Based on the Skopos rule, the core principle of Skopostheory, the paper examines the nature, purpose and intended function of the target text.本文以功能派翻译理论目的论的核心原则目的性原则为依据,对广告翻译的实质、目的和译文的预期目的进行了分析,认为实现译文的在译语文化中的预期目的和功能是广告翻译应遵循的第一准则。
6)Destination Principle目的地原则

DEQ 目的港码头交货 (……指定目的港)  %26#8220;目的港码头交货%26#8221;是指卖方在指定的目的港码头将货物交给买方处置,不办理进口清关手续,即完成交货。卖方应承担将货物运至指定的目的港并卸至码头的一切风险和费用。  DEQ术语要求买方办理进口清关手续并在进口时支付一切办理海关手续的费用、关税、税款和其他费用。   这和以前版本相反,以前版本要求卖方办理进口清关手续。  如果当事方希望卖方负担全部或部分进口时交纳的费用,则应在销售合同中明确写明。  只有当货物经由海运、内河运输或多式联运且在目的港码头卸货时,才能使用该术语。但是,如果当事方希望卖方负担将货物从码头运至港口以内或以外的其他点(仓库、终点站、运输站等)的义务时,则应使用DDU或DDP术语。