语用词义,pragmatic meaning
1)pragmatic meaning语用词义
1.On the basis of the existing findings,the author divides words meaning into two categories: static meaning and pragmatic meaning.在实际的言语交际中,目的词除表达一定的语备意义外,又由于语境因素的影响,会发生某种变异,形成临时性的语用词义
2.In practical communications,the meaning system of the word does not stay in a self-closed or non-motion state but,in specific contexts,the meanings of words may change,thus forming particular pragmatic meanings.在实际的语言交际中,词义系统并非处于一个自足封闭的静止状态,词义在特定语用环境的要求下可能发生某种变异,形成特定的语用词义
3.The pragmatic meaning of the word is often unbalanced in realizing the value of the communicative function and the dominant degree is of difference.据此可把语用词义分为:在语境中凸现为实现交际功能的显性语用词义和不起表义主导作用的隐而不显的隐性语用词义

1.The Analysis of Motivation of Pragmatic Meaning of Words;语用环境中“语用词义”的形成理据分析
2.The Study of Pragmatic Enrichment on Polysemy from Perspective of Lexical Pragmatics;多义词语用充实问题的词汇语用研究
3.Semantic, Pragmatic and Syntactic Analysis of "Degree Adverb+Noun";“程度副词+名词”的语义、语用和句法分析
4.The Research into Modern Chinese Semantics of N-V Shift;现代汉语名词活用为动词的语义探微
5.An analysis of Pragmatic Meaning of Adverb "Please";副词“please”的语用涵义分析
6.An Analysis of the Grammar, Semantics, and Pragmatics of the Measure Words in Modern Uygur;现代维语量词语法、语义、语用分析
7.Uygur-Chinese Vocabulary Meaning Pragmatics Difference and Bilingual Lexicography;维汉语词汇的语义、语用差异与双语词典编纂
8.The word or words serving to define another word or expression, as in a dictionary entry.字典词条下定义或释义用的词语,如字典的词条
9.Meaning and usage of sound and spirit imitating words in Japanese;日语常用拟声词、拟态词的意义和用法
10.The Application of Semantic Frame to Lexicon and Semantic Phenomenon;语义框架在词汇、语义现象中的运用
11.Semantic opacity in Japanese mainly results from the use of semantically vague,polysemic,and general lexis.日语中主要使用语义模糊词语、多义词和语义概括(笼统)词语等来表达不明确的语义。
12.Semantic Classification and Pragmatic Analysis of English Modals;英语情态动词的语义分类及语用分析
13.The Semantic Classification,Semantic Feature and Pragmatic Analysis of English Modals;英语情态动词的语义分类、语义特征及语用分析
14.Defining Word Meanings in Bilingual Dictionaries: A Pragmatic Perspective;语用学视角下的双语词典词语定义研究
15.Lexical Pragmatics:A New Perspective of Lexical Meaning Study;词汇意义研究的新视域:词汇语用学
16.Differentiation of Some Common Similarative Function Words from the Aspects of Semantics, Grammar and Pragmatics;语义、语法、语用三结合辨析几组常用近义虚词
17.The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary Across the Straits Investigation into the Special Meaning of the Unique Terms in Taiwanese Chinese;《两岸现代汉语常用词典》台湾汉语特有词语及词语特有义项考察
18.Lexical pragmatics--dynamic research into meaning in the perspectiveof pragmatics;词汇语用学—语用角度的动态意义研究

the pragmatic meaning of a word词义语用
1.This actual concept of a word in utterance,whether resulting in a narrower or broader literal concept or some combination of the two,is just the pragmatic meaning of a word in utterance.在特定语境条件下,原本明确的(或字面的)词义会因说话人的表达意图而被调整或修饰,包括收窄(narrowing)、近似(approximation)、隐喻化(metaphorizing)等词义语用化现象。
3)pragmatic meaning of a word词语语用意义
4)pragmatic contraction of lexeme词义的语用收窄
1.By listing some typical phenomena of pragmatic contraction of lexeme and explaining the process,this article believes that it is the pursuit of association that inducts,leads and terminates the pragmatic contraction of lexeme.词汇语用学是近年来国外语用学日渐关注的研究课题,词义的语用收窄就是其研究对象之一。
5)semantic background for using words and expressions词语使用的语义背景
6)A Study on Pragmatic Meaning of Word词的语用意义研究

词义1.文辞﹑言词的义理。 2.文词和义理。 3.语言学术语。指词的语音形式所表达的意义﹐包括词的词汇意义和语法意义。