语言起源,Language Origin
1)Language Origin语言起源
1.The Language Origin Concept in Evolutionary Psychology;进化心理学视野下的语言起源

1.The Teutonic languages derive from Primitive Germanic.日耳曼语言起源于原始的日耳曼语。
2.Italian and Spanish are kindred languages.意大利和西班牙的语言起源是相同的。
3.From Signal to Symbol: Examining Language Origin from Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics;从信号到符号——认知语言学对人类语言起源的诠释
4.Lange ge originate before philosophy, and that's what's wrong with philosophy.语言起源于哲学以前,这就是哲学的错处。
5.The Considerations on the Origin of Modern Language by Fossil Anatomy and Genetics;现代语言起源的化石解剖学和分子遗传学思考
6.a new theory of the origin of language is the most prominent feature of the Book.关于语言起源的新理论是这本书显著的一个特点。
7.The origin of language is also obscure.语言的起源也很模糊。
8.Origin of the Whistle -- Origin of language;啸的起源——兼论语言的起源张应斌
9.the group of languages derived from Latin.一种起源于拉丁语的语言。
10.ALGOL-like source language类ALGOL源语言
11.On Presumption That Aristotle s Logic Originated from Language Study;浅议亚氏的逻辑学说起源于语言研究
12.The Missing Links in Human Evolution and the Origin of Language;人类进化中的“缺失环节”和语言的起源
13.Relations of Human Migration, Language Evolution with the Origin of Agriculture;人种迁徙、语言演变与农业起源的思考
14.The "Cell" of Metrical Forms in Chinese Poetry--Also on the Origin of Four-character Sentence Pattern in Book of Song;汉语诗歌形式的“细胞”——兼谈《诗经》四言句式的起源
15.Analysis of the Origin of Han Culture in Archaeological and Historical Linguistic Perspective汉文化起源辨析:考古学历史语言学的观点
16.Refuting are Language Signs Established by Usage:on the Origin of Language,Saussure s Arbitrariness Principle of Language,and other Reflections;评《语言符号是约定俗成的吗》——兼论语言的起源、索绪尔语言符号任意性原则及其他
17.FROM LANGUAGE TO SPEECH--Sources and Changes of Artistic Language;从语言到言语——艺术语言的源流和变迁
18.Modern English derives primarily from one of the dialects of Anglo-Saxon.现代英语起源于盎格鲁-撒克逊语的多种方言之一。

origin of speech言语起源
3)the origin of language语言的起源
4)the origin of mordern language现代语言起源
5)On the Origin of Essays Being the Language散文起源语言说
6)The Analysis of language origin浅议语言的起源

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。