沈兼士,Shen Jianshi
1)Shen Jianshi沈兼士
1.Comment on the yitonghuandu of Shen Jianshi;沈兼士“义同换读”学说述评
2.On the Theory of Dialectal Research by Shen Jianshi;浅析沈兼士的方言研究理论

1.On Mr.Shen s Contribution to the Lexicology in China;论沈兼士的文字起源说对中国文字学的贡献
2.Gediao & Shenyun:Introjection;格调对神韵的兼容——从《清诗别裁集》选王士禛诗看沈德潜的“格调说”
3.A Revaluation of SHEN Cong-wen s Fictions--With a review of SHEN studies in the past 80 years;沈从文小说价值重估——兼论80年来的沈从文研究
4.A Summary of Shen Junru Research Symposium-Also on the Research Trend of Shen Junru沈钧儒研讨会研究综述——兼论沈钧儒研究的走向
5.A new perspective of the Fan Ye s rebellion -side-study on the Shen Yue comment on Fan Ye;范晔“谋反”新说——兼论沈约对范晔的评价
6.The Analysis of the Citationsin the Doctoral The sesofShenyang Agricultural University;沈阳农业大学博士学位论文引文分析
7.Shen Cong-wen s Essay with Reference to the Present Situation in the Study of Shen and the Compilation of the Historical Materials;论沈从文的杂文写作——兼及沈从文研究现状和史料编纂问题
8.Shen Congwen and Xiangxi Dialect--Also on Shen Congwen s contribution to modern Chinese literature.;沈从文与湘西方言——兼论沈从文对现代汉语文学的贡献
9.On "Lin Shi Zhuan"--Comments on Shen Jiji Taking the Female Fox as "Self-evidence";再论《任氏传》——兼评沈既济以雌狐“自喻”臆说
10.Semantic Triangle and Linguistic Sign s Randomness;语义三角与语言符号任意性——兼评沈怀兴的文章
11.Shen Conrwen s Local--Also on the Present Development of Local Literature;沈从文之于“乡土”——兼谈乡土文学在当下的发展
12.Most of these part-time soldiers hold civilian jobs.大部分兼职士兵都还兼有普通的工作。
13.Study on the Mental Health and Its Related Factors of Servicement in Shenyang Military Area Command of Chinese PLA;沈阳战区士兵心理健康状况及影响因素的研究
14.Retirement School and Their Personage Demeanour: From FEI Ming, SHEN Cong-wen to WANG Zeng-qi;归隐派与名士风度——废名、沈从文、汪曾祺论
15.Accumulation Characteristic of Cadmium in Major Woody Plants in Zhangshi Irrigation Area in Shenyang City沈阳张士灌区常见木本植物镉积累特征
16.Semantic Reanalysis on 就 and 才 in Modern Chinese--A discussion with Shen Jiaxuan;现代汉语中“就”和“才”的语义再分析——兼与沈家煊商榷
17.On Shen Jia-ben s Thoughts on Jurisdiction Independence--The Principles of Legal System Reform at the End of Qing Dynasty;论沈家本的司法独立思想——兼论清末法制变革之指导思想
18.Shen Congwen s Aesthetic in his Early Prose--Comparing the Pose of Ye Cao;沈从文早期散文的审美追求——兼与鲁迅《野草》的比较

Shen Jiɑnshi沈兼士(1886~1947)
1.Combination of scholars and bureaucracy: the establishment of the scholar-officer s civilian polity in the Song Dynasty;士与官僚的合流:宋代士大夫文官政治的确立
2.In the light of Chinese traditional agricultural culture,scholar culture,religion and folklore factors,the background of Chinese plant culture was analyzed.试从农耕、文人、士大夫、宗教及民俗中探悉中国植物文化形成的背景。
1.Yu Yingshi s Research about the Culture of Shi in the Pre-Qin Time and Its Renaissance;余英时对先秦“士”文化的研究及其现代价值的抉发
1.Shi Ji(Historical Records) is noted for its"Wonder-advocating",a characteristic which is deeply-seated in such factors as the author Sima Qian s Confucian misery consciousness,immersion in folk narrative literature,understanding and pursuit of the "intellectuals",belief in destiny,etc.《史记》具有突出的“尚奇”特征,其“尚奇”的深层原因主要在于司马迁的儒家的苦难意识、民间叙事文学的浸染、对“士”的价值体认与追求以及对天命的信奉等方面。
2.Through the analysis of the relationship between the intellectuals of late Ming dynasty and science of that time, through the comparison of the late Ming society with the social condition in which modern science grew, this article concludes that it would be difficult for the late Ming society to go out of the Middle Ages.从晚明社会的士和科学的关系分析出发 ,并与近代科学产生的社会条件作比较 ,说明晚明社会的科学走出中世纪是相当困难
1.On Comparison of the Cultural Personality of Scholars in the Spring & Autumn Period and the War Period;论春秋战国时期士文化人格之变迁
2.During the periods of Spring & Autumn and the Warring States when society was changing from the slave system to the feudal system,"scholars"played important roles in politics and economy,in military and diplomatic activities,gradually took the place of the witch\|historiographers and became the main body conducting propagation of the time.在社会性质由奴隶制向封建制转化的春秋战国时期 ,“士”在政治、经济、军事、外交活动中充任着重要的角色 ,逐渐取代周代以前的“巫史”,成为当时社会传播活动的主体 ,他们通过游说诸侯、聚徒讲学、记言记事等方式 ,向诸侯、学生及大众传播自己的思想观念 ,而这种种不同的传播方式又展示出他们在论辩艺术、教育艺术和叙事艺术方面的高超智

沈兼士Shen Jianshi沈兼士  国语言文字学家,明清档案专家。浙江吴兴县人。生于1887年7月31日,卒于1947年8月2日。早年游学日本,与鲁迅等人从章炳麟问学,并加入同盟会。归国后历任北京大学文学院院长、中央研究院历史语言研究所通信研究员、北京大学研究所国学门主任、辅仁大学国文系教授、代理校长、文学院院长兼文科研究所主任等职。1925年出任北平故宫博物院图书馆副馆长并主持文献部工作,历任故宫理事会理事、文献馆副馆长、馆长等职。  1922年他任北京大学研究所国学门主任时,就在该所组织了清内阁大库档案整理会 (后改称明清史料整理会),对清宫档案进行了整理和使用。在故宫博物院任职期间,他组织集中宫中各处散存档案,聘请著名学者协助指导,将军机处、内阁、内务府及宫中各处档案分别整理编目;开辟陈列室展出有价值的档案;组织编辑出版《文献丛编》、《史料旬刊》、《清代文字狱档》等30余种书刊。他任文献馆馆长时,对清代档案的整理制订了较为细密的计划,并开始对档案整理的原则和方法进行研究,提出整理档案应以不失原貌为原则,主张普遍系统地加以分类整理,摈弃只注重搜求珍奇史料的做法,先后撰写了 6篇有关明清档案管理的论著。1936年在中国博物馆协会与中华图书馆协会联合召开的会议上,他提出请国民政府令各级机关分别就地保管档案,不得毁弃;令各部院将北洋政府时期的档案和前清旧档拨归文献馆管理;令驻外使馆将已失时效的档案运缴国内整理保存。这一提案得到与会人员一致赞同。他将总结历年经验编成的《整理档案规程》提交会议讨论,获得赞许。他对明清档案管理和档案学所做的贡献具有开拓意义。  在语言文字学方面,他著作宏富,对“语根字族”的研究获学术界很高评价。      (刘子扬 张莉)