假借义,borrowed meaning
1)borrowed meaning假借义
1.Moreover, the book gives a contrast between the explanations of Shuo-wen, which mainly focuses on the meanings of word itself and Guang-yun which, instead, sometimes on the extended or borrowed meanings with more or less inaccuracy between ancient and modern words.段玉裁《说文解字注》引用《广韵》中大量训诂资料,求证《说文》本字本义,纠正今本《说文》的讹误,力图恢复古本《说文》的原貌,同时用历史的眼光审察《广韵》,把《说文》释义与《广韵》释义进行比照,以《说文》本义为主线来贯通《广韵》中的引申义与假借义以及古今词义的差异,纠正《广韵》的释义之误。
2.The erroneous interpretation is mainly embodied by taking extended meanings as the original one, regarding the borrowed meaning as the original and determining the meaning by looking at the surface of the writings.《说文》立足小篆,由本字探寻本义,产生了诸多误释;误释主要表现为以引申义为本义、以假借义为本义及望文训义;导致误释的根源在于文字的变迁、神学化儒学的影响及语言内部的发展。
3.Their differences lie in that a word includes both connotation and denotation,while a character,besides theses two,may have borrowed meaning and interchangeable borrowed meaning.提出词义和字义的区别和联系,着重对它们的区别给予充分论证,认为:词只有本义和引申义两种,而字除了有本义和引申义之外还可能有假借义和通假义。
2)Assume false official title假借名义

1.Some are even serving as tools of the Japanese aggressors, using various guises to camouflage their conspiratorial activities.甚有为日寇所利用,假借名义,作为掩护其阴谋活动的工具。
2.serve the devil (for God's sake)(假借上帝名义)为非做歹,做坏事
3.A lot of nonsense is talk, under the guise of philosophy假借哲学的名义讲了一大堆的废话
4.A lot of nonsense is talked, under the guise of philosophy.假借哲学的名义讲了一大堆的废话。
5.He often swaggered and swindled under the guise of the company's name.他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。
6.It is a war that waged in the name of liberation.这是一场假借解放的名义而进行的战争。
7.A franchisor must not falsely borrow the name of Franchising and illegally engage in direct selling activities.特许人不得假借特许经营的名义,非法从事传销活动。
8.Jiajie(假借) and Jiezi(借字) in Xuan Ying s The Sound and Meaning of the Tripitaka;玄应《一切经音义》中的“假借”、“借字”
9.Article134. Securities companies' proprietary business shall be conducted in the names of the securities companies themselves and not in other's names or in the names of individuals.第一百三十四条证券公司自营业务必须以自己的名义进行,不得假借他人名义或者以个人名义进行。
10."Too much gimmick has been disguised as art, just to be novel or to outdo each other in the name of creativity or innovation."最后,太多的花巧被伪装成艺术,很多人假借创意和革新的名义,希望能够标新立异,出奇制胜。
11.They just want to line their pockets in the name of charity.他们只是想借慈善的名义来中饱私囊。
12.Oh liberty, how many crimes have been committed in your name !噢,自由! 借你的名义犯下了多少罪行!
13.O lordrty, how many crime have been commit in your name!噢,自由!借你的名义犯下了多少罪行!
14.Journalists may not solicit advertisements in the name of news coverage.新闻记者不得借采访名义招揽广告。
15.To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;以合众国的名义借贷款项;
16.I'll do it in the name of education.我还是借教育的名义来干吧。
17.Etymological and semantic analysis of borrowed words in Chinese;假借字来源与词义探析——汉字源流考之一
18.The Meaning of "Full" and "Complete" in "Ping" in Tang and Song Dynasties:with Further Explanation of "Hiragana";唐宋语言“平”有满、全义——兼释“平假名”

Assume false official title假借名义
3)a study of the borrowing meaning假借义研究
4)in [under] the guise of other's name假借他人的名义
5)On the Loaned-meaning and the Cognate Meaning论假借义与语源义
6)phonetic loan characters假借
1.Comments on phonetic loan characters and"San-shu Shuo";试析假借造字兼及“三书说”
2.In ANCIENT CHINESE LANGUAGE and ANCIENT MEDICAL LITERATURE, “phonetic loan characters” and “interchangeability of Chinese characters belong to the same category in terms of names, and are similar in meanings, therefore are confusing.在《古代汉语》和《医古文》中 ,“假借”与“通假”名相类而义相近 ,容易混为一谈。

假借义  指一个汉字被借为别的字而出现的与原义无关的意义。假借义不同于本义和引申义。本义是造字原有的意义,引申义是由原义引发出来的意义。例如"须"字金文作,《说文》解释为"面毛也"。"须"就是"鬍"的"","面毛"正是"须"字的本义。古书里有用为"等待"义的,后来又用为"必须"的意思,这都是假借义。又如"令", 本义是"命令"、"号令",可是古人说"令闻令望","令"是"善"的意思。"善"是假借义。又如"常"《说文》训"下帬也"。可是又有"恒"的意思,那是假借义。又如 "诞"是"大言"、"妄言"的意思,可是又有"诞生"、"生育"的意思,那也是假借义。假借义是否另有它的本字往往不可考。