使役动词,causative verbs
1)causative verbs使役动词
1.The middle voice and the semantic role of instrumentin the middle clauses of causative verbs;使役动词的中动语态和它的工具语义角色
2.The causative verbs and their sentence patterns are one of the English basic characteristics. 使役动词及其句型结构是英语的基本特色之一。

1.causative verb使役动词(Ihadmyhaircut中的had为使役动词之一)
2.Blacken' is a causative verb meaning cause to become black'.blacken是使役动词,意思是`使变黑'.
3.a factitive verb(直接宾语后须加补语的)使役动词
4.A Cognitive Approach to English Causative Psychological Verbs英语心理使役动词的认知语言学阐释
5.Study on the Development of the Construction "Vt+Causative Verb+O+Vi" in Middle Ancient Chinese中古“Vt+使役动词+O+Vi”格式流变的探析
6.The middle voice and the semantic role of instrumentin the middle clauses of causative verbs;使役动词的中动语态和它的工具语义角色
7.Chinese L2 Learners Acquisition of English Psych Causative Verbs;中国英语学习者英语心理使役动词习得研究
8.Causative Verb,Related Syntactical and Semantic Structure in Modern Chinese;近代汉语使役动词及其相关的句法、语义结构
9.The Passive Mark "Zhun" in Anfu Dialect--Discussing the Reasons of Causitive Verb Indicating Passivity江西安福话的“准”字被动句——兼论使役动词表被动的动因
10.A Usage-based Approach to Chinese EFL Learners' Use of English Periphrastic Causative Verbs and Their Constructions基于使用模型的中国英语学习者句法使役动词及其构式使用的研究
11.An Empirical Study of CALL of English Psych Causative Verbs by Chinese Foreign Language School Students;中国外国语高中生在计算机辅助下学习英语心理使役动词的实证研究
12.The Usage of Transitive Verbs and Intransitive Verbs;自动词使役态与他动词的使用方法辨析
13.Syntactical Differences and Similarities of Some Verbs of MV,PV and Patterns;英语役使动词、感知动词和帮助动词中典型动词在句法上的异同
14.(grammar)(of words or forms of words)expressing a cause(指词或词形)使役的
15.Chinese Causative Expressions Translated from Japanese Non-causative Emotional Adjectives日语情绪形容词非使役形式的汉语使役表述
16.The Morphological Categories and Syntactic Structures of Psych Causative Verbs in English and Chinese;英汉使役心理动词的形态分类和句法结构比较分析
17.Study on "X+N_(causee)" Causative Compounds in Modern Chinese现代汉语“X+N_(役事)”致使复合词研究
18.B Write these sentences again using have with the verbs in italics. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise.将以下句子改成使役结构,保留用斜体印出的动词。完成练习后再对照课文核对你的答案。

Making Verb(MV)役使动词
3)causativized verb使役化动词
1.This paper explores the properties of causation,causativized verb and causative construction.探讨了使役、使役化动词和使役结构的性质。
4)sentimental verbs情感性使役动词
5)intransitive verb employment state自动词使役态
1.The characteristic of the sentences composed of intransitive verb employment state is that the objects take the responsibility no matter the actions are allowed or commanded by the subjects.自动词使役态构成的句子其特点是,无论是在主体允许下还是命令下的行为,其责任等都在于客体本身。
6)causative psych verbs使役心理动词
1.From the perspective of the Minimalist Program and with the enriched VP-shell theory, this paper attempts to explore the generating process of the syntactic structures of the causative psych verbs.英汉使役心理动词按形态可分为四大类。

使役1.服役;服事,伺候。 2.指仆役。 3.役使,驱使。