乖讹论,incongruity theory
1)incongruity theory乖讹论
1.For quite a long time, three humor theories, which are superiority theory, relief theory and incongruity theory, have been exploited to explain the humor.长期以来,人们一直用较为流行的优越论、宽慰论和乖讹论来解释幽默。
2.Besides,by applying the incongruity theory and the relevance theory,the paper holds that humor interpretation includes three stages: to set up the initial frame,to start the frame-shifting and to synthesize a new subversive frame.结合乖讹论和关联理论,将幽默理解的信息加工过程划分为三个阶段:建立初始框架、启动框架转换和合成颠覆性新框架、最终完成释话过程的语义跃迁和幽默解读。
2)the incongruity theory乖讹理论
1.Moreover,by applying the incongruity theory of humor,the present paper holds that the verb.通过引入幽默乖讹理论,相声语境中出现在词、句、段乃至篇章等各个层面的语言模因都可以成为一种幽默机制,能在相声中恰到好处地产生出不和谐、不协调的乖谬现象,触发相声言语幽默。
1.The other kind of incongruity to generate humor can stem from the deliberate breach of the principles supposed to be observed by the speakers to promote and maintain harmonious relations.文章以Leech的礼貌准则及Brown和Levinson面子理论及礼貌的补救策略为理论依据,分析了产生喜剧幽默的另外一种乖讹,认为它是在违背社会约定俗成的礼貌原则的基础上形成的。
2.Traditional humor theories mainly probe the nature of humor, among which, the three classical ones are: incongruity theory, superiority theory and relief theory (Morreall, 1983:4).传统的幽默理论主要探讨幽默的本质,形成了三种常见的理论:乖讹论、优越论以及慰藉论(Morreall, 1983: 4)。

1.Incongruity-Resolution Theory of humor claims that the humorous effect arises from the perception of two incompatible ideas and the resolution of the incongruity.幽默的乖讹-消解理论提出,幽默效果的产生依赖于发现并解决乖讹
2.A Cognitive Approach to the Incongruity and Resolution of Verbal Humor;言语幽默乖讹与消解机制的认知语言学研究
3.Be a poppet and get my gloves.小乖乖去拿手套给我。
4.We won't quarrel, baby.我们不要拌嘴巴,乖乖。
5.Do not forget thy prayers, my sweet.不要忘记祈祷,我的乖乖。
6.Oh I love to tease you, baby.噢,我真喜欢取笑你,乖乖。
7.The word is a corruption of another word.这个词是另一词的传讹。
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9.He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences.他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
10.Arguments against the Clarification of the Old Man and the Official of Stone Trench by Du Fu;《〈杜甫《石壕吏》中的老翁和石壕吏〉辨讹》辨讹
11.I take this as a lesson."我又学了一个乖。”
12.What happens when 'mama's girl' grows up?昔日的"乖乖女"长大成人时,会发生什么?
13.Come on, honey. You hold the doll and I'll hold you.来吧,好乖乖,你抱着娃娃我抱着你。
14.'We are the dead,' echoed Julia dutifully.“我们是死者,”裘莉亚乖乖地附和说。
15.And what have you got, my dear?那么,你弄到了什么,我的乖乖?
16.I'll go tomorrow if the wind behaves.只要老天乖乖儿吹顺风,我明天就动身。
17.He said, @I promise to be good, Father.他说:“爸爸,我保证我以后都会乖乖的,
18.Yet Caroline refused tamely to succumb.然而,卡罗琳不肯就此乖乖地屈服。

the incongruity theory乖讹理论
1.Moreover,by applying the incongruity theory of humor,the present paper holds that the verb.通过引入幽默乖讹理论,相声语境中出现在词、句、段乃至篇章等各个层面的语言模因都可以成为一种幽默机制,能在相声中恰到好处地产生出不和谐、不协调的乖谬现象,触发相声言语幽默。
1.The other kind of incongruity to generate humor can stem from the deliberate breach of the principles supposed to be observed by the speakers to promote and maintain harmonious relations.文章以Leech的礼貌准则及Brown和Levinson面子理论及礼貌的补救策略为理论依据,分析了产生喜剧幽默的另外一种乖讹,认为它是在违背社会约定俗成的礼貌原则的基础上形成的。
2.Traditional humor theories mainly probe the nature of humor, among which, the three classical ones are: incongruity theory, superiority theory and relief theory (Morreall, 1983:4).传统的幽默理论主要探讨幽默的本质,形成了三种常见的理论:乖讹论、优越论以及慰藉论(Morreall, 1983: 4)。
4)the incongruity-resolution theory"乖讹-消解"理论
6)appropriate incongruity(-resolution)合适乖讹(消解)
