深层文化,deep culture
1)deep culture深层文化
1.The general trend toward similarity in the development of the two languages is yet rooted in their different aspects of deep cultures.但究其根本 ,相似性却是建立在英汉语言各自的深层文化之上的。

1.China's Deep Cultural Enlightenment and Building of Harmonious Culture中国的深层文化启蒙与和谐文化建设
2.WANG Chang-ling s Tragic Life and the Underlying Cultural Cause;王昌龄的人生悲剧及其深层文化原因
3.On the American Deep Culture Structure from the Perspective of the American Screened Version of Journey to the West;从美国版《西游记》看美国深层文化结构
5.The Interpretation of the Deep Cultural Information through the External Formation of Chinese Language;透过汉语表层结构释读其深层文化信息
6.On the deep cultural logic of trends of thought in modern Chinese enlightening literature;论中国现代启蒙文学思潮的深层文化逻辑
7.The Derivation and Structure of a Name Tells People about the Profound Ancient Psychology When Naming a Persons;从“名”的语源和构形看古人命名的深层文化心理
8.Cross-cultural Communication Competence and Profound Cross-cultural Awareness;跨文化交际能力与深层的跨文化意识
9.Cultural Condition: A Deep Analysis of the Relapase of "Lightening Students Burden;文化制约:“减负”回潮的深层次因素透析
10.On the Obstacles to the Implication of Language in Intercultural Communication;论跨文化沟通中的深层语言障碍问题
11.Cultural Projects: Accelerating the Revolutionary Transformation of Tourism Industry in Qingdao;文化项目:推助青岛旅游业深层变革
12.An Analysis on the profound causes of the conflict in the intercultural communication and its countermeasures;跨文化交际冲突深层原因分析与对策
13.On Significance and Ways of Business Deep Cultural Construction;论企业深层次文化建设的意义和途径
14.“Cultural Power”:the Deep Motive Power Reducing the Difference and Distance among Areas;“文化力”:缩小地区差距的深层动力
15.Filial Culture:the Mechanism that Influence Personality孝文化与中国人人格形成的深层机制
16.Implications of University System Culture and Countermeasures大学制度文化的深层意蕴与应然态势
17.Connotation and Limitations of Science Culture论“科学文化”的深层内涵及其局限
18.Types and Deep Causes of Cultural Conflicts in Cross-cultural Instruction;论跨文化教学中文化冲突的类型及深层缘由

the deep layer of culture文化深层
3)Further Cultural Features深层文化因素
4)the underlying cultural cause深层文化原因
5)cultural contrast at deep level深层文化的对比
6)deep culture structure深层文化结构
1.Yet through this version we can pierce into the American deep culture structure,including American value of individualism,value of time,of religion and of nature.但从此片我们可以看出美国的个人主义价值观、自然观、时空观、宗教观等深层文化结构。
