机构话语,institutional discourse
1)institutional discourse机构话语
1.What I focus on in this dissertation is the repair in a certain kind of institutional discourse, courtroom discourse, and it is quite different from the general conversational repair i.本文研究的中国法庭话语中的修正属于机构话语的修正,与一般会话中的修正由有所区别。

1.An Analysis of Semi-Institutional Discourse--Case Study of Business Time;半机构话语的会话分析——《商务时间》个案研究
2.A Tentative Aanlysis of Structural Discourse of Television--With Emphasis on the Generative Mechanism of Unusual Six plus one;电视娱乐节目结构的话语能力初探——兼论《非常6+1》的话语生成机制
4.A Crisis in Defining Literature and Art vs. Language Construction;当前文艺学的身份认同危机与话语体系建构
5.Deconstruction and Beyond Deconstruction: Analyzing Motives of Discourse Act as Social Semiotic;解构与超越解构:社会符号性的话语行为动机分析
6.The Changing Discourse of Higher Education: A Transdisciplinary Study Of Reconstruction of Institutional Identity;高等教育话语的新变迁——机构身份再构建的跨学科研究
7.The Pragmatic Strategy of Parole on the Part of Talk Show Host;谈话节目主持人话语构建的语用策略
8.The Embedded Sequence and Meaning Negotiation in Coversation;会话话语的内嵌语列结构与意义磋商
9.Rebulid The Words language of Composition--Look through the "Female Words language;写作话语重构——“女性话语”透视
10.Critical Discourse Analysis and Positivei Discourse Analysis:from deconstructon to construction;批评话语分析与积极话语分析:从解构走向建构
11.On Pragmatic Features of Discourse Makers in Preference Organization;会话应答结构中话语标记语的语用特征
12.Mutual Constructivity of Global Environmental Discourse and the UN Global Environmental Governance Regimes;相互建构的全球环境话语与联合国全球环境治理机制
13.A Study of Discourse Structure in the Oral Description of Pictures by Chinese Secondary EFL Learners;看图说话:中学生英语口头话语的结构特征研究
14.Study on the Interaction Framing of Discourse Markers in Talk Show;电视谈话节目话语标记语构筑互动框架研究
15.Isomorph of Ideological Expression and Medical Expression--On Lu Xun s Novels;意识形态话语与医学话语的同构——鲁迅小说研究
16.American Discourse Hegemony--A Discourse Analysis of “China Threat”;解构美国话语霸权——对“中国威胁论”的话语分析
17.Cognitive Context s Role in Discourse Production and Interpretation;认知语境在话语构建和理解中的作用
18.A Structural Study of Code-switching in BBS Conversation;从语法结构规限看BBS会话语码转换

Discourse structure话语结构
1.We should analyze meanings expressed by dif- ferent discourse structures with an eye to communication and combine linguistic instrument with linguistic ap- plication.研究汉语不能过分强调它的特殊性,应把汉语置于人类语言共性中去观察,从交际着眼,从话语结构入手,分层剖析话语结构形式所表达的各种意义、意思,把语言工具和语言应用有机地结合起来。
2.His aesthetic depend on his deep grasp and ke en insight into the context, imagery and discourse structures of the source lang uage.译者的审美价值取向取决于译者对源语的语境、意象及话语结构的洞察与把握。
3.This paper studies the grammatical difference between poetic license and the daily language from three aspects: sentence, discourse structure and syntactic structure.在句子的解体、话语结构的瓦解和句法结构从松动到离析三个层面 ,分析了诗歌语言语法和日常语言语法的差异 ,并由此指出诗歌作为一种本真言说 ,其生命力就在于以拒绝的态度来反抗日常语言语
3)discourse construction话语建构
1.This paper studies the rhetoric character of Yuqiuyu s essay from points of discourse construction and text construction .本文分别从话语建构、文本建构这两个层面来探究余秋雨散文中的修辞世界。
2.According to "Three dimensions" theory with regard to rhetoric function in Broad Sense Rhetoric, this paper studies the rhetoric character of Fangfang s novel from the points of discourse construction, text construction and subject s spiritual construction.本文按照广义修辞学关于修辞功能“三个层面”的理论构想,分别从话语建构、文本建构和主体精神建构的角度探讨方方小说的修辞特征。
3.The present paper attempts to explore the functions of metaphor in discourse construction and comprehension from a cognitive perspective.本文从认知角度探讨了隐喻在话语建构和理解中的作用,探讨了影响隐喻话语建构和理解的因素:语境和文化背景。
4)speech construction话语建构
1.With a view of Relevance Theory,compere s speech construction is discussed, so that a new breakthrough of the speech construction may be found and speech quality be improved.文章将从电视谈话节目入手,就关联理论在主持人话语建构方面的应用进行探讨,为主持人的话语建构在理论上寻找新的突破口,从而能更好服务于主持人的话语建构,以提高其话语建构的质量。
5)text construction话语构建
1.Study on principles of talk show host/hosess s text construction;谈话节目主持人话语构建原则探析
6)fictional discourse虚构话语
1.It is argued that by means of introducing literary conventions as the institutional context,fictional discourse can be re-contextuallized,hence normalized,so as to provide a solution to the ontological status issue of fictional discourse.通过可以引入文学规约作为制度性语境,将所谓的“非正常”话语或虚构话语再语境化,从而使之正常化,解决虚构话语的本体问题。
