言内行为,locutionary act
1)locutionary act言内行为
1.The essence of advertising should be a kind of parole act, on the base of it, advertising stress can be divided into three arrangements, that is, locutionary act; illocutionary act; and perlocutionary act.本文将广告作为一种语言实践的具体形式,追溯广告的本质为一种言语行为,在此基础上将广告诉求分成言内行为、言外行为和言后行为三个层次探索。
2)speech act言语行为
1.On the speech act of criticism under the Chinese context;汉语语境下批评言语行为研究
2.Research on cultural implication of polite speech act;礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究
3.A critical analysis of the responses to the speech act of apology in Chinese;论汉语道歉言语行为的回应

1.An Analysis of the Verbal Action Involving Objectivity of News Language;新闻语言客观性问题的言语行为分析
2.A Study of Legal Language Based on the Theory of “Speech Act”;基于“言语行为分析”的法律语言研究
3.Delocutive verbs in Chinese;从言语到言语行为——试谈一类词义演变
4.Indirect directives and their inspiration to communicative strategies指令类间接言语行为及言语交际策略
5.Cross-cultural Study on the Differences in Chinese and English Speech Acts中英语言言语行为差异的跨文化研究
6.the speech act of contradicting someone.否定某人的言语行为
7.Pragmalinguistic Awareness and Pragmalinguistic Competence: A Survey of EFL Learners Request Speech Acts;从“请求”言语行为看二语语用语言意识与语用语言能力
8.A Pragmatic Study of English Apologies in Netspeak;英语网络语言道歉性言语行为的语用研究
9.A Pragmalinguistic Analysis of the Speech Act Fundraising;募捐言语行为:募捐语的语言、语用学研究
10.Rhetoric is a kind of speech act whose aim is communication.修辞是言语行为,言语行为的目的是交流。
11.The Correspondence of S-Sets with A-Sets in Speech Acts;言语行为中句子集合与言语行为集合的匹配
12.The Speaker s Intention and the Process of Utterance Behavior;言语行为主体意向和言语行为过程刍议
13.Pragmatic Instruction in Chinese College English Classes: Requests;中国大学英语语用教学:请求言语行为
14.Analysis on English Apologies from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory;言语行为理论中英语道歉的语用分析
15.offensive remarks, language, behaviour无礼的言语、 语言、 行为
16.opprobrious language, remarks, deeds辱骂的语言、 言语、 行为.
17.Ethnolinguistic Vitality, Language and Cultural Attitude and Language Behavior;民族语言活力、语言态度、文化态度以及语言行为
18.a hateful person,remark, deed可恶的人、 言语、 行为

speech act言语行为
1.On the speech act of criticism under the Chinese context;汉语语境下批评言语行为研究
2.Research on cultural implication of polite speech act;礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究
3.A critical analysis of the responses to the speech act of apology in Chinese;论汉语道歉言语行为的回应
3)illocutionary act言外行为
1.The paper discusses its definition, translation, pragmatic features, and ways of rhetorical question translation and holds that the rhetorical question is not only a special question, but also an illocutionary act with many illocutionary indirect forces.通过对其定义、译名、语用、翻译等方面的具体分析,认为它不但是一种特殊形式的疑问句,而且,也是一种言外行为,表达多种间接言语行为,起着其它疑问句所无法比拟的修辞和语用作用在句型转换、言外行为和翻译实践上有它鲜明的特色。
2.Speech act includes locutionary act,illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.言语行为包括言内行为、言外行为和言后行为。
4)speech acts言语行为
1.A New Way to Understand Speech Acts: "Do Things with Words" in Virtual Reality;言语行为新解——试析在虚拟现实中“用语言做事”
2.Humor and Gender: Humorous Speech Acts and Pragmatic Strategies;幽默与性别:幽默言语行为及语用策略
3.A Contrastive Analysis of the Speech Acts of Complimenting in American English and Chinese;中英恭维言语行为对比分析
5)speech act语言行为
1.Mood,modality and speech act in modern English;现代英语中的语气、情态和语言行为
2.he gender difference of speech act is discussed from the perspective of language structure and use level with language and pragmatic theory.文章从语言结构层次和语言使用层面出发,基于语言本体及语用视角,对语言的性别化差异进行全面探讨,多层次的呈现男性和女性语言行为的差别,并试图从生理因素、角色定位、社会地位三方面分析造成这些差异的原因。
3.He concludes and criticizes three theories of meaning in analytical philosophy,that is,Grice’s intentional semantics,Frege’s truth semantics and Wittgenstein and Searle’s speech act theory,holding the universification of efficiency.他认为,语言行为不仅能行事,而且可以作为其它行为协调机制,而言说者是提出怎样的有效性要求、如何提出的有效性要求以及为什么会提出有效性要求的,是其交往行为理论的核心内容。
6)perlocutionary act言后行为
1.Meanwhile, Austin in this theory suggests three kinds of acts: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act, in which perlocutionary act is the least studied.同时 ,奥斯汀在这个理论中设想了言语行为三分说 :话语行为、言外行为和言后行为。
2.The essence of advertising should be a kind of parole act, on the base of it, advertising stress can be divided into three arrangements, that is, locutionary act; illocutionary act; and perlocutionary act.本文将广告作为一种语言实践的具体形式,追溯广告的本质为一种言语行为,在此基础上将广告诉求分成言内行为、言外行为和言后行为三个层次探索。
