政治辩论,Political Debate
1)Political Debate政治辩论
1.A Functional Analysis of Interpersonal GM in Political Debates;政治辩论中的人际语法隐喻功能分析
2.In light of Halliday\'s point of view on metaphors of mood,it aims to make an analysis of the functions of metaphors of mood in political debates,with an attempt to find out how the debaters exploit metaphors of mood to achieve their communicative functions and make their arguments more convincing.在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,着眼于政治辩论这一特定的文体,以二零零四年布什和克里的第一场总统辩论赛文本为语料,尝试着把语气隐喻作为一种视角,旨在分析政治辩论语篇中语气隐喻的言语功能。

1.A Functional Analysis of Interpersonal GM in Political Debates;政治辩论中的人际语法隐喻功能分析
2.A certain sentimentality is the common coin of political debate.某种程度的情感激动是政治辩论的共同特点。
3.Political Debate Preceding the War of Independence;美国独立战争爆发前的政治辩论及其意义
4.From Division to Debate:the Debate Reason in Xunzi's Political Philosophy由“辨”而“辩”——荀子政治哲学中的论辩理性
5.religious, political, industrial, etc disputes宗教上的争论、 政治上的辩论、 劳资纠纷
6.Critical study on political philosophy of utilitarianism in Chinese modern times;中国近代功利主义政治哲学理论辩证
7.On dialectic relationship between the politics teaching and practice;论思想政治课教学反思实践的辩证观
8.Can We Get Out of the Muddle? Progress of the Concept of Institution in Urban Politics;制度在都市政治中的论辩与研究进展
9.On the conceptions of political dialectic in Yanzi Spring-Autumn;论《晏子春秋》中的政治辩证法思想
10.On Deng Xiaoping s Political Art;邓小平的政治艺术论——“按辩证法办事”
11.Classroom argument and classroom discussion --on teaching methods for political theories;课堂辩论与课堂讨论——政治理论课教学方法谈
12.The debate in the Church about sainthood is thus just as much cultural as political.因此,天主教关于圣徒身份的辩论既是文化上的辩论又是政治上的辩论。
13.We had long debates at college about politics.我们上大学时曾长时间地辩论政治问题.
14.The Dalectical Relation of Corporate Culture and the Ideological and Political Work;论企业文化与思想政治工作的辩证关系
15.On the Political Dialectical Ideas i n Book Copied on Silks the Treatise of Political Strategis ts in the Warring States Period;论帛书《战国纵横家书》中的政治辩证法思想
16.On the political dialectic ideas in the four Taoist books found in the Mawangdui tomb;论马王堆四种黄老帛书中的政治辩证法思想
17.On the Dialectical Relationship Between Ideological and Political Educators in Institutions of Higher Learning and Network Ideological and Political Education;论高校思想政治教育工作者与网络思想政治教育的辩证关系
18.Discuss the Dialectical Unification of Instilling Theory and Instilling Method in Ideological and Political Education in the New Era;论新时期思想政治教育中的理论灌输与灌输方法的辩证统一

Dialectical T Treatment辩证论治
3)political dialectics政治辩证法
4)glib politician善辩的政治家
5)diagnosis and treating with traditional Chinese medicine中医辩证论治
6)political theory政治理论
1.Analysis on political theory s conformity to aim and harmony of ideological and political work entity;政治理论的合目的性与思想政治工作实体和谐分析
2.The Political Theory Concept of Niccolo Machiavelli;论马基雅维里的政治理论观
3.Practicality is the critical point of political theory courses;强化实践性是增强政治理论课生命力的关键点

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。