语际语用失误,interlingual pragmatic failure
1)interlingual pragmatic failure语际语用失误
1.But the researches done on this topic have been confined to interlingual pragmatic failure,and almost no research has done to intralingual pragmatic failure.但目前的成果仅限于对跨文化交际中的语用失误(即:语际语用失误)进行研究,对同一母语文化交际中出现的语用失误(即:语内语用失误)却鲜有论及。
2.Pragmatic failure can be classified into interlingual pragmatic failure and intralingual pragmatic failure.语际语用失误与语内语用失误是语用失误的两种类型。
3.But the researches done on this topic have been confined to interlingual pragmatic failure,and almost no research has been done to intralingual pragmatic failure.语用失误是语用学中的一个重要研究课题,但目前的成果仅限于对跨文化交际中的语用失误(语际语用失误)进行研究,对同一母语文化交际中出现的语用失误(语内语用失误)却鲜有论及。

1.A Study of Interlingual Pragmatic Failure and Intralingual Pragmatic Failure Based on Adaptation Theory语际语用失误与语内语用失误的顺应性研究
2.A Cognitive-pragmatic Explanation of Pragmatic Failures between Men and Women男女交际中语用失误的认知语用阐释
3.Pragmatic Failures in Nonverbal Communication: A Perspective of Intercultural Communicative Context;跨文化交际语境中的非言语交际语用失误分析
5.On English Hedges's Communicative Functions and Pragmatic Failures英语模糊限制语的言语交际功能与语用失误
6.A Study on Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure and ELT跨文化交际语用失误及英语教学研究
7.Pragmatic Failure in Intercultural Communication and English Language Teaching;跨文化交际中的语用失误与英语教学
8.The Pragmatic Failure in Gross-cultural Communication and ESL Teaching;跨文化交际中的语用失误和英语教学
9.The Pragmatic Failure in Cross-cultural Communication and the Foreign Language Teaching跨文化交际中的语用失误与外语教学
10.Analyzing Pragmatic Failure in Intercultural Nonverbal Communication and Foreign Language Teaching;非语言交际中语用失误分析与外语教学
11.Implications of Pragmatic Failure in Trans-cultural Communication on the Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence;跨文化交际语用失误对语用能力培养的启示
12.The Carses of Pragmatic Failure in Cross - Cultural Communication and the Pragmatic Strategy;跨文化交际中语用失误的原因及语用策略
13.Pragmatic Relevance and Recategorization of Pragmatic Failure;语用关联与跨文化交际中的五类语用失误
14.Analysis on the Pragmatic Failure and Reasons in the Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的语用失误及原因分析
15.The Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure and English Teaching;跨文化交际的语用失误及其教学策略
16.The Causes and Strategies of Pragmatic Failure in Cross-Cultural Communication;跨文化交际中语用失误的成因及对策
17.Pragmatic Failure in Different Culture Society for Chinese Students;中国学生在跨文化交际中的语用失误
18.Thinking Pattern and Language Misuse in Crossing-culture Communication;思维模式与跨文化交际中的语用失误

pragmatic-communicative failure语用-交际失误
3)pragmatic failures语用失误
1.An analysis on pragmatic failures of foreign-related majors;涉外专业学生的语用失误分析
2.Pragmatic Failures in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的语用失误
3.This paper analyzes some pragmatic failures in advertising translation from the aspects of language,culture,custom,view of value and so on;explores the important significance of cultural background and elaborates on some principles to avoid pragmatic failures in cross-cultural advertising translation.文章从语言、文化习俗、价值观等方面,分析了英汉广告翻译中所出现的一些语用失误,探讨了文化背景在广告翻译中的重要意义,阐述了跨文化广告翻译中避免语用失误的原则。
4)pragmatic mistakes语用失误
1.Based on the theory of pragmatics,the essay analyses the phenomena of pragmatic mistakes in communicating with other countries in English.在语用学理论指导的基础上 ,分析了用英语进行跨文化交际时的语用失误现象 ,列举了使用“称谓语”、“招呼语”、“称赞语及回答”等经常出现的语用失误 ,并指出了失误的原因及正确的说法。
2.People with different cultural background are easy to make pragmatic mistakes caused by cultural differences in cross-cultural communication.文章列举一些典型的语用失误,并分析其产生的原因及改进方法。
5)pragmatic errors语用失误
1.Pragmatic Errors in Business English and the Cultural Analysis and Understanding;商务英语语用失误及其文化解读
2.Therefore,there should be enough understanding about the pragmatic errors in daily oral intercourse,which are caused by native interference and non-understanding of the cultural differences in Chinese and English.语言学习的根本目的在于培养语言学习者的交际能力,所以对于本族文化的干扰以及对文化差异的不了解而导致的交际失误应有一个更明确的认识,即结合社会文化背景来正确使用和理解英汉交际言语,尽量避免语用失误从而达到理想的社交目的。
3.We found that igeorance of pragmatic faculty,more frewuency of pragmatic errors and lack of cross-culture knowledge are universal among them. 通过问卷、访谈等手段对一年级硕士研究生进行了有关其语言能力方面的教学研究,发现研究生普遍存在着语用能力的无知,语用失误的频繁以及跨文化知识的缺乏等问题。
6)pragmatics failure语用失误
1.Analysis on pragmatics failure in cross-culture communication and its countermeasure;浅析跨文化交际中语用失误的原因及对策
2.The problems in the Chinese-English translation of propagation language,which include linguistic errors,pragmatics failures and socialpragmatic failures,were analyzed with real examples.这些问题包括语言错误和社交语用失误。
3.This article studied some typical cases of pragmatics failure which come naturally and frequently to the Chinese students in their English expression,thus revealing the negative influence of pragmatics failure on the intercultural communication and the impressing necessity to strengthen their pragmatics competence.通过对中国学生英语表达中常见和典型的语用失误现象的分析并辅之以一定的实例 ,揭示出这些人们熟视无睹的语用失误的危害 ,从而证实在外语教学中增强文化意识、培养语用能力的重要性和必要性 ,并提出了纠正语用失误的几点主张和看法。

语用语用pragmatics  yUyong语用(pr耀”atics)程序与使用者的关系。语用学是以语用为研究对象的学科。Ada语言中的编用,即其语用。它用于向编译程序传递信息。编用以保留字pragl飞a开头,后跟一标识符,这是该编用的名字。在语言文本的附件中描述语言定义的编用,Ada语言的每个实现都必须支持这些编用。