动态意象,dynamic image
1)dynamic image动态意象
1.Folk-dance is a kind of dynamic images created with material and intangible culture by a given cultural group.民间舞是由特定文化群体利用文化物质材料和文化主体精神综合创造的动态意象

1.On Reproduction of Images in C-E Poetry Translation;古诗词英译中意象的传递——从两首古诗英译看动态意象和静态意象的传递
2.A Structural Interpretation of the Development of the Dynamic Images of Dai Folk-dance;对傣族民间舞动态意象演变的结构阐释
3.A Corpus-based Study of the Salience of Motor Image of Body Part Terms and Its Transmission in the Noun-verb Conversion;英语人体名词动态意象的突显及其在名动转化过程中的传递
4.On Liu Xie’s Dynamic Creation and Triple-meaning Construction of Image;论刘勰“意象”的动态创造与三重意义建构
5.Still Composed When Cloud Flying--Discussing the Beauty of Trends of MAO Ze-dong s Poems Simply;乱云飞渡仍从容——试析毛泽东诗词意象的动态美
6.On Translating Cultural Images in Chinese and English Proverbs from the Pragmatic Perspective of Dynamics of Adaptability;从语用动态顺应论看汉英谚语的文化意象翻译研究
7.The Political Campaign as Genre: Iconography and Ideological Affinity in the Cinema of the Seventeen Years;作为类型的政治运动:十七年电影中的象征与意识形态关联
8.Probing into Action and State Meanings of English Sentence Patterns;英语句式中表示动作和状态意义的语言现象探究
9.The Flowing and Changing Image:Image Perusal of the Poem Duan Zhang;意象的流动与转换——《断章》意象细读
10.Image and Abstract in Form of Museum;意象与抽象——博物馆建筑形态构成初探
11.the mental representation of sexual activities.性交活动的意识图象。
12.Is the actual thread to which this object references still alive? Note that the actual state may change before this function returns.此对象所引用的实际线程是否仍处于活动状态?请注意,实际状态可能在此函数返回之前已更改。
13.Ideology as the Fantasy: On Ideology Theory of Slavoj Zizek;作为幻象的意识形态:齐泽克意识形态理论研究
14.It imparts to readers impressive artistic figure, conceived with imposing imagination.艺术形象生动的感人,意象雄奇瑰丽。
15.Bible Images and Symbols in The Sound and the Fury;《喧哗与骚动》的圣经意象和文学象征
16.The Comparison of the Symbolic Meaning of Animal Images in Sino-Russian Culture;汉俄文化中动物形象象征意义的比较
17.Research on Some Problems about Still Image Retrieval and Digital Video Parsing;静态图象检索与动态图象分割若干问题的研究
18.On the Symbolic significance of The Sound and the Fury;死亡与象征——解析《喧哗与骚动》中的象征意象

Image of dynamic landscape动态景观意象
3)form image形态意象
1.Composition and expressway of form image and meanings;形态意象寓意的构成与表现
4)ecology imago生态意象
1.Constructing ecology imago,taking the narrative perspective skillfully,establishing many kinds of dialogs,and so on,are common narration ways of the eco-literature.建构生态意象,寄寓生态理想;创新叙述视角,激发共鸣效应;巧置多元对话,倾听自然声音等,都是生态文学艺术化叙事的常用方式。
5)Image Embodiment意象形态
1.The Developing Tendancy of Polybasication and Diversification of Image Embodiment and Trad. Ch. painting;意象形态与国画多元化多样性发展态势
6)static images静态意象
1.Verbs or dynamic images stand out in Mao Zedong poems,and even nouns or static images imply dynamic connotation.毛泽东诗词中的意象以动词或动态为著,即便是名词或静态意象,也往往暗含动态。

情绪性意象法情绪性意象法emotive imagery 情绪性意象法(emotive imagery)由拉扎勒斯(Lazarus,A.A.)和亚伯拉莫维茨(Abram。vitz,A.)创用的一种系统脱敏法变式。这种脱敏法与经典的系统脱敏法的区别在J二,它不要求对病人首先进行放松训练,而是要求治疗者诱发病人积极的情绪以对抗焦虑和恐惧反应。在实施治疗过程中,治疗者一边让病人按焦虑层次依次接触令他感到恐惧的事物或情境,一边通过形象化的语言或视听手段描述那些令病人感到愉快、轻松、骄傲和喜爱的事物与情境。这些描述所激发出的积极情绪、情感可以抑制或消除恐惧的意象,从而瓦解恐惧刺激物同恐惧反应间的联系。这种方法最初被用于儿童(因为儿童不易掌握放松技巧),后来又被用于具有丰富想像能力的青少年。 (梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)