性别观念,gender concept
1)gender concept性别观念
1.From the following three aspects, that is, the analysis of the "correct world", reversion of the "red" and "white" world and the overturning the established world, Zhang Ailing s medium-length novel Red Rose and White Rose questioned and overturned the gender concept in the patriarchy-centered cultural context.张爱玲的著名中篇小说《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》,从解剖"对的世界"、逆转"红""白"世界、以及颠覆"既定的世界"等三个方面,质疑并颠覆了男权中心文化语境中的性别观念

1.Impacts of Sex,Gender Role on Undergraduates Gender Belief;性别、性别角色对大学生性别观念的影响
2.Current Conditions of Social Sex Idea in the Modern Society Strengthening the Education of Sex Consiousness;当今社会性别观念现状与加强性别意识教育
3.Analysis of Cultivating Correct Sex Concept among Contemporary College Students;试论当代大学生正确性别观念的培养
4.A Peep of Gender Concept in Tie Ning’ Works from Stupid Flower;由《笨花》看铁凝作品中的性别观念
5.Impacts of Sex,Gender Role and Gender Belief on Undergraduates Personality Traits;性别、性别角色和性别观念对大学生人格特征的影响
6.sex stereotyping in the mass media and advertising大众媒体和广告中宣言的陈旧的性别观念
7.Researches on the Government Systems for the Social Sexual Concept Propagated by the Mass Media;大众传媒传播社会性别观念的政府规制研究
8.On Construction of the Harmony Gender Concept in Native TV Advertisements;论我国电视广告中和谐性别观念的构建
9.sex-stereotypes (对)性别的陈规定型观念
10.idea of the inferiority or the superiority of the sexes因性别而分尊卑的观念
11.The Opinion On Family Gender Equality and the Cognition On Controlling the Sex Ratios of Infants;家庭性别平等观念与控制出生人口性别比认知
12.gender-based stereotyping基于性别的陈规定型观念
13.gender roles stereotypes性别角色的陈规定型观念
14.Gender-Oppression in the Transformation of"Eros" to"Agape";从“爱欲”到“圣爱”观念转化中的性别压迫
15.On Love-affairs & Marriage of Undergraduates Today;从性别视角看当代大学生的婚恋观念
16.Analysing the Status of Childbearing Concept and the Birth Sex Ratio in Our Country;我国出生性别比与生育观念现状分析
17.Effects of Gender, Culture, Personality and Belief about Language Learning on Learning Styles;性别、文化、性格及观念对学习风格的影响
18.Hemingway s Skeptical View about the Coherence of Sex, Gender, and Desire;海明威对性,性别,欲望三位一体传统观念的质疑

notion of gender性别观念
1.This paper makes an analysis of female university students disadvantage in seeking employment from political,economic,cultural aspects and puts forward solutions through the development of market economy,reestablishment of social notion of gender,perfection of social security system,improvement of quality of female university students and encouragement of their self-employment.概述女大学生就业现状,分析造成女大学生就业劣势的社会政治、经济、文化因素等主客观原因,提出应当大力发展市场经济,重树社会性别观念,健全社会支持保障系统,提高自身素质,倡导女大学生自主创业的建议。
3)harmony gender concept和谐性别观念
4)gender conception社会性别观念
1.The ability through which the media operator cognizes gender conception and analyzes social phenomena by use of gender analysis approach , to some extent, determines the media s gender orientation and affects the gender conception of the general public.传媒工作者的社会性别观念认知水平及其运用社会性别分析方法分析社会现象的能力,从某种程度上决定着该媒体的社会性别导向,从而影响着公众的社会性别观念
5)gender belief性别观念类型
1.To examine the difference of undergraduates personality traits in sex,gender role stereotype and gender belief stereotype,a sample of 552 undergraduates was tested by BSRI,NEO-PI-R,CAPI and gender belief stereotype scale.通过对北京市5所大学552名大学生的调查,探讨性别、性别角色类型和性别观念类型对大学生人格特征的影响。
6)idea of sex roles性别角色观念
1.This paper believes that sex discrimination is based on the stereotyped sex roles and specious knowledge about the differences between male and female, naturally squired in the process of people s forming their idea of sex roles.文章认为 ,在性别角色观念习得的过程中 ,人们自然地习得性别角色所产生的性别刻板印象以及许多似是而非的关于两性差异的认识 ,是产生性别歧视的认知基础。
