词义变异,Semantic variation
1)Semantic variation词义变异
1.Semantic variation is a common feature of language.词义变异是一种非常普遍的语言现象,社会的发展。

1.The Function of Metaphor and Metonymy in the Variation of the Words Meaning;影响词义变异的心理因素——隐喻和转喻
2.The Psychological Function of Metonymy in Variation of Words'Meaning from WAG从“WAG”看转喻对词义变异的心理影响因素
3.The Chang of Color Words Meaning during "the Great Culture Revolution";“文革”时期颜色词的意义变异及原因
4.On Derivational Change and Semantic Construction of "A-Ling" in Chinese;“A领”词族的衍生变异与语义构造
5.A Study on the Basis of Semantic Variation--Dynamic Functional Mechanism of Lexical Semantics;论语义变异的理据——词汇语义的动态作用机制
6." English Synonyms"<英语同义词辩异>。
7.The Verbal Transfer Meanings and Variation of Theta Structure--A study on the verbal cognitive trope论动词转义的题元结构变异机制——动词语义的认知转喻研究
8.Research on the Neologisms and New Senses in Huayu from Perspective of Regional Variation and Interaction区域变异与互动视角下的华语新词新义研究
9.Exploration of the Change of English Word Meaning from Socio-Linguistic Perspective从社会语言学的角度探索英语词义的变异
10.On Lexical and Semantic Deviation in Advertising English广告英语中词汇和语义的变异现象研究
11.Non-biased Anti-sense Meaning of the Word Semantic Variability of Analytical and Teaching Difficulties;非偏义反义复合词的语义变异特征及教学难点解析
12.Variability of semantic funcfion of popular dialect words;通用领域流行的方言词的语义功能变异——从地域方言词“大佬”谈起
13.On English Polysemy and Homonymy;试论英语多义词与同形异义词的识别
14.On Homophone-synonym and Metathesis-synonym of Modern Chinese;论现代汉语同音同义词和异序同义词
15.The Same Words with Different Meaning" and "Different Words with the Same Meaning" in Ancient Chinese Buddhist Scripture古代汉文佛典中的“同词异义”与“异词同义”
16.Effects of Anglo-Mandarin Translation upon the Deviation of Semantic Structures in HK Written Chinese --The Keyword "Chance" as a Case英汉翻译的影响与香港书面汉语的语义结构变异——以“机会”一词为例
17.An Analysis of Personal Pronouns from the Pragmatistic Layer;语用层面上的“人称代词”解析——“你”与“您”的语用意义及变异
18.Some authors use the term "variation" in a technical sense, as implying a modification directly due to the physical conditions of life.有些学者以为变异这一名词的专门意义,是指那种由生活的物理条件所直接引起的变异。

change of meaning词义变化
3)word meaning evolution词义演变
1.The word meaning evolution should be studied both synchronically and diachronically,since a survey of word meaning evolution from the ancient times will easily show that it is not as simple as only in the ways of expansion,narrowing,and shift.对词义演变的探讨要从共时和历时的角度出发,因为纵观古今词义的演变不难发现,词义演变不仅仅是扩大、缩小和转移那样简单。
4)changing of words meaning词义演变
1.It is also a main approach of changing of words meaning.隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段更是一种思维方式,是人类认知、了解世界的重要工具,也是词义演变的主要方式。
5)transference of meanings词义改变
1.This paper discusses the new words that are composed of two or more parts and some new words with transference of meanings.随着现代科技的发展及社会政治、经济、生活的变化 ,许多现代英语新词应运而生 ,其中很多是由合成法及由词义改变而构成的 ,这些英语新词不仅具有时代特色 ,而且极大地丰富了英语词汇。
6)semantic change词义演变
1.An analysis of the causes and types of semantic changes helps English learners better understand the nature of the language.详细分析词义演变的原因及类型 ,将有助于读者加深理解词语的本质 ,体会词义演变这一必然趋
2.With the development of modern linguistic theories, in recent years, semantic change has become a central issue again in many fields such as semantics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, etc.词义演变不是一个新课题,最早的研究见于法国语言学家Breal在1893年出版的《语义学:意义科学的研究》一书,在现代语言学理论的关照下,词义演变研究再次成为研究热点,引起语义学、语用学、认知语言学、社会语言学等许多学科的关注。

词义1.文辞﹑言词的义理。 2.文词和义理。 3.语言学术语。指词的语音形式所表达的意义﹐包括词的词汇意义和语法意义。