性别歧视笑话,Sexist Jokes
1)Sexist Jokes性别歧视笑话
2)gender discrimination性别歧视
1.The Demographic Consequences of Gender Discrimination——Simulation Analysis Based on Public Policies;性别歧视的人口后果——基于公共政策视角的模拟分析
2.Gender Discrimination and Gender Equality: Comparative Study of Legislation and Reality;性别歧视与性别平等:法律与现实的比较研究
3.Initial analysis of the gender discrimination in English language浅谈英语语言中的性别歧视

1.The sex discrimination act define two kinds of sex discrimination... direct and indirect.《反性别歧视法》阐释了直接歧视和接歧视。
2.Racial and Sexual Discrimination in English Language;谈英语语言中的性别歧视和种族歧视
3.principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of gender不得有性别歧视的原则
4.non-sexist working relationship无性别歧视的工作关系
5.publish one's reflections on sexism发表对性别歧视的看法.
6.Do you have any particular views on sexual discrimination?你对性别歧视有什么特别的见解?
7.Decodings of "Sexism" Terms in Chinese and English from Cultural Perspective;文化视角中的汉英“性别歧视”语解读
8.On Sex Discrimination in Employment--A Sociological Analysis论就业性别歧视——一种社会学分析视角
9.One form of gender discrimination is sexual harassment.性别歧视的一种表现形势是性骚扰。
10.Sexism in Professional Lexicon of French;从法语职业词汇构词看女性性别歧视
11.Difference of women s liberation between China and the West in view of sexism;从性别歧视观看中西女性解放的差异
12.On Women s Social Position from the Perspective of Sexism in English and Chinese;从英汉语言性别歧视现象看女性地位
13.The Trade-Wage Preference in Women s Employment and Sexual Discrimination;女性就业的行业—工资倾向与性别歧视
14.The Causes of Gender Discrimination and its Impact in Female Entrepreneurship女性创业中的性别歧视根源及其影响
15.The Unrealisticness of Linguistic Gender Equality from the Perspective of Sexism in English;从语言性别歧视看英语中性别平等的非现实性
16.Discussion on Sexual Discrimination from the Language Distinction between Male and Female in English;从男性与女性用语的区别看英语中的性别歧视
17.She was offended at/by his sexist remarks.他那些性别歧视的话把她惹恼了.
18.She has filed a suit against the college for sex discrimination她对那所大学提出性别歧视的诉讼

gender discrimination性别歧视
1.The Demographic Consequences of Gender Discrimination——Simulation Analysis Based on Public Policies;性别歧视的人口后果——基于公共政策视角的模拟分析
2.Gender Discrimination and Gender Equality: Comparative Study of Legislation and Reality;性别歧视与性别平等:法律与现实的比较研究
3.Initial analysis of the gender discrimination in English language浅谈英语语言中的性别歧视
3)sexual discrimination性别歧视
1.Economic Analysis of sexual discrimination in employment;就业中性别歧视的经济学浅析
1.Study on sexism and its elimination in English again;英语中性别歧视及其消除的再审视
2.Sexism in Culture and its Reflections in Language;文化中的性别歧视及其在英语语言中的反映
3.Research on the Origin of Sexism Culture in English;英语中“性别歧视”的文化溯源
5)sex discrimination性别歧视
1.Sex discrimination, Women s Rights Movement and Language Reconstruction;性别歧视 女权运动 语言改造
2.Conditions of Sex Discrimination on Chinese Labor Markets and Its Analysis;中国劳动力市场性别歧视状况及其分析
3.The Strategic Analysis of Sex Discrimination to Feminine Academician's Employment女大学生就业的性别歧视的对策探析
6)sexist word性别歧视词
1.The study on sexist words is one of the important aspects of the relationship between language and gender.文章试图从文化的视角来解释和分析英汉语言中性别歧视语的表现、存在原因、性别歧视词的规避以及语言与社会之间的作用与反作用关系。

性别歧视性别歧视sex discrimination  性别歧视(sex diserimination)针对特定性别在行为上的不公正的、否定性的表现。在母系社会之后的人类社会中,最普遍和常见的是对女性的歧视。如对女性参政、议政的排斥,对就业、提升、工资待遇和职业地位的苛求,在家庭生活中对女性的虐待和随意离弃等等。性别歧视不仅为某些男性所采取,也时常为某些女性所接纳,即所谓女性的自我歧视。歧视可直接来自性别偏见,也可来自社会规范的压力、社会习俗的制约。 (葛杏熹撰高玉样审)