社交距离,social distance
1)social distance社交距离
1.More recently the field of research has expanded to include the effects of social factors, such as relative power, gender difference and social distance.最近的研究领域已经扩展到社会因素对其的影响,如权力、性别差别及社交距离
2.Indirect speech acts can be used for the presentation of mutual social distance,or the evasion of some subtle problems,and some linguistic skills for reaching certain purposes in communication.人们对间接言语行为的使用是为了表现人际之间的社交距离,或者体现人际之间对某些敏感问题的回避态度,间接言语行为还体现了人们为达到某一目的时所使用的语言技巧。

1.Social distance covers people who work together or are meeting at social gatherings. Distances here tend to be kept between 1.30 to 2 metres.社交距离是在一起工作或在社交场合中相识的人之间的距离,一般在1.30至2米间。
2.Because of his drinking, I kept my distance from him on social occasions.由于他嗜酒,我在社交场合中都同他保持距离。
3.horizontal social distance横向社会距离 横向社会距离
4.widely spaced grade-separated junction宽距离分层路口交汇处
5.within speaking distance在能交谈的距离之内
6.Bogardus Social Distance Scale波格达社会距离量表
7.range hand wheel距离手轮, 距离盘
8.being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting.到每一处的距离都相等并且不相交的。
9.To deal with someone at arm's length与某人保持一定距离的交易
10.Revised TOPSIS Method Based on Vertical Projection Distance -Vertical Projection Method;基于“垂面”距离的TOPSIS法——正交投影法
11.Maximal Sets of Alternate Matrices over a Principal Ideal Domain交换主理想整环上交错矩阵的距离与极大集
12.Research on Traffic Organization Design of Shopping Center at Two Near Crossings商业区近距离交叉口交通组织设计研究
13.Code-Switching:The Implicit Symbol of Social Distance and Identity;语码转换:社会距离与社会身份的隐性标志
14.Zero Distance" from Student to Society Close Relation between Education and the Social Need;学生与社会“零距离” 教育与社会需求紧结合
15.The distance from the origin to the point at which a line, curve, or surface intersects a coordinate axis.截距从原点到一条直线、曲线或平面上的点的距离,与坐标轴相交
16.distance from midship to center of floatation浮心距船中距离漂心距船中距离
17.range-range positioning圆-圆定位,距离-距离定位
18.stopping distance停车距离(制动距离)

social distance社会距离
1.The social distance between urban residents and migrant workers:an institutional analysis;市民与农民工的社会距离:一个制度分析(英文)
2.Social Distance and the Third Person Effect:a Case Study of Net Pornography among Secondary School Students社会距离与第三者效果——中学生网络色情传播效果分析
3.After the verification of this theory,its affecting factors have become one of the topics of general interests in communication study,such as information condition,social distance and personality.第三人效应的假设得到验证之后,其影响因素如信息类型、社会距离、个性特点等越来越成为研究的热点。
3)mating distance交配距离
4)Mixing dislance混交距离
5)distance intersection距离交会
1.Survey point data correcting technique based on distance intersection principle;基于距离交会原理的测点数据纠正新方法
2.And it deduce mathematical model of corrected coordinates data,about confused coordinates,with distance intersection arithmetic this new technique.提出了采用距离交会算法对测点坐标进行改正的新方法,导出坐标数据改正的数学模型,总结出了用一种数学模型解决控制点坐标有误甚至无控制点坐标等多种错误类型的测点坐标改正方法及其注意事项,并用VC编写了相应的程序工具,经实验数据验证了它的可行性和正确性。
6)transactional distance交互距离
