安慰语,consoling words
1)consoling words安慰语
1.When the hearer is in the sorrow,anger and pain mood for suffering from misfortune and setback,the speaker will make use of consoling words to lessen or remove this mood.当听话者遭受不幸、挫折而处于忧伤、气愤、痛苦等消极情绪状态时,说话者往往会采取安慰语来减轻或消除这种情绪。
1.This thesis attempts to conduct a descriptive study on the realization of comforting in the Chinese context from a pragmatic perspective, based on the speech act theories and politeness theories.安慰言语行为属于表达类行为,它本质上是一种礼貌和使人受益的行为。

1.placebo effect, ie beneficial effect of taking a placebo宽慰作用(服安慰剂后的).
2.You are just saying that to make me feel better.你刚才说的话不过是安慰安慰我罢了。
3."Give comfort, give comfort, to my people, says your God."你们的神说,你们要安慰安慰我的百姓。
4.Consolation:The act or an instance of consoling.安慰:安慰(他人)的行为或实例.
5.Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.哦,这是安慰与喜悦的消息,安慰与喜悦。
6.Your sympathy has brought us at comfort.你的慰问给我带来了莫大的安慰
7.To soothe in time of affliction or distress.慰藉对苦恼和忧伤的及时安慰
8.Solace in time of grief or fear.慰藉在悲伤和惧怕时的安慰
9.Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.你们的神说、们要安慰、慰我的百姓。
10.Her words had a soothing effect.她的话起了安慰的作用。
11.One that brings or provides comfort.带来或提供安慰的人
12.person or thing that consoles带来安慰的人或事物
13.Two Stars for Comfort两颗给人安慰的星星
14.I appreciate your kind words.我很感谢你好心的安慰
15.He tried to find ways of mollifying her.他想方设法安慰她.
16.But his laughter was forced, for he had been very moved by her emotion.他感动地、爱怜地安慰道。
17.She is a great comfort to her parents.她是双亲极大的安慰
18.He was sobbing inconsolably.他无法安慰地哭泣着。

1.This thesis attempts to conduct a descriptive study on the realization of comforting in the Chinese context from a pragmatic perspective, based on the speech act theories and politeness theories.安慰言语行为属于表达类行为,它本质上是一种礼貌和使人受益的行为。
1.Discussion of the effect of placebo control in randomized controlled trials(RCTs);安慰剂对照在中药临床研究中的作用探讨
2.Influence of placebo and duration in hospital on transaminase;安慰剂与住院时间对转氨酶的影响
3.A review of the ethical issues related to the use of placebo controls in conducting clinical trials;临床试验中应用安慰剂的伦理学争议评价
5)Placebo needle安慰针
6)consoling strategy安慰策略

安慰香分子式:CAS号:性质:(一)benzoin 又称苯偶姻、α-羟基-α-苯基苯乙酮(α-hydroxy-α-phenylacetophenone)或苯甲酰苯甲醇(benzoylphenyl carbinol)。针状白色或淡黄色晶体。有对映异构。(R)-构型熔点131~132.5℃,旋光度-117.5°。(S)-构型熔点131~132.5℃,旋光度-118.4°。外消旋体熔点137℃;沸点344℃(102.4kPa),194℃(1.6kPa);相对密度1.3100。溶于苯、乙醇、丙酮,微溶于水、乙醚。有持久香味。有互变异构现象。氧化生成1,2-二酮,还原生成1,2-二醇。由苯甲醛在氰化钠或维生素B1催化下双分子缩合制得。用作香料定香剂,合成医药、染料的试剂。(二)Benzoinum 安息香料植物白花树[Styrax tonkinensis (Pierre)Craib ex Hart.]的干燥树脂。辛、苦,平。主要成分为泰国树脂酸和苯甲酸松柏醇酯;还含苯甲酸、苯甲酸桂皮醇酯和香荚兰醛。具有开窍清神行气,活血、止痛的作用。用于中风痰厥,气郁暴厥,中恶昏迷,心腹疼痛,产后血晕,小儿惊风。