汉语书信,Chinese letters
1)Chinese letters汉语书信
1.An analysis of phatic inquiries in the opening of Chinese letters;汉语书信开头段中问询语寒暄功能分析

1.An analysis of phatic inquiries in the opening of Chinese letters;汉语书信开头段中问询语寒暄功能分析
2.A Study on Forms and Functions of Apologizing Act in Chinese Personal Letters道歉 寒暄 礼貌——汉语书信启辞中道歉语形式与功能研究
3.grass character(汉语、日语)草字[书]
4.You can find out about Chinese books in this library.你可以在这个图书馆里找到有关汉语书的信息。
5.A Comparison between the Grammar Part of a Course in Chinese Language and That of the Chinese Textbook;《汉语教程》与《汉语教科书》语法部分比较
6.Research on Automatic-identification of Punctuated Phrases in Chinese Complex Sentences;面向中文信息处理的汉语复句中书读短语的自动识别研究
7.The Legal Words and Expressions in Hanshu and Amendment to the Grand Dictionary of Chinese Language;《汉书》法律词语与《汉语大词典》的修订
8.The Phonetic Phenomena of Chinese in Yan Shigu s Hanshu Zhu;颜师古《汉书注》中的汉语语音现象
9.Study on the Spreading of Analects of Confucius of the Han Dynasty in Terms of Shi Ji, Han Shu and Hou Han Shu;从《史记》、《汉书》、《后汉书》看《论语》在两汉的流传
10.Chinese speech digital signal processing汉语语音数字信号处理
11.Chinese Translation of Western Works & Formation of New Punctuation Marks in Chinese;汉译西书与汉语新式标点符号的形成
12.An analysis of the information characteristics of Chinese words from Chinese character ‘chi’;从汉字“吃”看汉语词语的信息特征
13.A Second Sequel: Explanation of the Words Appearing in Houhanshu but not Collected by Lexicons;《后汉书》所见辞书未收词语考释再续
14.Chinese information processing--Vocabulary--Part 02: Chinese and Chinese characterGB/T12200.2-1994汉语信息处理词汇02部分:汉语和汉字
15.The Development of Prepositive Objects in the Middle Ancient Chinese from History of Eastern Han;从《后汉书》看中古汉语宾语前置句式的发展
16.She translated the book from Chinese into English.她把那本书由汉语翻译成了英语。
17.Common chinese abbrieviations used in dictionariesGB/T15933-1995辞书编纂常用汉语缩略语
18.The language of the Japanese, written in kana mixed with Chinese characters.日语带有汉字特征的书写的日本语言

Chinese Letter Writing Form汉语书信写作楷式
3)written Chinese汉语书面语
4)Chinese textbook汉语教科书
1.The Chinese textbook edited by Korean dynasty(1392-1910) can be considered a record of spoken Chinese of Yuan(元),Ming(明) and Qing(清) dynasties.朝鲜王朝(1392-1910)所编汉语教科书可视为元明清三代的口语实录,是研究近代汉语的一份极其宝贵的语料。
5)Chinese textbooks汉语教科书
1.They are referred to as Chinese textbooks.日本江户、明治时期,不论是儒学教材还是汉语口语教材都是以汉字写成,我们统称之为汉语教科书。
6)archaic Chinese particular books古汉语专书
1.From the research in archaic Chinese particular books,we can know the meaning systems of polyemant,inspect the opposite relation of antonyms and find new works and new meanings.通过古汉语专书反义词的研究可以了解多义词的词义系统、考察反义词的对立关系,还可以抉发新词新义,因而对大型语文工具书的编纂与修订有重要的意义。

《毛泽东书信手迹选》  中国档案汇编。中共中央文献研究室、中央档案馆合编,邓小平题写书名,文物出版社、档案出版社1983年出版,分线装、甲级精装、乙级精装、平装4种。该选集是为了纪念毛泽东诞辰90周年而编印的,共收入1936~1965年的书信84封,按时间顺序排列。绝大部分根据中央档案馆收藏的手迹原件印制,是第一次公开发表。其中有写给任弼时、陈云、董必武、杨尚昆、胡乔木、田家英等革命战友和身边工作人员的;有写给宋庆龄、何香凝、柳亚子、郭沫若等爱国民主人士和社会名流的;有写给艾思奇、范文澜、周扬、沈雁冰、郑振铎、齐白石等文化理论界知名人士的;有写给毛岸英、毛岸青、李淑一等亲属和故旧的。这些书信从多方面反映了毛泽东的革命实践活动,反映了他同党内外人士广泛的联系,也反映了毛泽东精湛的书法艺术。